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★ The Thoughts of a Metalhead ★

Forum-Index Diaries ★ The Thoughts of a Metalhead ★
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 14:22 (7 Years ago)
★ Tʜᴇ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ᴏꜰ ᴀ Mᴇᴛᴀʟʜᴇᴀᴅ ★

I am no longer active on this site and have removed most of my journal.
But the more important entries are still here and viewable.

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_______________]★ Do not steal any images, text, or any other sorts of journal material
_______________]★ If you are in this journal and wish to be removed, send me a PM
_______________]★ Any images here are made by me unless otherwise specified
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 14:26 (7 Years ago)
★ Shiny Info ★

★ Hunting ★

Highest Chain:
Lowest Successful Hunt:

Current Hunt:

Past Hunts:

Show hidden content
Date Started - Date Ended
Shinies Hatched / Pokemon Hatched Overall (Chain) - [Shiny Egg Number/Gender]


October 22nd, 2023 - October 23rd, 2024
Relaxed / No-Premium Hunt


28th September, 2023 - 21st October, 2023
Relaxed / No-Premium Hunt
1/107 - [107]


30th January, 2023 - 25th April, 2023
Relaxed / No-Premium Hunt
1/54 - [54M]


22nd December, 2021 - 7th January, 2022
1-Week Premium (Advent Calendar)
2/134 - [93F] [134]


27th November, 2020 - 1st December, 2020
Uncommon Event Pass
1/85 - [85F - 14th OS]


31st August, 2020 - 15th September, 2020
No-Premium hunts:
1/50 - [50F]
1/172 - [172F]


14th August, 2020 - 28th August, 2020
2/190 [79M] [110M]


30th July, 2020 - 14th August, 2020
9/380 [128F] [282M] [294M] [323M] [340M] [351M] [357M] [358M] [359M] [377M]


19th July, 2020 - 30th July, 2020
5/233 [80F] [134M] [156M] [158M] [217M]


24th February, 2020 - 26th March, 2020
13/613 [45M] [90M] [99M] [211M] [220M] [361M] [398M] [407M] [432F] [463M] [470M] [481M] [613M]


2nd January, 2020 - 10th January, 2020 (Accidental Chain Break)
2/145 [90F] [141M]
10th January, 2020 - 31st January, 2020
11/363 [66M] [71F] [76M] [179M] [183F] [224F] [231M] [244M] [270F] [301M] [363M]


27th December, 2019 - 2nd January, 2020
3/135 [42M] [75M] [111F]


16th November, 2019 - 14th December, 2019
1/176 [176M]

Alolan Vulpix

10th October, 2019 - 20th October, 2019
1/187 [187F]


22nd June, 2019 - 19th July, 2019
6/306 - [79M] [81M] [82M] [133M] [145M] [306F]


Uncommon Event Pass (x2)
9th June, 2019 - 20th June, 2019
2/153 [99F - 12th Driflamp OS] [148M - 5th Lightblim OS]


1st June, 2019 - 7th June, 2019
1/46 - [46M]


19th April, 2019 - 13th May, 2019
3/202 - [78] [87] [101]


22nd February, 2019 - 27th February, 2019
1/111 - [111M]


17th February 2019 - 22nd February 2019
1/60 [60F]


5th February 2019 - 12th February 2019
4/162 [58F] [79M] [104F] [122M]


13th September 2018 - 1st October 2018
3/212 [123M] [159M] [212M]


21st August 2018 - 13th September 2018
5/339 [73M] [101F] [132M] [152M] [221M]


21st August 2018 (Less than twenty-four hours)
1/64 - [64M] (Event Pass)


20th August 2018 - 21 August 2018
1/95 - [95M] (Event Pass)


20th August 2018 (Twenty-four hours exactly)
1/121 - [121M] (Event Pass)


4th July 2018 - 11th July 2018
1/112 - [112M]


3rd Mar 2018 - 23rd Mar 2018
9/331 - [99M][107M][124m][127M][173F][241M][279M][283M][330M]


14th Feb 2018 - 3rd Mar 2018
4/238 - [65M][71M][91M][235M]

Random Chance

Event Distribution

Honey Tree

★ Shiny Want List ★
This will not be regularly updated, FYI.
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All-Time Wants














Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Mon, 19/02/2018 09:53 (7 Years ago)
★ PokeDex Completion ★

Last Updated: March 30th, 2024
Will pay for any missing Dex entries!
‣ Missing Dex Entries


Completed on February 12th, 2019!

Completed on March 11th, 2019!

Completed on December 13th, 2018!

Completed on November 7th, 2019!

Completed on March 30th, 2024!

Completed on November 14th, 2019!






Mega & Gigantamax

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Sat, 24/02/2018 07:07 (7 Years ago)
★ Contest Entries ★

★ PokeHeroes 2020 Event Spriting Contest ★

Slugua & Aquargo

The water-type opposites of their counterparts, Slugma and Magcargo.
They are made up of water and have homes made of seashells.

Slugua PokeDex:
"These Pokemon are often accidentally stepped on when they come to beaches looking for new seashells as homes as they blend in with the scenery."

Aquargo PokeDex:
"Their jelly-like bodies are made completely out of water. The only way to see them underwater is to look for the shell homes moving along the ocean floor."

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OTHER ENTRIES (Did not win)
Pybat and Pyrebat

These bats are living flame creatures that light up even the darkest of caves.

Pybat PokeDex:
"These Pokemon are easy to spot in dark caves as they flutter around. It is said Pybat were used as torches in ancient times."

Pyrebat PokeDex:
"The flames on this Pokemon seem magical, it never spreads and trainers can hold these bats without being burned. They can illuminate any large cave when many fly together."


Based on the mythical Quetzalcoatl, this serpent is covered in feathers and golden jewelry from another era.

Quetzviper PokeDex:
"These feathered snakes have often been mistaken for an old legendary being. It can be seen depicted on ancient engravings at historical sites."

