"I like drawing trees and people, and I doodle my Pokedoll
sometimes..." Tikaia looks up and back down again, putting
finishing touches on her drawing.
"Is my face pink or purple?" She asks between bouts of laughter,
partially joking but also curious.
(I've said people before. Don't be like that, man.)
Shaifty: No...but that would be even more adorable! *grabs silver
and brings her up to his face then... He... kisses her on the mouth
not holding back)
"Yes let's be friends!" Chiffon smiles at her and looks at then at
the scetch "Nice! But is my tail really so big?" looks at his
fluffy tail ".... Well it IS fluffy.... To fluffy if you ask me..."
Slime by keyofdestiny. Berry, choco, winter eevee by