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Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected MAPS FOR STARTERS
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 03:22 (6 Years ago)
Yo know how it’s impossible to get starter eggs from the daycare and it costs 100 gems in total to get 1 starter egg.
Since it’s so hard to get a starter egg, I thought maybe there could be maps or vouchers for starter Pokémon. We could get the map from opening mystery boxes or from playing one of the games in the Game Center .

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 2,966
Posted: Fri, 13/04/2018 17:29 (6 Years ago)
No support. It's actually very easy to get starter eggs by just putting them in the daycare. If you want to get the egg dex entry, all you need to do is buy one from the AH or get one off the GTS (many people set extras on there for free) and put them in the daycare until it produces an egg.

At the time that I am typing this, there are the following starters in the AH:
Ivysaur at 6 PD
Venusaur (female) at 4k PD, (male) at 2.5k PD
Charmander (female) at 1k PD and 500 PD, (male) at 301 PD (x2)
Charmeleon (female) at 4.1k and 4.2k PD, (male) at 5 PD
Meganium (female) at 102 PD

Currently in the GTS, there are these starters:
4 Bulbasaurs
5 Ivysaurs
40 Venusaurs
37 Charmanders
23 Charmeleons
102 Charizards
16 Squirtles
8 Wartortles
26 Blastoises

(These are not all of the starters currently in the AH/GTS; these are just a few as examples.)
Most, if not all of these, Pokémon have at least one trade asking for either a small amount of PD or a different starter.

The pattern is fairly clear... starters are cheap.

If you mean because it's too hard to chain them, there are items in the shop to increase your breeding odds, though they are fairly pricey because they cost Nuggets, but there is also the 100 PD daily toss into the fountain, which has a chance to increase breeding odds.

Personally, I think there are already enough fairly useless items found in Mystery Boxes that make it less likely to get a good item, like Legendary summons. If I opened a bunch of boxes and only got a voucher for a starter that I could easily just breed myself, I would be pretty irritated when I know that way more valuable stuff can be found. At this point, I would rater find berries in a box than a starter voucher because I could at least use berries in the Medal Rally or something.

Howdy o3o/ I'm Scribbles in
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 14/04/2018 15:56 (6 Years ago)
Well I’m saying this because I AM using flutes and they don’t seem to be doing a thing
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 14/04/2018 15:58 (6 Years ago)
sounds like a great idea! though i am new so I don't know :c
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 192
Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 01:32 (6 Years ago)
No support - most reasons like Guzma listed ;w; starters are pretty common, and if you're breeding them.. //shrugs//
there aren't vouchers or maps for any other breedable pokemon - including.. 24+? (How many starters are there, first evo?) maps/vouchers is just.. crazy lol, for an already pretty-easily obtained pokemon

Name: Viktor
Adopt one yourself!
@Pokemon Orphanage
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,638
Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 12:38 (6 Years ago)
Not getting any eggs from the DayCare doesn't really have anything to do with the rarity either. Yes, Starters might [not sure] show up at a lower rate than, say, Easy, but how many decide to show up, is still inherently random.
You can go hours without an egg showing up and suddenly get 5 within an hour.

If the DayCare fails you and you think the Gem Collector is too expensive, there's also the Tall Grass.

Having even more maps, will also make finding a specific Map/Item even more frustrating, especially if some of those Maps are for Starters rather than a Legendary.

Aside from not making sense PH-wise, there are also 76% who don't support this. As such, this suggestion will not be implemented.

//Locked and rejected.

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