★ PokeHeroes 2020 Banner Content ★

Entry Winner:

Show hidden content
Other entry:

★ PokeHeroes 2022 Easter Content ★

No winner this year!

★ PokeHeroes 2021 Easter Content ★

No winner this year!

Runner Ups:

★ Pᴏᴋᴇʜᴇʀᴏᴇs 2020 Eᴀsᴛᴇʀ Cᴏɴᴛᴇsᴛ ★

Entry winner:

Other entries:

★ PokeHeroes 2019 Easter Contest ★

Entry winner:

Other entries:

★ PokeHeroes 2019 Spriting Content ★

Show hidden content
Recycle Trubbish & Recycle Garbodor - Did not win

These Pokemon recycle items they find on the streets of Emera.
Recycle Trubbish:
"Despite not having any arms, it will recycle various trash items it finds on the streets of Emera town by consuming it and later spitting it up at recycle centers."
Recycle Garbodor:
"They can usually be found cleaning up streets of filthy cities or littered beaches. They get along well with their poisonous counterpart in cleaning up trash."
Possible Evolution Method:
Give a Soda Pop to Recycle Trubbish
Possible Option to Obtain:
Possibly pick up X pieces of litter from Emera Beach? Have the sprites of trash or garbage show up in place of the Shoal Shells or Shoal Salt?

Axolkip, Axoltomp, Axolpert, and Mega Axolpert - Did not win

These Pokemon have reverted from swamps to cave rivers.
"Their eggs are often found hidden under cave waterfalls. Zubats enjoy the taste of these eggs."
"After evolving, these Pokemon can survive in both water and land for the lungs in their body and gills on their faces."
"Axolpert usually leave their childhood caves once fully grown in search of other caves to create offspring."
Mega Axolpert:
"One Mega evolved, these Pokemon gain stupendous growth. if they lose a limb, they are able to grow it back."
Possible Evolution Method:
Axolkip will evolve when a Zubat is in the user's party. Axoltomp can evolve using a Water Stone. Mega Axolpert needs a Mega Stone.
Possible Option to Obtain:
Possibly send a Zubat holding a Water Stone to a Rumble Mission in the Rocky Cave?

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Sat, 31/03/2018 19:43 (6 Years ago)
★ Shadow Radar History ★

Shortest Chain: #2
Oddish + Igglybuff + Pineco + Magikarp + Beedrill + Dunsparce + Scizor + Grimer + Caterpie
Longest Chain:
Remoraid #247


Caught the 3rd OS Shadow Murkrow / [Proof]
Caught the 3rd OS Shadow Slowking / [Proof]
Caught the 3rd OS Shadow Sudowoodo / [Proof]
Caught the 2nd OS Shadow Kingdra / [Proof]
Caught the 7th OS Shadow Umbreon / [Proof]
Caught the 5th OS Shadow Smeargle / [Proof]
Caught the 4th OS Shadow Pupitar / [Proof]
Caught the 7th OS Shadow Pupitar / [Proof]
Caught the 6th OS Shadow Espeon / [Proof]
Caught the 2nd OS Shadow Unown W / [Proof]
Caught the 8th OS Shadow Unown Q / [Proof]
Caught the 4th OS Shadow Quilava / [Proof]
Caught the 9th OS Shadow Croconaw / [Proof]
Caught the 7th OS Shadow Unown O / [Proof]
Caught the 7th OS Shadow Raikou / [Proof]


Beedrill - #75 | Butterfree - #34 | Kingler - #132 | Gengar - #49 | Rapidash - #44 | Slowbro - #215 | Scyther - #26 | Seaking - #12 | Starmie - #75
Machop - #204 | Meowth - #136 | Machoke - #13 | Scyther - #11 | Voltorb - #4 | Psyduck - #112 | Snorlax - #25 | Grimer - #57 | Magikarp - #2
Ivysaur - #145 | Charmander - #86/125 | Weezing - #14 | Haunter - #36 | Ponyta - #145 | Muk - #22 | Dodrio - #93 | Tentacool - #57 | Magikarp - #101
Mankey - #220 | Koffing - #36 | Doduo - #128 | Flareon - #54 | Nidoking - #74 | Tentacruel - #28 | Raichu - #67 | Victreebel - #4 | Slowpoke - #61
Seadra - #52 | Jolteon - #95 | Wartortle - #11 | Venusaur - #29 | Raticate - #13 | Gyarados - #50 | Golem - #27 | Jigglypuff - #7 | Staryu - #81
Drowzee - #141 | Oddish - #2 | Exeggcute - #115 | Tentacruel - #11 | Jynx - #66 | Arcanine - #125 | Hitmonchan - #48 | Meowth - #81 | Cloyster - #104
Cubone - #126 | Dragonite - #45 | Seel - #78 | Venusaur - #24 | Kabuto - #96 | Vaporeon - #83 | Charmeleon - #40 | Seaking - #6 | Jynx - #109
Ivysaur - #71 | Weezing - #17 | Nidorina - #7 | Machoke - #98 | Abra - #55 | Slowpoke - #29 | Jolteon - #28 | Vileplume - #4 | Victreebel - #17
Ponyta - #77 | Grimer - #2 | Blastoise - #47 | Dratini - #77 | Caterpie - #2 | Magikarp - #51 | Gengar - #146


