Forum Thread
Sisi's lil art shop [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Sisi's lil art shop [CLOSED]

Sisi's Lil Art Shop

1. be nice and patient
2. use the form
3. dont post if the slots are full (a slot is free when it says "[empty]")
if you post when the slots are full ill have to deny u sorry ): better luck next time!!
4. one slot per person at a time (one drawing, up to 3 characters together)
5. pay after im done
6. enjoy!

in order of preference:

(missing preferred but doubles are fine as well!)
event pokemon icons by cony

it's not a must, but is really appreciated to wait a bit before ordering again after getting a drawing. it'll let more people to get a slot (hopefully ;u;)

for Eeveepower
for Hibiki
i hope you like them! you can send your payments over now, and big thanks for your support!!
what to draw: her please!!
references: Above
payment: 400k!
other: Only that your art is absolutely adorable aaaa!! <33

what to draw: pokemon oc
references: here
payment: 150nuggets?
other: thanks!

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"
for SissyFox
for Koushi
i hope you like em!! you can send your payments now, and thank you lots for the support! <3
Ordering one for my friend~
name: SissyFox
what to draw: Him (I was given permission to commission art of him)
references: In the link^
payment: 150kpd + Festival Kirlia
other: I love your art so much ♡♡♡

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
what to draw: fullbod of me boye
references: anthro please!
payment: nuggets! :>
other: could you please draw him in a plain black/grey jacket? thank you! ;v;
aaa im not sure if this is open or not, but i see that there's a free slot so i'll grab one just in case :"D
your art is lovely <3 but if this is closed, please disregard this form ;w;