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The Chosen {Play}

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Chosen {Play}
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 00:19 (6 Years ago)
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You are a newly decided pokemon trainer with hopes and dreams of adventure in your future. However, you were also naïvely under the impression that such things would come to pass later on after your team and yourself had gotten stronger and more experience was put under your belt. Alas, plans never seem to follow the narrow and straight road like we would hope.

One night you receive a dream that changes your chosen course and life's meaning forever.

A voice speaks of an oncoming threat- one that cannot be stopped by one single person, or even a few, and one that could sever the relationship between pokemon and man once and for all.

You are told that you are to meet with three others under the light of the next full moon in the forest nearest to your homestead before the next instructions are to be given.

Once you've woken, you come to discover the validity of the dream the next moment you interact with one of your pokemon- because they no longer just speak jibberish- you can understand them, and communicate with them as easily as you can with the neighbors.

And now the full moon has arrived, and your journey begins...

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 00:37 (6 Years ago)
Al was sitting cross-legged against a tree. He stared into the flickering flames of a dying campfire, lost in thought. Others... he thought. I have to meet the others. Who are these others? Are they pokemon? Human? Maybe a mix of both. Will I be able to trust them. This could be a setup of some kind maybe. How do I know this is valid? Al stared into the dying flames a bit longer, before a voice knocked him out of his trance.

"I'm baaaack!" Nyx announced as he entered the small campsite. "And I brought a bunch of berries too!" Al smiled as he stood up to grab some extra wood to throw in the fire. Right... That's why. he reminisced. While is was quite a shock at first, this newfound ability to speak with other pokemon clearly hadn't changed much. He had already been good at intuiting what pokemon were trying to convey, this was just a step up. However, it was nice being able to understand those around him that much more clearly. Al grabbed a few bits of firewood and threw them into the flames. "Alright, let's get these berries cookin'," he said. "We gotta get ready to go soon, and we can't let... whatever's meeting us waiting too long."
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 00:48 (6 Years ago)
She had already said her goodbyes. She felt the tears start to swell up again in her already puffy gaze as she remembered the hugs and affection shared between mother and daughter one last time before she was to set off- and for how long, she did not know. Yet, she had told her mother to expect her a few months from now. She could only hope that that was a reasonable enough estimate to how long she would be pulled away from her set path.
Again, she took some deep, cleansing breaths, her shoulders rising and falling with the inhale and exhale of air, as she fought back against the stinging that harassed her eyes due to the amount of salty water already shed since this morning. She couldn't cry anymore.

Instead, she busied herself with the bustling of the marketplace as the keepers were beginning to pack up their remaining merchandise for the night. Lamp posts began to illuminate the streets in the absence of the sun, and the cobbled stone began to take on a slight orange-shaded glow as the setting orb in the sky began to sink closer to the line of the horizon. Her own hair began to take on the hue of the sky as the paleness of her locks reflected light nearly as easily as water did.

"What are you thinking about?"

Aurora couldn't help but jump as she was jolted back to reality by a quiet voice beside her. Naturally, she looked behind her and to her sizes, but saw no one returning the gestures she was giving. Then she remembered. Her green gaze flickered down towards the ground to be met with the exchanged look from Amber- her vulpix. She was sitting next to her now, her quaint snout leveled upwards in her direction in a strained attempt to keep and hold eye contact with her trainer, who was far taller than she was.

She had only started hearing Amber a week ago- and still, it surprised her every time when an actual voice left her pokemon rather than the common noises associated with her type. When it first happened, she had thought she had gone mad. But eventually, she caught onto the fact that the strange dream she had had the night before was more than just a figment of any mortal imagination. It was still something she was trying to find comfort in, but deep down, she was glad she had someone to talk to on whatever future endeavors she faced.

"Just thinking about how weird it is being able to hear you." replied Aurora with a playful smirk down to Amber, who returned the gesture with a playful twinkle in her own large eyes.

"And you don't think we find it weird you can understand us?" hissed another voice, it's owner curled up a few feet away.

"You're just upset that you can't talk about me to my face anymore without me understanding what you're saying." grinned Aurora down to Ekans, whose only reply was a mild and quick flick of his tongue in silent contempt. Sure, he was a grump most of the time, but she did enjoy his company as well, just as he secretly enjoyed hers as well.