Marill - #67 | Azumarill - #70 | Sentret - #108 | Hoothoot - #207 | Skiploom - #60 | Dunsparce - #92 | Aipom - #40 | Slowking - #86 | Remoraid - #79
Sneasel - #78 | Heracross - #54 | Slugma - #66 | Kingdra - #46 | Politoed - #18 | Granbull - #154 | Smeargle - #36 | Espeon - #14 | Pupitar - #77
Mantine - #24 | Chinchou - #63 | Quagsire - #160 | Remoraid - #185 | Pineco - #2 | Quilava - #52 | Lugia - #84 | Unown O - #60 | Unown R - #70
Swinub - #132 | Unown R - #111 | Raikou - #87 | Unown V - #73 | Porygon2 - #70 | Croconaw - #128 | Bayleef - #110 | Larvitar - #37 | Suicune - #122
Dunsparce - #2 | Blissey - #111 | Unown K - #4 | Pupitar - #38 | Pichu - #114 | Pichu - #76 | Ampharos - #73 | Ledian - #53 | Mareep - #96
Cleffa - #99 | Girafarig - #115 | Girafarig - #74 | Octillery - #94 | Togepi - #30 | Togepi - #22 | Wobbuffet -#17 | Bellossom -#23 | Mareep - #80
Ampharos - #53 | Phanpy - #8 | Unown W - #56 | Gligar - #30 | Sunflora - #105 | Steelix - #104 | Politoed - #24 | Octillery - #97 | Politoed - #89
Slowking - #23 | Croconaw - #60 | Togetic - #170 | Umbreon - #101 | Pupitar - #19 | Unown R - #161 | Feraligatr - #41 | Scizor - #6/108 | Unown Y - #16
Slugma - #11 | Croconaw - #127 | Croconaw - #129 | Unown E - #57 | Scizor - #2 | Hoothoot - #3 | Unown M - #90 | Bayleef - #86 | Noctowl - #124
Furret - #65 | Wobbuffet - #31 | Cleffa - #58 | Qwilfish - #156 | Murkrow - #45 | Magcargo - #55 | Teddiursa - #113 | Crobat - #188 | Qwilfish - #123
Sudowoodo - #6 | Jumpluff - #48 | Pineco - #32 | Remoraid - #247 | Umbreon - #72 | Pupitar - #129 | Sunflora - #27 | Magcargo - #70 | Jumpluff - #56
Unown Q - #46 | Forretress - #69 | Snubbull - #124 | Sunkern - #12 | Corsola - #129 | Misdreavus - #58 | Sudowoodo - #125 | Hitmontop - #52
Natu - #117 | Unown ! - #123 | Unown F - #129 | Tyrogue - #55 | Unown F - #96 | Piloswine - #148 | Quilava - #120 | Unown F - #126 | Feraligatr - #144
Unown I - #4 | Quilava - #56 | Unown A - #55 | Unown F - #16 | Typhlosion - #86 | Pupitar - #47 | Ampharos - #55 | Sunflora - #51 | Phanpy - #36
Xatu - #50 | Sneasel - #49 | Donphan - #127 | Wooper - #121 | Bellossom - #5 | Swinub - #62 | Unown J - #112 | Slugma - #49 | Unown Q - #85
Shuckle - #54 | Magcargo - #44 | Smoochum - #116 | Remoraid - #122 | Houndoom - #8 | Tyranitar - #45 | Lugia - #118 | Unown C - #12 | Unown G - #20
Unown Z - #69 | Larvitar - #63 | Blissey - #44

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Tue, 10/04/2018 21:41 (6 Years ago)
★ Writing Entry #16 ★

★ My Little Brother ★

So, July first is the birthday date of Kyle, my little brother. My mother and I celebrated with him in the city, and she had $200 for him to spend towards getting a handgun of his choice. So we went, he picked one out, wrote all the paperwork out, paid for it, and were left with the usual waiting period to clear all records necessary for purchasing a firearm.

About a week later, my brother finally gets the call that he can pick it up but he's being incredibly lazy. So, since my mother was on vacation, I offered to have my brother take me for my typical grocery run over the weekend. He agrees since it would also allow him a reason to go and get his gun. This was on Friday (17th) that we went.

My brother came and picked me up and we chatted the entire time we hung out. It was great spending time with my brother, since I've not seen much of him since we were kids. We had some fast food, got his gun and admired it, then we got some groceries before we headed back home.

Then my brother surprised me with something that makes me proud of him.

So, where we live, it's on a plateau and the way to get to it is either over a mountain or through the canyon. Normally the canyon is faster and easier so everyone takes that route. Once we were at the top of the canyon (roughly two miles away from town) we had the odd sight of a white car on the side of the road. No lights were on, the driver's window was open, and there was no one in the car or around it. We shrugged and just kept going. About a mile and a half later, we saw the gas station not too far from town. And there walking along the side of the road was a guy carrying a gasoline can. We put two and two together quickly, this guy had run out of fuel and literally walked that full mile in 90 degree heat to get gas and was walking another 1.5 miles to get back to his car. My brother debated it for a long minute before he pulled a safe U-Turn and turned around.
Kyle pulled off in a safe spot and waited for the guy to get close to his truck, and we could see this guy was dressed like he was having a hard time. He asked the guy if the white car was his, it was, and my brother said "Why don't get you get in and I'll drop you off there dude?"

The guy looked ready to collapse and cry, he was so happy to have help. He thanked my little brother over and over before getting in the bed of his pickup (we were safe this way, don't worry). And then Kyle got a smirk as he got back on the road and started doing 60 MPH (he did it much earlier than the sign but he had a reason) up towards the top of the canyon. The guy got wind-blasted from my brother's speeding to help cool him down, and the guy looked like he was in heaven. One mile and a half later, we pulled off and the guy got out with his gas and came up to the window to knuckle-bump my brother and thanked him so much. We then made sure he got across the road safely before we turned around to head back home.

This was something my mother would have done if it were safe, and never did I expect it from my little brother. It was heart-warming to know that the kid I protected and raised when my parents weren't able to was still in there and shone brightly.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Tue, 05/06/2018 07:06 (6 Years ago)
★ Gᴀᴍɪɴɢ Exᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ #1 ★

★ Frogger: The Great Quest ★
2001 | Playstation 2 | Platformer

Alright, welcome to my first Gaming Entry, where I'm going to write my previous and recent experience with what might be the weirdest and most broken game I've ever played in my life.

And, it's interactive! I highly recommend you listen to each music track I provide while you read the paragraph associated with the music. Let's begin!

Notice: I owned this game during my childhood, and I replayed the game in the week before posting this entry.

