I’m sorta confused what the point of lvling last lvl 100 is. Is it
like something just for bragging rights for such a high level or is
there an actual purpose to continuously training a pokemon. Sowwy
if it’s super obvious but being new to this I don’t really see much
and I feel dumb >^<
Dude, are you really? 100 lvl? Do you need it? Maybe anybody else?
Frankly speaking, It's just spending of time in vain. Instead of
getting this lvl, you can read the book, help parents, plan the
business, learn new language, work, etc. Moreover, It's foolish to
brag with losing of the time, playing game, that don't give you
anything. Frankly speaking, it's generally foolish to brag with
something, because during bragging you lose time, that you can use
in more profitable way. So, if your friends brag, that they have
succeed this 100 lvl, show the article "Stop
Bragging". Hope after it, they will change their points
of view.
I mean, I just leave Pokémon in my party and they level up.
Levelling isn’t an active thing, it’s more to do with how much you
love your Pokemon in my eyes. Like my very first shiny has been in
my party for years, not at this moment it’s not in there but it’s
gotten above level 1000 ._ .