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The Place In Between [Urban Fantasy, Open]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Place In Between [Urban Fantasy, Open]
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Thu, 22/03/2018 02:33 (6 Years ago)
>>Join here directly! All information can be found in the server.<<

Roleplay Rules
1: Be polite and respectful of all people, genders, disabilities, sexualities, races, religions. Discrimination (and thus, slurs) of any kind is not allowed in this roleplay out of character. In character, I will tolerate it to some extent until someone in the RP or myself get uncomfortable with it.
2: Mary Sues, Godmodding, and Powerplaying (and the such) are not permitted in this roleplay. I reserve the right to mention whether your character is a Sue (no character flaws/inconsistent personality/overpowered/special snowflake etc.) or if you are GMing or PPing.
3: This roleplay is not any particular level, so whether you write one-liners or essays for responses, you’re welcome here, as long as your stuff is readable! This RP is, however, PG13, so swearing, violence, and some blood/gore is fine, but NSFW must either be taken to private or faded out. [*Please note that this is on DISCORD. Over here on PH, all PH rules apply.]
4: In the RP, please try to avoid hogging all of the attention. While creating drama IC is totally okay, let’s try to give everyone an equal amount of spotlight and include everyone. If you have a tendency to get lost, there is a recap channel so you can see what you’ve missed.
5: Please create an equal amount of Chaos/Order characters! It would hardly be fun if the scales were tipped ridiculously unfairly in one side’s favor. And this isn’t a requirement, but I’d also like to keep the Humans/Magical Folk ratio even! You can have as many characters as you can keep up with, but just keep it close to equal.
6: When creating your characters, please use description for your appearances.
7: The list of magical folk below is not an exhaustive list. If you want to add a magical creature to the list, go for it! Just @ me on the #creature-suggestion channel, and provide a brief description for the magical being.
8: You can invite whomever you like to the server provided they follow these rules.
9: Paste your form anywhere you’d like so long I can access it.
10: I’m not actually a roleplayer, technically! I play the only neutral character, and he exists solely to answer any questions in-world, and I create situations to move the plot along, but that’s about it.


Magical Folk
Mages - Physically, they are no different from humans. However, they have the ability to channel magic from their surroundings and use it. All mages can make things float and move, but they typically specialize in one area (specific elements like lightning, healing, etc.). More experienced mages often have a secondary specialty.
Shapeshifters - They have the ability to alter their physical body into any shape they wish as long as they have the DNA (blood, hair, spit; anything will do) of whatever they want to change into, and they will become an exact replica. Their natural form can vary from a cockroach to a unicorn.
Dragons - Their true forms are much too large to blend in with humans, so they learned how to mold their bodies into a humanoid shape. Dragons have a vast reservoir of magic, but it is almost always focused on one type of magic (elemental).
Vampire - The classic blood suckers--immortal, physically powerful, burn in the sun, hate garlic. They can eat food but it doesn’t sustain them; they have to drink blood. Any kind of blood is fine, as long as it’s not theirs.
Wereanimals - The typical “turns into an animal” kind of creature but instead of every full moon, it’s every time the sun sets and the moon rises. Their power is completely dependent on what cycle it is. On full moons, they’re super powerful, and on new moons, they don’t even transform.
Demons - Straight from hell, they can take any form they want, but once they settle into it, until they go back and come out again, they’re stuck in that form. They’re extremely powerful both magically and physically, so don’t mess with them. Their morals are usually skewed and completely self-centered. Their natural enemies are Winged Folk.
Winged Folk - Powerful guardian beings, their sole purpose to defend something, whether it be an important person or a diary. They’re extremely powerful both magically and physically, with extremely steadfast morals that are almost never shaken. Their natural enemies are Demons.
Merfolk - Half-human, half-fish, they can live on both land and sea. They have two forms--one almost entirely humanoid, the other the more familiar manfish.


Character Form
Name: [x]
Nickname(s): [x]
Gender and Pronouns: [x]
Sexuality: [x]
Age: [x]
Occupation: [x]
Race: [x]
Magical Abilities: [x] (leave blank if not applicable)
Personality: [x]
Fatal Flaw: [x]
Skin tone: [x]
Hair color: [x]
Hair length/style: [x]
Eye color: [x]
Height: [x]
Body shape: [x]
Other: [x]
Alignment: [x]
Misc.: [x]