Frogger the Great Quest is a platformer with a lot of bugs. It's a wonder it was ever given the "okay" to be released. Combat is terrible and, unless you're doing the ranged attack for far too long, then you take a crap ton of damage from enemies while it feels like you aren't doing anything back to them. Enemies are very annoying to deal with as they lock onto you once you're within their range and they don't stop following you. The only way to stop them is to kill them or walk far enough away from them so they get out of your range and freeze in the unloaded areas. Frogger himself moves in a very awkward manner. You tap the control stick in one way, he doesn't hardly move. But if you hold the stick in that direction for a moment and let go, then he walks a little too far after you've let the stick go. Jumping is hard to decipher, and it has a Metroid situation. Moving and then jumping makes Frogger jump into the air immediately but it's not as high and he continues moving throughout the jump. Without moving and jumping, Frogger takes an extra second to two to build up energy before leaping into the air, a little higher than without moving but it lags and moving after that is very slow and odd. The platforming sections aren't too much of a pain to deal with, but some areas are very hard to tell what is a platform and what isn't. Slopes are just as bad, and when Frogger is on a slope that he can't technically stand on, he "rolls" off in a somersault to get off the section, but that usually never works and it can lead to being completely unable to move. Tapping the control stick turns Frogger in that direction, but he's stuck and the only way to free him is to jump, if he can and hopefully it frees him. If not, you've got yourself a softlock and there's nothing you can really do about it. Plot is lazy but somewhat fun based on the old fairy tale of a frog turning into a prince. The worlds cover many themes and there are several I enjoyed seeing again in a recent playthrough. Music is strange at times but it's also nostalgic for me, there are some pretty great tracks that I enjoy putting on repeat to listen to them again. Characters are somewhat unique, but the models for most are just incredibly creepy or off-putting (I'm looking at you Count Blah...). Voice acting was actually decent and each character was indistinguishable from others, while some were fun to hear (Hiss is literally a Sean Connery impression). The cut scenes were sort of a mood-kill when starting or completing a level. They're very loud compared to the game audio and they take you out of the game atmosphere and into an old animated movie. Anyways, onto the game.

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Intro - ♪ "Title Theme" ♫

So to start off, the music is incredibly weird off the get-go. It has a lot of various instruments that sound very strange, and the children laughing in the background just gives it a creepy overtone. On top of that, you're greeted with a standard menu to start the game. Everything here is pretty much normal and it looks amazing, despite the music pausing when you switch to a menu option and then restarting from the beginning again. Everything here is pretty basic and there's not much to go off of on this one.

Tutorial - ♪ "Rolling Rapids Creek" ♫

This is literally a tutorial area that's mostly just to teach you the basics of how to play the game. There's actually a not very obvious option to skip the tutorial, but for my playthrough I just decided it would be better to go through it for the experience of it all over again and to get a handle on the controls. Fairy Frogmother (yes, it's that terrible...) teaches you how to play but speaks in a mystical way that keeps you somewhat interested while also in a very annoying way that irritates you at the same time. After spending far too long listening to her guiding you, you're left to continue the level on your own. Notice she never really teaches you proper combat, and once you leave her guidance, you're thrown to the hungry fishes and human-sized mosquitoes, leaving you to fight on your own and experience probably the worst thing in the game: combat. Once you get a handle on everything, the level is simple and short so it's completed in no-time.

Bluez Bearz and Beez - ♪ "Bog Town" ♫

I'm not sure where the idea was going into this level but it's strange. It's named "Bog Town" but the houses are clunky and awkward, it's not much of a bog at all since there's still greenery, it's more of a knock-off Lake-town. We're met to a character child from the intro cutscene who gave Frogger the idea about needing to find a princess to kiss him, but this kid doesn't do much for anything. Just tells you how to complete the level, which isn't all that hard to figure out honestly. Then we meet Bruiser, the weird blue hillbilly bear. He has a cable car to take him to the next level which has a "River Princess" but he wants honey and says the bees would give it to him. So go to the other side of the map and you can find about eight or so bees who chat away once you approach them, with a few too many Z's for my liking. They give you the honey with no problems and that's that. Funny thing about this is you can actually attack the bees and they'll immediately become hostile towards you and start to chase you down. Give the bear the honey, level over.

The "River Princess" - ♪ "Slick Willy's River Boat" ♫

The music is filled with banjos and cats. The boat is also filled with annoying cat enemies. It's just an unfun level in general and probably one of the worst. You have to scale your way up the boat to find a bell at the room where Slick Willy is obviously hiding in. The bell opens up a door on the other side of the ship so you go to it but it's filled with nothing except gems and coins. Upon leaving there's a new trail of coins leading back to where the bell was. Get close to the area and you find a fancy-dressed mustached crocodile named Slick Willy. Frogger asks about where the princess is and Willy tells Frogger that he's "standing on her", the River Princess is the name of his boat. After that Slick Willy tells Frogger he's staying for lunch, and after Frogger says he isn't hungry, will laughs and tells him that he is the lunch. Shocker. Immediately after that, Willy does a crouched-over stalk towards Frogger and, let me tell you, as a child... THIS. TERRIFIED. ME. Something about his shamble with the music in the background was so off-putting that I turned everything off and went to bed with nightmares. It took me several days before I gathered enough courage to get back into it. After doing enough damage to Slick Willy, he'll give up and let you go free, giving you his speedboat to get to the next town where he's heard about some sort of Fairy Princess. End of level.

This Fairy Sucks - ♪ "River Town" ♫

Upon landing in the level, we're met with a turtle with a drinking habit who tells you about a sick fairy in the Mayor's house, and that the key to the door is up somewhere high. You're then free to spend way too much time trying to find this fricken key, which is literally only a few feet away from the Mayor's House? It's in a hard-to-see place because the camera is absolute trash. Anyways, once you open the door, the fairy named Phroi says he's too sick to travel so he needs a magic clover. So time to start running around the level again. There are goblins all over this level and, not only are they the least attractive models (apart from Phroi), but they are EVERYWHERE. You can't really take a few steps without finding a goblin suddenly ready to attack. After looking around, there are some odd tall rocks in the frog-eating-fish waters that have clovers on them. Getting to the tallest one shows the spinning clover which you can take all the way back to the fairy. Phroi eats it and feels better so he tells you to follow him. He takes you along the edge of the map and tells you to pass through the valley to get to Fairy Town. Level ends.