Quietly, Aurora allowed her eyes to travel east as the canopy of the tree line was outlined in red and orange as the sun started fully descending behind the last flat of earth in her view. She took another heavy sigh, her sorrows forgotten for now and replaced with anxiety, as well as a shred of excitement for the unknown that lay before her and her two team mates. Whatever lay ahead, she was sure would be made easier with their company. She only hoped the company of the others who was she told she would be joining with would be thought of in the same light once she got to know them.

After one last sigh, and exchanging glances between Amber and Ekans, she started east towards the town wood, with Amber at her heels and Ekans tracing their tracks.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 01:23 (6 Years ago)
Unlike Aurora, Al had no goodbyes to give. He had already done that months ago when he left the orphanage for good. The fire flickered in the afternoon light as he stuck some berries on a stick and let it roast over the fire. Stupidly, he allowed his hand to get to close to the fire. There was a slight twinge of pain when the fire grazed his hand, but nothing serious.

"Who d'ya think is gonna be there?" Nyx asked, as he used his tail to roast his own stick covered with berries. The Aipom was now calm in front of the warm fire, but there was a time when Nyx was deathly afraid of the flames. That day had traumatized the two of them for a long time. Nyx, in his fear of fire, and Al, in his distrust in humans. While Nyx had conquered his trauma, learning to accept the usefulness and need of flame due to living in the wild, Al hadn't completely rid himself of his own. Humans had done terrible things to both him and Nyx in the past. He couldn't allow that to happen again.

After a while, the berries had roasted to perfect shades of brown, orange, and gold. Al patted the fire out, and the two began plucking berries off their sticks and eating them. There was a moment of silence, when Al suddenly gagged and spat out a half-eaten berry to the ground next to him, and Nyx burst into laughter. "C'mon! You know I don't like the bitter ones!" Al complained, only to be answered with more laughter. Seeing it as the joke it was, So gave a slight grin as he stood up. "Why I outta..." he said as he took off his leather jacket and pretended to roll up the sleeves that were not present on the gray t-shirt he was wearing. Nyx gave another snicker as he darted off into the forest. "C'mon, there's no time to waste-" Nyx teased. "We gotta get going!" Al sighed, and looked up at the sky. Unfortunately, the Aipom was not wrong. "Lemme grab my stuff," he said, almost in a defeated tone. He walked back over to the tree to grab his jacket and backpack, and made sure to kick the stupid berry on his way, again receiving a few chuckles from Nyx. Al smiled himself an he slung his satchel over his shoulder. "Lets get going."
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 05:32 (6 Years ago)
"I swear we are lost..."

The snort came from the Ponyta who's flame was blue and shown bright within the night. The clicks against the ground from his hooves weren't the only sounds made. Walking next to him with a map in her face was Ilithwin Aterna, his trainer, his only friend and family as well. The sounds of the night were getting him concerned as he forced her to stop to look at the map.

"Look ok I know we are lost just....I made a wrong turn..." Lithy said with somewhat a believable statement. She was still slightly confused about what was going on. One moment, it was her and her two Pokemon that didn't talk and had anything to say and now...well they both talk and have everything to say. At one point, it didn't bother her whatsoever now knowing she had company that she could converse with but on the other hand...they were her Pokemon.

She gave a sigh and smushed the map to her face and sighed. "Ok Shadowfax! Your right...were lost...."

The Ponyta snorted and shook his head. He knew she could be a ditz some of the times. He turned his head to look at his back, seeing as the baby of the team was sound asleep on his back. He then looked at her and spoke softly.

"We are all tired. I think we should settle in for the night. We can find who we are looking for tomorrow morning. You are stumbling over yourself and Darken is sound asleep. I think some rest will do us some good.

Lithy looked at him and stared into his eyes for a few seconds. Those blue eyes that illuminated the surrounding area, not just his flame. She gave a smile and twirled her onyx black hair with a chuckle. "We have been walking for along time. Sounds good..."

