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Night and Sun (Accepting~)

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Night and Sun (Accepting~)
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 06:04 (11 Years ago)

The Story -
You just a Evil Creature/Good Creature that live in a Forest with friend,family and someone who loves you. One day, you wake up you feel a slighty pain at your chest area a knife was right at your heart but you did not die... Then a wolf made out of a shadow comes toward you. You asked who is him,he replied with a calm voices "My name is Sora,look like you awaken." before he could say anything else a Winged Angel wolf comes toward you "Hello my name is Angel,you awaken little creature, Look like you have meet Sora." You are now confused of what just happen then the wolf spoke "Ah you confused,let me tell you all the things." she told you "When you were asleep a war of the Nightmareside and Sunside have been started due to you not one of us the knife in your chest just make mark on you not hurt you,but it won't last long you need to choose the side or you will die." Sora get into the half of it "Yes,choose which one you want.. Nightmare or Sun?" They both fade away.

Look like you understand now Mortal,do you intrested in joining in?

SunSide(Codeword - Myth of Sun)-
Username -
Char Name -
Rank? -
Picture/Description -
Gender -
Crush? -
Family? -
Age? -
Personality -
Imagination Species? -
What you can do? -
Why you want the Sun Side? -
Codeword? -

Nightmare Side(Codeword - Myth of Darkness)-
Username -
Char Name -
Rank? -
Picture/Description -
Nightmare Mode?(It kinda like Insane mode) -
Gender -
Crush? -
Family? -
Age? -
Personality -
Imagination Species? -
What you can do? -
Why you want the Nightmare Side? -
Codeword? -

Please Join ^-^

Place in the RP -
Sun Side-

Hallen Forest -

Fall Forest -

The Waterfall(Dark Imagination can go here to get water) -

Nightmare Side -

Path Forest -

Light Forest (Imagination from Sun Side can go here to get GriyWeeds a heal herb)

Dark Forest (Sun Side Imagination can go here but they to use Firetorch) -

Shortcut to the NightMare Side -

Shortcut to the Sun Side -


Sun Side Castel -

Dark Side Castel -
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 06:26 (11 Years ago)

Title: Rules!

RP Rules!~ (Don't break them!)

1.Please be Active to the RP!
I hate when people did not active and just leave the RP if you not active for 2 week wihout telling me you will be kicked.

2.Don't kill Other People Character!
If you want to kill someone in the RP ask they permission first.

3.No Gay,Lesbian and stuff like that!
It annoying .-.

4.If you OOC(Out Of Character) Please use -,{},|,(),* and other thing you maybe use..
Don't confuse people! They might think you talking about the RP!
EXAMPLE - Random Person:Hey i got a new cat Me:(Your Char got a cat? O-O)

Please don't spam...

6.If you wanna swear use other word!
BAD EXAMPLE - S***. GOOD EXAMPLE - Awwww FLAPJACK!/WHAT THE FUDGE.ect (If me i use Awww Munchy Cakes xc)

7.Follow the site rules!
.. Lol no comment -.-

8.If you have 2 or more char please put name above it!
Example -
Angel walks around the forest hearing the sound of nature wind making sure it safe and out of Nightmare side.

9.No god,no shotgun,no gun and no thing from futures.
Seems legit =T

10. Black it out if need to!(Fade to Black)
Remember kids are in this site!

11.Don't be mean or fighting in OOC!
Bring it out to other site not here!

12.If someone ask for Recap give them!
Recap is i dunno lol

RP Rules~(You can break them)-

1.Don't talk to the other side! Unless you giving warning.

2.Obey your leader!

3.Don't have a fight with your own Side or Betrayed your side!

4.Help your side members if they need help (MUST FOLLOW)

5. (Reserved for other rules i can think of)
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 06:35 (11 Years ago)

Title: Resident!

