Forum Thread
Spirit of War (pokemon sign up)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Spirit of War (pokemon sign up)Pokemon:Noivern
History:Born from very rich empire Noiverns, but was thrown out due to being shiny.
Accesories:Small scabbard containing a dagger
It better now?
History:He was born to a Ninetails and Lucario. His mother (the Ninetails) used to be part of the Empire but turned rogue to try and protect him. His father is still in the empire. His mother (the Ninetails) kept him a secret from his dad, often by hiding him away and through sheer luck.
Eventually he was found out and his mum fled with him. She escaped, he didn't.
Other: He doesn't speak much if at all. Some have come to the conclusion he's either mute or wasn't taught the language.
Password:Astro Nuggets Sister
Not entirely sure if I should create characters for the two parents, or whether to leave them as background characters that can just be picked up an rp'd by anyone if/when they're needed.