Fever Dreams... - ♪ "Mushroom Valley" ♫

You know how someone says something about a game, and you trigger a certain moment from the game to pop up into your memory? That's this level. The strangest level out of all of them with matching music. It's a small area filled with giant mushrooms (because that's what the developers must have been on when making this level...) and your way forward is by collecting three key pieces behind locked doors. Those doors open after certain untold events happen. Fairy Frogmother shows up to try and explain it but she wasn't really needed in this level. Combat for the first door, that's it. After the getting the first key, she shows you to the next puzzle which was stolen right from Mario 64, pick the chests in the correct order. Not hard. Second key obtained. The third key is the strangest part of all of it. You find this odd box with different panels on each side with various elemental markings. Frogger questions what it is but interacting or hitting it does nothing. Next to it is a... Strange NPC. She's named Mrs. Boxy, and she's a cow with Mad Cow Disease, only in this case it just describes her as being a crazy cow lady. Her appearance is very off-putting right off the bat as she glances around mildly without seeming to really look. Once in a great while, she has a brief animation of her laughing but there's no sound coming from her. Trying to speak with her just results in loud babbling moo's while her tail and udder swing around and her head spins in place, like something from a freakin exorcist. You can only interact with the box after you've obtained the first two keys, where Fairy Frogmother gives you a "cryptic" riddle. It's not hard to understand it at all, she basically just says "get the box next to the cow" and fuffs off. Now you can interact with the box, and all you have to do is attack it and it "floats" towards the cow with each hit. The cow's rear floats up before stomping down to open the box and give you the key. It's a simple level end after getting to the door at that point.

Annoying - ♪ "Fairy Town (Spring)" ♫

Phroi and the other three give fairies a bad name here. In order to see the Fairy Princess, Phroi demands you complete five tasks to see her. Your first task is to find five seeds in the town and plant them in their spots. The map is small and the seeds glow so it's not too hard to find them. The waterfall section is a pain to get through since Frogger's jumping mechanics don't agree with the platform sizes but it's manageable. After getting all the seeds done, your next task is to go to the Ancient Tree of Knowledge" to find someone known as the "Dark One" to fight him and learn something and report what you learn to the fairies. Head to the tree (which one of the seeds was next to) and level is over.

Spoopy - ♪ "The Tree of Knowledge" ♫

Okay, I admit, this level had me a little creeped out when I was younger. The music is mysterious, scorpions and snakes were everywhere, and the atmosphere was completely different from a swamp or fairy theme. It was downright dark and creepy. The level is simple enough, just a few platforming sections here and there. We do see another Mad Cow here, her name known as Mrs. Fine, but she has no purpose in the game whatsoever. At the end of the level, you meet the "Dark One" who literally just looks like the Grim Reaper with a scythe and all. Yes, this petrified me as a child but I managed to get through it. He floats so it's hard to avoid him and he hits hard. I died once in my playthrough against him, so it's not a fun battle. Upon his defeat, part of his "skull" is broken off to reveal the face behind the mask was Frogger's face. After that, Frogger is teleported out of the level.

UGH. FAIRIES. - ♪ "Fairy Town (Summer)" ♫

We're back in Fairy Town! But things have changed, it's a new season and the seeds you planted are already sprouting and growing. The Fairies demand to know what Frogger saw under the tree so he says "Myself?" and the fairies laugh it off like he's crazy. Then they demand to play hide and seek. They run off and you find there's barrels everywhere suddenly. The Fairies are hiding in these barrels, simply break them open and that's it. Afterwards, they all meet by the waterfall and tell you the next task. You must find the waterfall (it's behind them, derp) and go into it's cave. There lived the Cat Dragon and Frogger must play his game to learn his riddle. Go through the cave and that's level end.

Sean Connery - ♪ "The Cat Dragon's Lair" ♫

This level is kind of awesome. It has great music, the best NPC of the game, and a fun challenging level. The level immediately starts out with Hiss, the Cat Dragon, an awesome creature that sounds like a Sean Connery impression and just in general seems very suave. A nervous Frogger asks to play his game and Hiss explains that Frogger must go through three chambers, collect the rubies in each, and return without Hiss catching him. Each chamber is different. They all have a few scorpions on the ground as well as different rocky formations to get to the ruby. All the while Hiss is flying in circles above you and continuously sending fireballs your way that will hit you if you aren't moving, and sometimes still do if you are moving. After collecting all three and returning to the starting point, Hiss congratulates you since not many win his game. He then tells his riddle. "If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?" Frogger asks for the answer and Hiss teases that Frogger can go through the chambers again to get the answer but he declines and goes back to the fairies, level sadly ended.

I hate fairies now... - ♪ "Fairy Town (Autumn)" ♫

Back in this place, new season, yadda yadda. Returning to the fairies, you tell them the riddle you received from Hiss. They laugh it off like another joke before Phroi mentions the next task is the hardest: Tag. It's literally get close enough to touch their character model and then they hover near a door that leads into a tree. After passing the door enough times, you're finally able to enter and you meet the Fairy Princess. She quickly tells you that she isn't the fairy you're looking for but the real princess is in danger and Frogger needs to hurry. She then sends you far away to the next area of the game, level end.