Sunside Members List

Leader - Angel|Female|2000 years old|Winged Wolf|
Leader Assistant - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 2)

Leader of Attacker - |OPEN FOR JOINING|
Elite Attacker - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)

Leader of Defender - |OPEN FOR JOINING|
Elite Defender - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)

Food gatherer - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)
Medicine - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)

Regular Resident - (UNLIMITED)

The Kids/Baby - (UNLIMITED)
NightmareSide Members

Leader - Masky|Male|2000 years old|Unknown Creature|
Leader Assistant - Sora|Male|90|Wolf made of shadow| OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 2)

Leader of Attacker - |OPEN FOR JOINING|
Elite Attacker - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)

Leader of Defender - |OPEN FOR JOINING|
Elite Defender - Insomnia|Female|1089 Years old|Winged Demonic Wolf
Paranoia|Male|1090|Trickster Demon Wolf(Max 5)

Food gatherer - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)
Medicine - |OPEN FOR JOINING|(Max 5)

Regular Resident - (UNLIMITED)

The Kids/Baby - (UNLIMITED)
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 06:42 (11 Years ago)

Title: Example Form

Username - DerpyHooves
Char Name - Angel
Rank? - Leader of Sunside
Picture/Description -

Gender - Female
Crush? - N/A
Family? - Masky
Age? - 2000 years old (All creature can live to 10000, regular creature(Note leader or assistant) can start under 2000)
Personality - She is a kind hearted wolf,she will never lie and she will not mad she understand the feeling lost,his brother was the Nightmare side leader and she feel the lost.
Creature Species? - Winged Wolf
What you can do? - Fly,Make something alive if it not born yet,makes magic and other nice thing.
Why you want the Sun Side? - I am the Leader :)
Codeword? - Myth of Sun

To know Masky and Sorra/Sora Form go here (Copy paste)
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Thu, 15/08/2013 00:45 (11 Years ago)
(Oww guys please join xc I know it to much rules but XC)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 11:28 (11 Years ago)
Show hidden content
Username - AcidicPoptartz
Char Name - Insomnia (This is not her real name, just a nickname she gave herself after choosing the dark side. She will only reveal her real name to someone who has either: saved her life, is the love of her life or she knows she can trust to the very end)
Rank - Elite Defender
Picture/Description -
Her wings are quite a lot larger than the picture, they're slightly bigger than herself
Nightmare Mode - All the dark grey on her body turns black, her eyes turn an acidic green and all the blue on her turns the same acidic green. When she goes into this mode, her uncertain expression (which she wears all the time, no matter what her mood) turns into an insane grin (this is kind of like Jeff the Killer's expression. If you know who that is, then you know what her grin looks like. If you don't know who Jeff is and you don't like creepy/scary stuff, I'd recommend not looking him up)
Gender - Female
Crush - N/A
Family - N/A
Age - 1089 (I'm not sure how these years compare to irl years, could you specify that and I might edit this later? Thanks ^^)
Personality - She has a problem where she can't get to sleep. If she does get to sleep, it's only for a few minutes then a Nightmare wakes her up. She is a bit nervous, constantly looking around, keeping an eye out for danger. In battles, she likes to go for the stealthy/sneaky approach. She won't talk to you unless she knows your name, age and intentions for the future.
Imagination Species - Winged demonic wolf
What you can do - Insomnia can look into your memories and find out what type of character you are, if your heart and mind are stained by bloodshed or if you are as innocent as the lamb, she will know. She can fly, and despite the size of her wings, she can fly for quite a time before she gets tired out. Her wings have strong muscles in them. She sees in infared vision most of the time (because she likes to know where everything is) but the infared vision can be 'turned off' at will, at any time.
Why you want the Nightmare Side? - Insomnia has always liked the darkness more than the light, she loves the idea of the 'bad side' and has never really liked it when the good guys always won in stories.
Codeword - Myth of Darkness

