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1x1 w mal

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 w mal
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 12/05/2018 17:05 (6 Years ago)
"Says you! And I'm not a boy!" Nick hisses, fists balling. "And says you! What's your problem with me?!"

"Can we not do this here...." Caleb sighs.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,087
Posted: Mon, 14/05/2018 04:13 (6 Years ago)
"It it looks like a Ducklett, quacks like a Ducklett, it's a Ducklett." Parker muttered in response, choosing to stop talking per Caleb's comment though smirked.

"For Arceus' sake, could you two shut up?" Lo complained, apparently have been conscious for at least a minute though her voice was raspy and shaky. She squinted her eyes and slowly sat up, groaning a bit in the process. "What happened?" she asked dozily.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 14/05/2018 04:19 (6 Years ago)
"You know what? Eat this, pal." Nick sticks up a certain finger and drives it straight up into Parker's forehead.

"Sorry about them, L- LO?!" Caleb yells in shock. "Ah, your uh... sister.... she's not the nicest person and you got hit and got knocled out."
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,087
Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 06:18 (6 Years ago)
[*spongebob voice* 5 days later]

Parker angrily backhanded Nick's finger as she did so before realizing Lo had waken up. Too upset to say anything, he sat back and listened.

"Well... That's not surprising. She's always been spiteful towards me because she expects to be great at everything and win without properly training and preparing; she could never accept the fact that her baby sister excelled her with flying colors... So... I guess it's fair to say it's my fault she's like this..." Lo explained, her last few words trailing off into a mumble.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 14:45 (6 Years ago)
Nick glared at Parker before she too realized Lo was awake.

"Hey. It's not your fault." Caleb says reassuringly. "She's just angry you're so amazing. Most people would be happy for their siblings being super amazing. But don't blame it on yourself. That only makes you sad and bitter."
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,087
Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 15:49 (6 Years ago)
Lo forced a smile and thanked Caleb, though inside still upset about Lindsey's actions. She couldn't help but wonder if she was the sole reason her older sister went haywire and into the dark side.

"Well," Parker started, standing up, "glad you're awake, but I'm going to grab some food."

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 16:13 (6 Years ago)
“Do you want something, Lindsey? I was just about to get food.” Nick said.

“Didn’t Parker just say that?” Caleb pointed it.

“Oh, did he? Darn.l