Stinkysss Biggiess - ♪ "Dark Trail Ruins" ♫

My second favorite track on this soundtrack, but definitely not my favorite level. This one seems to drag on and on. Upon getting a certain distance in, you're met with a creature that Frogger names "Wild Thing". Wild Thing calls you a "tourist" since you're not from around there and after some jaunty banter, a roar can be heard nearby. Wild Thing yells and exclaims "Stinkysss biggiess!" and Frogger doesn't understand what he's talking about, to which Wild Thing talks about the Stinkysss biggiess eats tourists. He then mentions "Littless Blinkyss" above that also eats tourists. Frogger doesn't understand and Wild Thing says the trails are dangerous, then Frogger says thank you (what?) as Wild Thing runs off. The level after that is basic, nothing much to note except you hear the same roaring sounds a few times. You come across Wild Thing twice, one of which he takes a relic from a pedestal that stops you from advancing so you whack him to return it, and another time he tells you to find three relics and put them in their proper order to open the way forward. The "Littless Blinkyss" that Wild Thing mentioned are the worst enemies in the game, the eyeball bats. There are several of them, they're just a giant eyeball with wings and a red-lipped mouth. They also screech annoyingly when you hit them. After venturing on for a good while you come to a wooded place (after previous travelling through an underwater, stone area), and the Wild Thing runs past exclaiming "Stinkysss biggiess!" again. But this time you can see the creature he's talking about; a giant bi-pedal purple monster with horns, large fangs, and a lion-like tail. It's known as the Bone Cruncher, it's twice the size of Frogger, twice as fast, and does twice the damage as normal enemies. It's also indestructible, you can't do any damage to it. This creature was just as bad at scaring me as Slick Willy when I was younger. The creature continues on it's slow walk but if you attack it or get close enough then it aggros onto you and you just have to run. When I was little, it turned the corner and locked onto me with a loud growl that I threw the controller and shut it off for a few days. I returned to it and beat it without setting off the monster. Travel for a short while to find Wild Thing and he leads you to the end of the level, where you pick up a stone. the Bone Cruncher corners you both so it tells you to throw the stone at the "Stinkysss biggiess", which shrinks it to the size of Frogger's foot. He then puts the Bone Cruncher in his backpack as Wild Thing howls victoriously and runs off with Frogger trying to chase him. Level end.

Dr. Evil's reject cousin - ♪ "Dr. Starkenstein's Castle" ♫

We start this level off with immediate introductions to Dr. Starkenstein, a very short scientist who speaks just like Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers series. He's flanked with two odd creatures that looked like he created himself, one named Stinky Phil and the other named Geeky Bill. He tells you that it's dangerous outside at night and that you're his guest tonight. He then orders Geeky to take you to the guest room. Bill reassures you that he won't hurt you as the Doctor bids goodbye and will see Frogger in the morning, then takes his leave with Stinky by his side. Once out of earshot, Geeky Bill tells Frogger that he isn't safe inside this castle and he needs to run away. He then also leaves and you find yourself trapped in this room. The door is locked, there's a bed, dresser, few bookcases, and a nightstand. For a month and a half of trying, my brother and I could not figure out what to do here. This was before internet was a big deal at the time, mind you. Guide Books were your only way forward and this crappy game never got big enough to have one made of it. One day, we decided we would let the game run and "wait" for morning, so we let the game run for about three hours while we ate breakfast and found something else to do. Eventually we realized that was a dumb thing so we gave up and I started fiddling with the controller in frustration and causing Frogger to jump around the room like mad while I hit every button I could. Then, accidentally, I discovered how to progress. The same button that you use to talk to people and open chests worked on one of the bookcases as it slid open to reveal the way forward. After that it reveals this is probably the most annoying level in the game. There are so many "Littless Blinkyss" or Eyeball bats in this level and they are the worst enemy in the game. They're annoyingly loud, can follow you anywhere, are just creepy creatures in general, and you can't go a few steps without running into one. The level is pretty simple, you start off in a tower and have to change a clock tower's time to open up the next door. There's no mention of this anywhere or what time or how, you just have to find a button that allows you to change the time and spam it until a cutscene plays, door unlocked. It leads to a small room with a hole and wires leading down it. With nothing else to do, you're forced into the hole where you encounter a cutscene with The Witch. She's... A useless character. She doesn't really advance the plot or anything. She's just there and wants to use Frogger's legs for her potions. He escapes with the help of Fairy Frogmother and the level continues. You're put into a hallway with a lot of health bugs and the next room is a large open area with more eyeball bats. Hoo. Rah. There's nothing else really of mention but the doorway leads to the Doctor's laboratory with Stinky and Geeky by his side. Frogger sneaks in to eavesdrop. Dr. Starkenstein goes on a monologue about how he has worked for years on his creations, which it's not very obvious but the eyeball bats were created by him. He then talks about his newest and greatest invention: The Great Metal Chicken Ray. A cutscene plays where a giant Frankenstein-esque monster emerges into the room, showing it's part living creature and part metal while also breathing blue fire. Frogger panics and is then spotted by the gang. The Doctor welcomes Frogger to his laboratory and goes on to explain his experiments require supplies. The Doctor also wants Frogger's legs for some of his experiments. He then commands Stinky to attack as he runs to the corner of the room with Geeky following him. After that, Stinky Phil and The Great Metal Chicken Ray attack you. You can defeat Stinky and destroy him, but the Chicken is indestructible from what I've noticed. You can attack it and cause it to flee you for a short while as you go after your real goal: destroying the lab (as Fairy Frogmother's voice appears from nowhere to tell you). It's hard to tell at first but the blue lights on each machine scattered around the lab are the weak points and you must destroy every one of them. Dr. Starkenstein has a quip after each one, some with a little out-of-nowhere profanity ("Okay, this is p***ing me off"). After destroying each of the lights, the emergency exit flashes and is unlocked. Going through it causes a cutscene to show Frogger escaping through it while the lab seems to collapse with the Chicken roaring loudly. It's assumed that this destroys the Chicken, the Doctor, and Geeky in this game. Level finally ended.