Show hidden content
Username - AcidicPoptartz
Char Name - Paranoia
Rank - Elite Defender
Picture/Description -
When he speaks, the stitchings around his mouth come loose automatically and hang from his top lip until he finishes speaking. When he still has him teeth clentched together, even though he has his mouth open, the stitchings will look like they're about to break, but never will. These stitchings can not be broken entirely.
Nightmare Mode - None, same as normal self
Gender - Male
Crush - Insomnia
Family - N/A
Age - 1090
Personality - The trickster. He will play with your mind. He is slightly creepy, his laugh is high-pitched and his sentences always end in a high-pitched voice. He doesn't like to get angry, and when he does his voice goes high-pitched, but it is only audible enough for the beings he is angry at to hear. He gets very serious, but never shows any sign that he's serious, all of the time he has the same smile on his face.
Imagination Species - Trickster demon wolf
What you can do - Plays with your mind, makes your mind go into a phase where you can no longer think for yourself, when in this phase you are sent to a place where you can not see or hear anything. If you die while he is controlling you, a stitching is added to his mouth.
Why you want the Nightmare Side - He was born to be bad
Codeword - Myth of Darkness
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 15:03 (11 Years ago)
(Accepted ^-^ And yes i do know Jeff =P I am a Creepy-Pasta Fan who likes Creepy Things. We can start.)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 15:11 (11 Years ago)
{Awesome ^^ I'm not into Creepy Pasta that much, but Jeff's story is pretty cool :p I'm ok with starting, and I put a link to the rp in my signature if that's ok. I'd really like more people to join this ^^ If we start rping, could keep appilcations open, so if anyone wants to join they can? Oh, and I can't rp right now, 'cause I have to get some sleep but you can do the first post and I'll post when I wake up or come back from school :p}
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 15:13 (11 Years ago)
(You go to school on sundays? O-O Okay, and yeah it fine to put in there =) Okay i start i guess?)
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 15:17 (11 Years ago)
Sorra walks around, He's looking for Masky. He hears some noise but he ignore it, He hear something... He looked at the Moon which is facing the NightmareSide "The time has come." He spoke and run to somewhere else.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 10:04 (11 Years ago)

Insomnia peered down from in the sky. She had been circling the perimeter for quite a while now, the moon was well risen. It silhouetted her as she hovered.
A few minutes more went by, before she heard a noise. A high-pitched howl sounded from below her. Insomnia took a last look at the giant moon behind her, then tucked in her wings and dove towards the ground. Just before she hit the canopy, Insomnia pulled her wings out again and she landed in the clearing she had been aiming for. In the clearing, waiting for her was Paranoia. He was sitting, the same smile on his face. His tail was moving side to side slowly, in a sort of slow-motion tail wag. "Is it time already, Paranoia?" The trickster's ears angled towards me as I spoke. His smile turned into a grin. "Oh, quite overtime my dear. It seems the meeting has started already, and we're running late!" His words ended in a quiet, high-pitched laugh. I wondered what he was laughing about, even though we were scouting the perimeter, our lateness wouldn't be shaken off that easily. "Come on, we have to move quickly." I took off, above the canopy again and flew towards the meeting place. I didn't worry too much about Paranoia, since he was a fast runner.


It was a magnificent sight, to see Insomnia's beautiful form against the radiant moon. Paranoia waited and watched for a while. A feather from Insomnia's wing broke off and tumbled it's way down into the clearing where Paranoia waited. He watched as the blue feather gracefully hovered down and settled at his paws. This was one of the few times that Paranoia felt like he was actually smiling. He bent down and picked up the feather carefully with his teeth. He carried it to the outer edge of the clearing and jumped up onto one of the dark oak trees. He found a good place, and set the feather down on one of the tree's low-lying branches. He then jumped down, back into the clearing and let out his trademark howl. In no time, Insomnia was stood infront of him and asking him if it was time to leave. He replied with, "Oh, quite overtime my dear. It seems the meeting has started already and we're running late!" Paranoia couldn't help the maniac-like laugh that escaped his muzzle. He watched Insomnia's response, then watched her fly off to the meeting location. In turn, he stood and followed.
Paranoia was almost at the meeting place when he heard something call his name. Paranoia froze and swung his head around, looking for his seeker. He let out another maniac-like laugh then spoke, "Who's there? I know you're hiding, my sweet. Why don't you show yourself to the trickster?" Shortly after he had finished, a dark figure leapt out from the dense undergrowth and landed on his right side. As soon as the seeker had lept out, he knew it was Mason. "Oh, it's you... I was hoping for someone a little more fun!" Paranoia's mocking seemed to annoy the male, though it was more because of his voice than the mock itself. "You and Insomnia are late, why?" Paranoia tilted his head to the side. "That's none of your business, Mason. And you'd very much like to not ask that again, wouldn't you? Hahaha!" Paranoia penetrated the male's weak mind, torturing it ever so slightly as a simple joke. He let Mason's mind go after only a few seconds, and after he had control over his mind again, he snarled at Paranoia, revealing his pride and joy: row upon row of pointed teeth. Paranoia let out the most high-pitched of laughs it was almost a scream then continued to the meeting place.