Shadowfax nodded and made his way to find a spot where it was an open area for him but an enclosed covering for her and Darken. When they found a spot, she set up her sleeping bag and secured her gear to a tree and started to get ready to get a few hours of sleep. They have been walking for along time. No family to go to, no place to call there own. The wilderness was there home. Only sometimes did they go into town and mingle with a few people but Lithy wanted to keep away from people. She never felt comfortable around them. And now, she had to meet others with this strange mission. She was getting her anxiety up.

While everything was set, she picked up Darken, the small Eevee off of Shadowfax's back and snuggled him into the sleeping bag. Once he was all set, she slipped in gently and yawned. "Thank you Shadowfax. Give me a few hours and I will take watch while you two sleep." With a nod from Shadowfax, he trotted into the open field and started to graze, trot around to stretch his legs, and look up at the sky wondering what new adventures will be brought to there feet.
Lithy. Lover. Fighter. Expert Rapidash Breeder
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 03:28 (6 Years ago)
As the sun turned from its oranges and reds to purples and blues, Al began to slow his search for these "others," whomever they might be. Staring towards the night sky, and witnessing what was indeed the full moon only drew confusion.

"I swear the voice told me I would meet these others on the night of the full moon," Al muttered. "Maybe it was a mistake? Or some kind of trick?" "That doesn't make sense though," Nyx chimed in, "Unless you're telling me you just coincidentally developed the ability to speak with me fluently the same night you had a weird dream, there has to be something here." Al sighed. "You're right," he said, secretly hating that he he had to use his friend's two favorite words, "I guess we keep looking."

It took a long while, but finally Al and Nyx saw something, or someone, of note. It was a ponytail, grazing in a clearing. But not only that, this ponyta looked different than others he had come across. Of course, no two pokemon are exactly alike, the ideal specimen being only a standard set by humans for their own purposes, such as "beauty pageants," but this ponyta looked drastically different from any ponyta he had ever seen. The fire from its mane and tail were a bright blue, rather than a burnt orange. "I think they might be one of the others," Nyx suggested. So nodded in agreement. He then stepped out from the treeline to make himself known. "Hello," he greeted to the equine creature, "I think you might be someone I'm looking for."
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 12:52 (6 Years ago)
The tree line floated closer with each step, Amber trailing her footprints with Ekans, having long proclaimed how tired he was of slithering after them, found sanctuary resting on the back of her neck with his head and tail draped over her shoulders. And before long, the canopy of leaves blocked out the stars overhead.

"Do you even know where exactly you're supposed to go?" muttered Ekans, the tone of voice leaving him leaving no room for doubt about how sour his mood still was at the thought of this mission.

"The voice just said the forest...it didn't give me any other details. So if you want to get grumpy with someone, get grumpy with them." replied Aurora, her own annoyance at the lack of instruction apparent on her own tongue as she scanned the shrubbery surrounding them. But before long, the lack of light became too much. She paused to dig through her small bag to fish out a flashlight before continuing onwards, her pace being strengthened at her ability to see ahead of her once again.

However, not much longer, she paused in stride again, the light of her flashlight doing a thorough scan of the undergrowth surrounding them.

"Wh-what is it?" whispered Amber, the small vulpix inching closer to her trainer's legs as the big brown orbs of her eyes scanned their surroundings as well, her worry imminent in her voice as well as her cowering and shivering posture, which subsequently caused a dramatic roll of the eyes from Ekans.

"I...I thought I heard...a voice? No, two." muttered Aurora in answer, although it sounded as if she was more-so talking to herself than gifting an answer to Amber's query. Her green eyes narrowed some as she remembered that one of the few other details granted to her in the dream she had stated that she would meet with the company of others. Perhaps this would them?

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 02:59 (6 Years ago)
The stallion shot his head up and his ears flew forward. A quiet evening turning into an interesting one. Checking to see where the voice came from, he then looked up. Seeing the two approache, he took a step back blocking the view between them and Lithy. His ears focused on them. He let out a snort to wake her but not the little one.

Lithy heard Shadowfax short as she yawned and stretched. “What is it now...?” She slithered our of her sleeping bag and stepped forward to his side. Seeing the two others, she smile and patted him on the base of his neck. “Easy, they said hello first they don’t seem bad. Relax my friend.” She kissed him on the side of his cheek and stepped forward excited. “Hello! Are you lost? It’s late if you want you can bunck with us! No sense in trying to find another spot. I’m lithy it’s nice to meet cha!”
Lithy. Lover. Fighter. Expert Rapidash Breeder
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 06:00 (6 Years ago)
Evanna sat up gasping for air and stumbled off of her bed and onto the floor, trying to cough up water that wasn't there. That damned dream again, she thought in disdain, rubbing her soar throat, but something had been different, there was a voice... Speaking to her? Something about a threat to the relationship between Pokémon and humans... Something about the forest...