Dusty the Bone Dog - ♪ "The Catacombs" ♫

The next level is right after exiting the Castle. It's stairways down into the ground that lead to a twisty cave path. Venturing far enough, you're greeting by a loud growling vampire who stalks you. He doesn't hurt you but he's creepy as hell that you don't want him to touch you. Fighting him doesn't do anything and he stops chasing you after enough damage. Ignore him and continue on to find an open area with a few coffins. Entering the area, the vampire from earlier will appear in front of you and laugh maniacally. Frogger then gives up and tells the vampire to bite him. The vampire tells Frogger that he will not hurt him, and Frogger in turn asks if he was going to suck his blood. The vampire exclaims "Blood? Yuck!" and goes on to tell Frogger that he was descended from fruit bats, he only drinks fruit juice (that's a hilariously adorable idea and I love it). After that, the level goes from slightly creepy to downright cartoony. The music makes you feel like you're in an old cartoon while the plot seems silly. Count Blah, as the vampire introduces himself, asks you to help him find his daughter, Princess Dar, as she's lost in these catacombs and she'll show Frogger the way out. Realizing that it's a princess, Frogger eagerly agrees to help. Count Blah then leaves behind Frogger and locks him in the catacombs (No idea why). After that you're put in a slightly confusing map with a lot of area to go. The main enemies here are just a few spiders and that's about it. There are some "optional" enemies but they aren't aggressive unless you attack them first. There are ghosts floating around some sections, just minding their own business. When you get close enough or attack them, they wail loudly and chase you down but only for a short distance before they resume their floating circuit. Every time I play this game, I make the glitch happen to cause one of the ghosts to constantly spin in place. It never fails to make me laugh. moving on, here's a sad story that never got resolved in my life. In the booklet that came with the game and case, it talks about various things regarding the game. One of which showed an NPC called Dusty The Bone Dog. I was excited to find Dusty and see what his role would be in this game. Dusty is found here in the catacombs but... He does't do anything. You can interact with him once and his plays an animation before standing up, and then he just stands there. Can't interact with him, he does't make sounds, he just a part of the decoration. I can't tell you how soul crushing it was when I realized that Dusty wasn't a part of the game at all and I had to continue through the level without him. The level is pretty basic after that, the pathways are a little confusing but there are just simple doors and rooms that you can open. One of them has Princess Dar in them where she thanks you for rescuing her. Count Blah then shows up and when his daughter demands to know where he was, he tells her that he gets just as lost in this place as her. Dar then tells Frogger that she also isn't the princess he's looking for, but she knows one in a nearby town that's in danger. Count Blah stops Frogger from leaving and tells him that Dar will lead him out. She slowly walks toward the exit and there she opens the door that will let you leave. Level end.

Doom and Gloom - ♪ "The Goblin Trail" ♫

We leave behind the fun and mystical world as we enter depressing and boring level schemes. We start off in a canyon-like area that's being guarded by goblins. There are keys to find to different gates in order to progress through the level, there's not much to say here. It's pretty generic and all around boring standard. Near the end of the level, we come across a character known as The Goblin King, Ijnek. He gets beaten by his wife, Big Mama, and soon spots Frogger and sends his two guards after him. So after defeating the three, the King drops his crown and Frogger takes it before continuing on with the level. I actually had a strange moment where my game froze in the playthrough (also on YouTube if you want to see it) and had to restart from the beginning. But shortly after all that, it's a simple level end.

War, War Never Changes... - ♪ "The Goblin Fort" ♫

We're suddenly found in a town of sorts that's been ruined and destroyed by Goblins that litter the area. There's a gate leading into another part of the town and then the main part of the town with a sign that says "Joy Town" except the word Joy has been graffiti'd to say "Goblin" instead. There are more goblins around but there's not much else to the level. It's just find the way forward (which is in a building that doesn't look all that special so it's hard to tell where to go). Before the building, you can find the final Mad Cow known as Mrs. Stein, and she does NOT shut up. She babbles incoherently and giggles strangely. She, like the previous cow and Dusty, do absolutely nothing in this game. Continue through to the building that you can travel up some stairs and the level ends just like that, Frogger jumping a ride on a passing metal hang glider that sails off.

This Kingdom Sucks - ♪ "Joy Castle" ♫

We're met with two knight NPCS in a destroyed castle courtyard, one is fighting off two goblins while the other bigger man is just standing in a corner. Interacting with the big knight he just mumbles and talks about food. Walking into the level, the fighting knight encourages the other to help him slay the goblins and the big knight takes his sweet time getting to the courtyard. In my playthrough, he actually glitched and got stuck on some rubble in the ground. What a hero. Again, these two NPCs are completely pointless and do nothing for you or the plot. At least it's two goblins you don't have to fight. Continuing on, you have to make your way through parts of the castle while fighting off goblins along the way. There's not much to this level either, it's standard and boring as you just go through the motions to get through it. There are new goblin enemies, archers. They actually can't hurt you no matter how hard they try. More broken pointless characters. Continuing on, you find a dead end with many goblins. The ending is hard to tell but it's one of the doors that you can't open. You have to walk close enough to it in order to make the level end.

The. Dumbest. Level. Ever. - ♪ "The Towers of Joy Castle" ♫

This is the final level of the game, and also the worst level in the game. Dr. Starkenstein's castle was annoying but it could be enjoyable at times. Maybe. But this level? It goes on for FAR too long. You have new enemies here, those dressed like executioners for beheadings. There's only a few on this level and they are no harder than regular goblins. There's a lot of running in a circle to climb the staircases, then climb the outside with vines, then do some more spiral staircases, yadda yadda yadda. The level just sucks and so does the music. It's bland and doesn't have any special emotion behind it. After spending ages to climb the towers, you finally get to the top of one and are confronted with an interesting scene. Fairy Frogmother and Joy Princess are captured in magical barriers while The Magical General is flanked by two executioner guards. Upon spotting Frogger, the General commands the guards to seize him. Frogger backs away and Fairy Frogmother tells him to throw the monster out of his bag. Frogger releases the Bone Cruncher and Fairy Frogmother turns his size back to normal. One guard panics and jumps off the tower as the other watches. The guard then looks at the beast and soon flees as well with the Bone Cruncher following them both off the tower edge. The General then starts to attack Frogger with magic. Regardless of what you do, you cannot hurt the General and instead, have to attack the enchanted living sword named Grimbite that starts to chase and attack Frogger. Upon doing enough damage, Grimbite will stop fighting you and soon call you the "new master" which causes the General to panic and his magic fades. He declares that he will not be defeated, Frogger has only delayed the inevitable, and that the Kingdom is his. He says that Frogger has not seen the last of him, to which Frogger mocks him and the General notices Fairy Frogmother is free, so he also flees by jumping off the tower while laughing evilly.