{I added Paranoia, since I randomly came up with him <3 I've also added his form to my first post. Btw, not everyone lives where you do. Today it's Monday over here.}
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 12:29 (11 Years ago)
(Sorry i just confused at the date XD It's monday to =3 So is there meeting? O-O)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 12:32 (11 Years ago)
{Haha, yes. But what the meeting is about depends on you. You're the leader of the story line, so what's going to happen? From "The time has come" I guessed some $h!t was gonna go down. So, maybe a meeti planning to attack? If this is not the case, I guess there could be a meeting about some suspicious activity within the Nightmare side. (Or if you don't know what, maybe it'll be a surprise ^^)}
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 12:39 (11 Years ago)
(Okay =3 I added place in the RP And Why so long? XD)

Sorra looked up "A few Nightmare Resident didn't come, Sorry i can't do anything. I Can search for them if you want. Masky." Sorra say while bowing to the Leader.

"I can wait, But they can't." Masky say to Sorra as he looked outside "Search for them." Masky say as he think for awhile.

"Yes." He goes searching for someone who doesn't come to the Important meeting.He saw Paranoia and Insomnia he turn into shadow and quickly goes to them "Why you two late?" He blocked them.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 12:54 (11 Years ago)
{Did you read all of it? It's that long because I'm an expreienced role player, if I showed my full potential, you'd probably hate me xD So, are we all meeting? Like: Both Sun Side and Nightmare Side meet at a place where the borders meet?}
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 13:05 (11 Years ago)
(No that happen at the new year =3 Where they have peace for one day.. Nah it just to long until my head got messy XD So yep =3)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 13:15 (11 Years ago)
{Oh, ok! Oh: It would be nice if you read it all, it contains relevant stuff, one of which you ignored, a Nightmare member named Mason jumped out at Paranoia, and Insomnia was already at the meeting place when Paranoia met Mason. I have to switch devices, my ipad is on 3%, I'll post a new rp post in the next 5-10 minutes}
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 13:16 (11 Years ago)
(Yes i did read that.)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 13:49 (11 Years ago)

Insomnia had been to the meeting place before, but the intervals at which the meetings came were so long, it seemed like a new experience every time. Rather than last time, Insomnia descended slowly. She noticed one other winged wolf that seemed to be late. Insomnia could tell it was of the Sun side, so she let out a little snarl. 
Insomnia set down next to the entrance of the meeting place. There was no one at the entrance, so she let out a little bark to catch someone close by's attention. A Nightmare Side wolf she hardly knew greeted her and took her into the meeting place. Insomnia sat, and waited anxiously for Paranoia to arrive. She was a little worried about him and hoped he was alright.


After his encounter with Mason, Paranoia was stopped by yet another being. This one he didn't know. Paranoia tilted his head to the left and looked at the stopper in confusion. The stopper spoke, "Why are you late?" Paranoia narrowed his eyes. He had had enough of these nosy wolves. "That's my business, not yours. You have no right to know, oh no you don't! Now run along now, or we'll both be even more late to the meeting! Hahaha! Paranoia's laughs echoed through the forest as he sprinted away from the wolf.

{Have to go to sleep now. If I ever role play for a bit, suddenly stop role playing then start up again later: That means I'm doing something or other not pokéheroes related ^^ G'night!}
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 14:27 (11 Years ago)
(Okay =3)

He changes into a Shadow again stop-ing him "You better be faster, Masky have something important to say." He turns into a shadow again leading him a short-cut but he might not notice it..