She groaned rubbing her tired eyes, "Pyro? Where are you..." she paused, eyes catching sight of the bundle beneath the window moving onto its paws. Moonlight danced across warm orange fur, glinting of hazel brown eyes as her partner moved closer to her.
She jerked in surprise, when instead of a protective rumble or growl to remind her of his presence at her side, a human voice spoke.

"Eva, rest. No harm will come to you for as long as I am alive." The young Growlithe, grumbled gently, cold wet nose pressed against her shoulder.

She breathed in sharply, "Pyro? How... I can understand you?" She whispered in awe, Her dream. She wrapped her arms around the fire type, fingers threading into his thick fur.

"I'm glad then, if you continue to understand me. Perhaps now you will listen to what I tell you." He told her, voice rumbling in his throat in laughter, but tone serious.

The next day when Evanna informed Nurse Joy, that she was going to go into the forest, the pink haired woman had pushed a bag of helpful items into her hands and kissed her cheek, telling her that she had known the day would come when Evanna decided to finally head out on her journey. She had protested but Nurse Joy had been firm, telling her it was important to be prepared for any situation.
She thanked the kind woman and headed out towards the forest, Pyro padding along beside her, sniffing for anything threatening.

As they continued through the thick undergrowth, Pyro suddenly growled, "I smell others, both Pokémon and humans. Am I right in presuming that they are the others from your vision?"

She smirked slightly, "Perhaps. And really, it's a dream not a vision."

She climbed up the tree closest to her, carefully moving from branch to branch in the direction of the others. Pyro growled, claws digging into the tree bark as he followed her. Eventually they came to a clearing, with a girl an Eevee and a... Shiny Ponyta.

Evanna raised an eyebrow, That's quite rare. She motions for Pyro to stay quiet and lowers herself onto the thick branch she had been standing on. There had to be others, that girl couldn't be the only one. So I'll wait here till they get here. she thinks as she stretches her feet out.
Pyro snorts quietly, but understands without her needing to speak, and settled down in her lap.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 06:25 (6 Years ago)
Al gave a slight nod towards the stranger. Once he saw the human, he immediately clammed up, and almost all emotion left his face. This was typical for him, as he never tried to let any human read him, or get a sense of his softer side. He didn't try to take a hostile stance, but it surely wasn't friendly.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking to rest for now," he responded. "And no, I'm not lost. Thank you for offering however." Al purposefully did not mention his own name in this introduction. It was was best strangers didn't know his name.

Meanwhile, Nyx was attempting to sneak past the girl and the pokemon to see if anything interesting, or incriminating, was in her posession. This was as also typical when encountering humans in the forest. Al and Nyx commonly made sure that no harm came to the forest and its residents, and that includes assuring that those who do bring harm to the forest don't return. At a glance, this person didn't seem to be one of those people, but it is always better safe than sorry.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 08:18 (6 Years ago)
Evanna raised her head, looking down into the clearing as Pyro growled,
"There is another one approaching. He is a cautious little human..."
She turned her head towards the direction of her partner's gaze, and sure enough a figure appeared cautiously, she watched without a word as he greeted the seemingly lone inhabitant of the clearing. Her eyebrows disappeared into her hairline in disbelief as the girl in the clearing, Lithy as she'd so blatantly stated, gave away her name and asked the stranger if he'd care to share the little expanse of the woods she was currently occupying. How could this girl, trust someone so easily?! She thought genuinely surprised.

It was then that Pyro snarled angrily, pouncing into the clearing, a familiar bracelet, she hadn't noticed had fallen, on the ground before him was the only thing standing between the protective Growlithe and the purple monkey Pokémon, Aipom.

