I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s):fiesta volcarno and fiest larvesta
Specific gender:nope
Preferred breeder: anybudy
Shiny (yes/no):no
Mega-able (yes/no):no
Hey EeveePower, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s):the free larvitar
Specific gender:no
Preferred breeder:Hecate
Shiny (yes/no):no
Mega-able (yes/no):no
Password:your favorite pokemon
Hey EeveePower, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s): Miltank
Specific gender: Doesn't matter
Preferred breeder: Doesn't matter
Shiny (yes/no): No
Mega-able (yes/no): No
So I will be closing the shop for 'construction' for a
little while. It shouldn't take long, but I'll just be inputting
some of your ideas and adding in one or two other features. Sorry
for any inconvenience caused!
Hey EeveePower, I would like to be a breeder/seller!
Username: Hank
Reason to be breeder/seller: To get friends!
Events you have: Nil
Breeder, seller or both: Both
Current hunt (if applicable): Nothing at the moment
Owner of Ditto (yes/no): No
Premium (yes/no): Saving for 6 months!
Hey Me, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s): Rufflet x2
Specific gender: 1 female, one whatever
Preferred breeder: halfwolf
Shiny (yes/no): Nope
Mega-able (yes/no): Nope
Payment: Free
Hey Me, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s): Aron x1
Specific gender: Nope
Preferred breeder: kobebryant1624
Shiny (yes/no): Nope
Mega-able (yes/no): Nope
Payment: Free
Yes, I'm ordering from my own shop. Yes, that's allowed. Yes,
breeders can order from here. Mind blown, I know.
Hey EeveePower, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s):rotom (3 of em)
Specific gender:nope
Preferred breeder: (optional)nope
Shiny (yes/no):nope
Mega-able (yes/no):nope
Payment: 9k total
Omg, so sorry ;-; Couldn't get onto a computer for ages. Accepted!
However, you'll have to be prepared to wait again, as we'll need a
Ditto for that, and not all of our breeders have one.
Hey Me, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s): Wooper x2
Specific gender: Nope
Preferred breeder: Nope
Shiny (yes/no): Nope
Mega-able (yes/no): Nope
Payment: Depends on breeder.
I just looked through the available Pokemon boxes, and DragonSumedh
has all the needed Pokemon! There's a Quagsire in Hunt Leftovers 4,
the 3 Rotoms in Hunt Leftovers 1, and a Wooper in Trades. I'm
really liking this new feature xD
@The~Dark~Mystery: If the breeder negotiates with you, please be
polite :) If it has been reported that you were rude, you will be
warned. Just a friendly reminder :) Please don't take it
personally, I don't want to have to warn anyone.