Help please:)

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 23:32 (6 Years ago)
With the flick of his ears, a neigh/screech left the beast as he speed over to Lithy's things and stood over her sleeping bag. His ears were flat and his fire blazed to cover it. He was protecting the little one sleeping below. Lithy turned her eyes to them and then to the new person. "He is a little over protective of me and well the little one." She wasn't afraid of him but the fact that Shadowfax screeched loud was making her worry a little, hoping the little one was not awakened.

Shadowfax's eye was strictly fixed on the Apom. The one that the person was calling Nyx. He had no idea what his intentions were and he was not going to let anything slip. His hoof stomped the floor as a warning not to go near the baby that was sleeping.

"I would wait until it is ok by Lithy to creep closer to her things...."

The horse spoke softly but his actions were not unable to be read. Lithy still froze because she was not knowing of what was going to happen. Was he after the little one? What was going on...
Lithy. Lover. Fighter. Expert Rapidash Breeder
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 19/04/2018 00:46 (6 Years ago)
"Shoot," Nyx said as he began to back up. Getting trampled by a flaming horse didn't seem that appealing. Al was about to say something when he saw this, and quickly rushed to get in front of the small Aipom. His stance was now more defensive, as his eyes darted from the ponyta to the human, careful to watch the movements of both.

Nyx quickly assessed the area around the ponyta to see what it could be protecting, and his eyes quickly caught a glint of silver fur. He soon realized there was a small eevee, one with an odddly colored coat, sleeping begin the two strangers. "There!" He said, as he pointed the small feature out to Al. Al took notice of it immediately. The thing didn't seem to be very old, and again, it had drastic differences to any eevee's coat he had seen. Looking from the eevee to the ponyta who stood guard, it suddenly clicked.

There was a look of disgust on Al's face. "So you're one of them," he muttered disdainfully. "One of the ones who likes to judge pokemon by their looks."
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 19/04/2018 09:44 (6 Years ago)
Pyro growled and annoyed at being ignored, he stood up for the other fire type and his human. "You would do wisely to watch what you say, human." he directed at the boy standing almost directly under the tree his mistress was resting in, "Or you might find yourself in need of a burn heal."

Evanna sighed and makes her presence known by jumping down besides her partner and directly into the middle of the conflict, "Control yourself, Pyro. There is no need for battle."
She looks up at one of the occupants of the area. Lithy, the cheerful girl, who seemed friendly enough, although she seemed to be hiding something, had two shiny Pokemon. Surprisingly she hadn't noticed the Eevee was shiny until she'd taken her second look. Understandable why he thought that, but is he stupid to judge her so easily? She might me strong, that Ponyta is definitely trained well.

"Stop your idiotic squabble and shut up. I'm sure we're all here for the same reason." she snarled at the boy, but making sure everyone understood. I forget how much I dislike people; so noisy and hasty.
Pyro whined, ears pressed against his head, "Have I upset you, Eva? I apologize for jumping in." He bent his head retrieving the fallen bracelet and moving closer to her.
"No Pyro, never." She sent him a gentle smile and new that he understood.
She looked at the others, none of whom had moved.
Why did I jump in? I should've just let them continue...

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 19/04/2018 13:36 (6 Years ago)
Lithy's eyes rose as his comment was spoken and she just smiled and shook her head. This was usual when she came across others. And rightfully so that they would like she was one to judge by appearance. Before she could open her mouth she looked over to the growleth named Pyro and the new person coming. Then her demeanor changed from spunky friendly girl to strong, calm and relaxed. She held out her hand gently to let herself explain herself.

"I am not one to judge anyone or any Pokemon for that matter, although I can see where you would think that. Actually, I have been judged all my life until Shadowfax and the little one came into my life."

Shadowfax started to relax but then the yawn from the little one came while he rose from his slumber. The small, sliver haired Eevee poked his head out of the sleeping bag and gave the biggest smile and leaped his way over to Lithy and into her arms. With a smile, she caught him and snuggled him with a hug.

"This little one here was just hatched and being abused by boys that didn't understand why he was who he was. He was left by the side of the road, injured and hurt, so I stepped in. After that, he's been with me ever since because he decided to. Shadowfax was my first Pokemon ever that I hatched and he is the last of my old life that I have left..."

Shadowfax then trotted over to her side and nuzzled her side. Lithy gave him a scratch on the nose and patted the side of his neck.

"They are my family, the only ones I have. Sure they are different but that is what makes the special. Unique in a sense. But I don't doubt that any other Pokemon are not special. Everyone and everything has there unique stance. Thats how I see things. Then one day Shadowfax started talking and then the dreams came. So we ended up just following what the dreams were saying."

Shadowfax nodded his head and then spoke gently. "I do apologize if I overreacted. I am overprotective of them as Lithy did say, she and the little one are my only family. There all I have and with what has happened to us in the past I tend to overreact. And for that I apologize."

He then looked over at the Growleth and nodded to him. Seeing as though he defended Lithy without even saying hello was something that he respected out of him. A demeanor of protection and loyalty was something he respected. "I thank you too...Pyro was it? You didn't have to step out of your bounds but you did and I thank you for that as well."

Lithy smiled and turned back to the boy with a grin. "So you see, thats my story really. But now its getting stranger because now I can understand your Apom and her Growleth perfectly fine...." She looked back and forth to the boy and the girl in awe but in confusion. Now she could understand there Pokemon just as much as they could to hers. This is getting stranger and stranger but also slightly more exciting. She scratched her head as the Eevee nuzzled her arm for food and she gave a smile to the others. "Anyone hungry?"

Lithy. Lover. Fighter. Expert Rapidash Breeder
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 19/04/2018 14:57 (6 Years ago)
Eva felt her eyebrows raise along with her slightly grudging respect. She knew what it was like to be judged with eyes full of disgust, she remembered older women staring unabashed at her brightly coloured hair, or the gazes she'd caught at her too small dresses. She knew it was human nature to judge one's first appearance but it had hurt her back then when she was young, because the orphanage was low on money and all the clothes were handed down by the older orphans, and there was nothing she could do to change it. She could tell the other girl had gone through similar times, so forgiving the boy so easily... She is a stronger person than I...

She frowned hearing the story behind the shiny Eevee, Seems people haven't changed, Ignorant and selfish. She thought before her eyes darted to the onxy haired girl, But perhaps not all of them.

Pyro nodded back to the Ponyta, Shadowfax, in mutual respect. "I can understand the need to protect one's family," He bared his teeth in semblance of a smile, at his own family, his partner, "I would do the same for mine, as she would for me."
Eva smiled warmly at his words, threading her fingers through his fur, "It seems that only those who have had the dream have the ability to converse verbally with Pokemon. So it must be to help us against the threat the voice spoke of."
She then looked down at her best friend seeing his interested expression at the thought of free food.
"I'm fine, but if it isn't much trouble I think Pyro might like some..." She said in reply to the girl's question. I'm starting to doubt whether or not coming here was a good idea, it's been less than an hour and we've had our first argument. She frowned as her thoughts continued to spiral in her mind.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 01:23 (6 Years ago)
Al slowly, but noticeably relaxed his stance. His expression changed slightly, and while his face showed little sign of emotion, he was confused and shocked. These where two of the other three he was supposed to meet? Almost instantly they both seemed to dislike him, which he didn't mind, but if he had some sort of "mission" or something he had to complete with them- that would be a problem. At least the pokemon who accompanied the two strangers seemed content, and even protective of the humans they were with; That was always a good sign that they were one of the better ones.

Nyx climbed up to Al's shoulder, carefully watching the ponyta as he did. He was uncharacteristically silent, a sign of caution and sometimes fear for the small pokemon. It seemed to him that these two humans were one of the better ones, and luckily, his precautions towards them were deemed as aggressive and morally bad.

Al gave out a sigh. "I've already eaten" he said. "I suppose you two aren't one of the... bad ones. I'll go get some firewood." He pointed to the human who had declined food as well. "You keep watch while I'm gone. There are powerful pokemon out here, as well as poachers who will gladly take from the forest, and people who aren't cautious." He turned to walk away, but had a quick double-take. Had he seen the one with the growlithe before? He vaguely recognized her face. He shook his head and continued to the forest to search for firewood. He probably just saw her once on one of the rare occasions he went into the nearby town.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 01:38 (6 Years ago)
Aurora inched towards the voices that seemed to multiply with each step she took. Of the original two voices she had heard at first, had now grown well beyond six identifiable and unique voices.

"These have to be them..." muttered Aurora to herself as she continued forward, guided now by the echoes of the voices that remained present beneath the treetop.

"They already sound like they talk too much..." hissed Ekans irritably, in which Aurora tapped his snout with her index finger, pairing it with a side-eyed look of warning.

"Can you at least give off the illusion that you are somewhat compliant, at least for the first few minutes of meeting up with them?" mumbled Aurora, in which Ekans gave yet another flick of his tongue, his facial expression however, giving away his feelings without much room for doubt of the fact that he was not amused nor looking forward to his traveling party growing beyond Amber and Aurora.

Once the voices were close enough, she flicked her flashlight off and stuck it in her jean's pocket with the handle still sticking out slightly. She did not want to give away her presence until she was absolutely sure that these were the ones she was supposed to meet up with.

A small clearing broke from the trees and she saw them. Sticking closer to the bushes, allowing the undergrowth to hide most of her figure, she studied them slightly with a critical eye, as did Ekans with Amber poking her head out from the side of the bushes, her body trembling slightly with a nervous air about her.

Bickering had ensued shortly after her arrival, and Aurora felt her shoulder drop slightly. A quest in and of itself was going to be difficult and trying enough without also having to deal with trainers who couldn't get along.

"They seem charming..." commented Ekans dryly, a small flicker of sarcasm paired with his tone of voice as he too studied the company before them.

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 02:12 (6 Years ago)
Lithy nodded and walked back to her bag which was hidden beneath the tree. Rolling up her sleeping bag, the little Eevee leaped onto her shoulder and gave a concerned look. With not speaking, Lithy patted his back and whispered to him. "Well things could have gone worse you know? At least it wasn't a full out brawl. Easy, you know I will protect you." She slid a small kiss to his cheek and then brought her stuff out in the opening of the field to set it down again. Digging through her stuff, she pulled out a few bowls and a bag of food that seemed home made. The Eevee leaped in joy and then leaped to the Growth happily. Flicking his tail, he only spoke one word out to them. "Good!" After that, he went bouncing back to Lithy waiting for his food. Lithy laughed as she started to make a bowl for each Pokemon while talking to the new girl. "Thats the only word he knows. Sorry about that. He gets excited way to easily."

She sat down and put the little ones bowl down first and then offered to Pyro. "I make this myself. All natural." She then looked at the girl sensing how she could be feeling. Concerned, maybe even a little spooked. She spoke out softly to her, hoping that she could help ease her troubled thoughts. "I get nervous and scared around people too and I can sense how your feeling. If there is anyway I can help, just let me know. I can put on a pot of tea if you would like." Her voice was soft as she pulled out the kettle wanting to make herself one soon.

But before she could say another word, Shadowfax's ears went straight forward and he went still. He gave a snort to Lithy as a warning, which in turn had her look in the direction he was staring at. Someone or something was there. She kept calm but she was on high alert. She then whispered to Eva. "Don't panic but someone or something is watching us. Just try and keep calm. Tea?"

Lithy. Lover. Fighter. Expert Rapidash Breeder
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 09:44 (6 Years ago)
Evanna snorted inwardly pulled from her thoughts of conspiracies and puzzles, Me? Nervous? Not happening. This girl is crazy. She turned her head to look at the black haired girl dubiously, "No, there isn't, because I don't get nervous...or scared. Make your own tea, I don't want it." She knew she should be nicer to the girl, since they would most likely be stuck with each other for the duration of their little 'quest', but Eva disliked being around other humans, she preferred the company of Pokemon, or books.
She turned her head to watch the strangely familiar boy leave the clearing, narrowing her eyes at his order, What else would she do? I'm not stupid to leave ourselves unguarded. Meanwhile you haven't even noticed our little guest.

She saw Shadowfax tense and knew he had noticed their other companion in the shadows. Pyro had scented the other person's Pokemon, who had an apparently very distinct scent of toxins and grass, and informed her mere minutes before she had jumped into the clearing.
Pyro let out a low growl, the fur along his spine prickling with unease, I dislike people watching me...
"Pyro had noticed, whoever they are they don't seem to be a threat. There is a Pokemon with whoever it is... likely a poison type..."
She turned fully facing the shrubbery hiding their spectator, telling them, 'I know you're there. There's no point hiding.'