Endgame - ♪ "The Cat Dragon's Lair (Best track)" ♫

After hitting enough damage to Grimbite, the game has ended and a long cutscene plays out. Once the General jumps the tower, Frogger takes out the crown from Ijnek and wears it. The princess looks at Fairy Frogmother and says "This is my prince?" To which she just shrugs and kisses him anyways. Sure enough, the kiss works and Frogger is turned into a human prince (with an absolutely hideous model...). Fairy Frogmother then tells you to let the kingdom see him. Holding onto Grimbite and with Hiss showing up to roar and breathe fire, the battle between humans on goblins ceases as they look up to see Frogger and hear Frogmother claim "All hail Prince Frogger!" Phroi also shows up and flutters about the tower they are all on and chatting among themselves, and then Phroi breaks the fourth wall to look at the camera with his hideous face and say "And they all lived happily ever after. Hah hah." To which the curtains close, "The End" is shown on the screen, and then The Witch shows up to cackle and say "I don't think so!" GAME END.

Final Thoughts

So, to sum it all up, this game really was as bad as I remember it being. But there is a weird fondness for it in my heart. Some of the characters are enjoyable, some music tracks are wonderful, and there's actually quite a few things I never seem to forget. It was enjoyable and frustrating at the same time to go through the game again and re-experience the weirdness. It's a game I recommend experiencing for yourself, but if you can't, then you can actually watch my playthrough on my YouTube channel. As of posting this, not all of the videos are out yet. They're still being released once each day, but feel free to watch my playthough here.

All the videos are out now and you can watch them with the link below!

Frogger: The Great Quest Silent Let's Play by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Mon, 27/08/2018 07:13 (6 Years ago)
★ Pride Month 2024 ★

★ My Half-Gay Story ★

ㅤㅤI grew up in a conservative household, with a parent who sheltered both my little brother and I. We were pretty unaware of the outside world around us, and we didn’t pay much attention until the divorce. One vacation with the parent who didn’t shelter us led me to see my first look into a world of possibilities.

ㅤㅤI was about 13 when we went to the coast and were enjoying days on the beach. One particular day, off in the distance, I noticed two people walking along the shore. They were holding hands, walking slowly and carefree like they didn’t have anywhere to go and all the time in the world. They were smiling, talking softly, and just looked like the happiest people alive. I thought it was strange to see two grown men holding hands like that, and I didn’t understand it. Until one came in to kiss the other on the cheek. My first emotions ranged from shocked to confused. I didn’t quite understand what I was seeing.

ㅤㅤOnce the vacation was over, I asked my long-distance friend about it who explained things to me. He taught me what sexualities were. The moment on the beach with the two men was stuck in my mind after that for a while. They looked happier than I’d ever seen a normal couple look. I couldn’t fathom it.

ㅤㅤAnd then my curiosity rose. I wondered what it was like to be with a girl. The idea didn’t repulse me, I didn’t find it wrong. Part of it even excited me, made me feel like it would actually be fun. It was then I decided I was bi-curious. At the time, I was dating a guy and for many, many years after that, I continued to date men. Not because of a fear of dating women or anything. But just the way fate lined them up in my path and I grew attracted to them; I was a hopeless romantic. It wasn’t until I was about twenty two years old. I had been on and off in relationships but none stuck. I kept my options open and lazily searched.

ㅤㅤThen came Akula. Being a furry, I spent most of my searching on various furry sites, hoping to come across someone to date. My lifetime friend (the same one who taught me about sexualities) wound up trying to draw her attention… As well as seven other men. While I was intrigued in her, I was more interested in befriending her. I didn’t have any female friends at the time, and the fact her fursona was a shark made it too tempting. Nervously, I reached out to her and we hit it off. Things went great and we were on our way to becoming friends, or so I thought. It wasn’t until she was talking about something with a guy that I realized she was probably straight; the thought hadn’t even occurred to me, and I could feel my shoulders sag in disappointment. She asked me how many men I’d been with. It took me a while to answer, and then she asked something I hadn’t prepared for.

ㅤㅤ“How many women have you been with?

ㅤㅤI didn’t know how to answer her without seeming like an inexperienced nerd. So I just casually told her I hadn’t been with any, I was still bi-curious and never had the chance. She didn’t believe me at first. She said I was far too charming and kind, and it wasn’t until much later that I realized she was flirting with me. She gave up flirting when I obviously didn’t get the message and boldly asked her next question without hesitation.

ㅤㅤ“Well, you wanna figure out that curiosity?

ㅤㅤIt was at that moment I understood the silly cartoon cliché, when the character gets spoken to by a gorgeous woman and their brain fries. It happened to me, and it was a wonder how I didn’t faint. I agreed, though I was nervous for a long time. It took me several days to get used to the idea. But Akula was amazing through and through, she was kind, supportive, funny, and knew how to ease me into things.

ㅤㅤA few days later, I was more than 100% certain.

ㅤㅤI definitely liked women. But the appeal for men was still there as well. I experimented when I could to find out my limits and push my boundaries before I was absolutely sure on them. Doing a little research on how people define it, I consider myself…

ㅤㅤ Bi-Sexual!

ㅤㅤI know that the terms of sexuality are constantly changing and now there are wide umbrella terms for each, I keep mine simple. I’m attracted to male and female genders (born-as). I haven’t had enough experience with anything past that, and currently, I have no desire to.

ㅤㅤWhile things with Akula sadly didn’t work out (due to other personal reasons, not gay ones), I still kept my bi-sexual title. To this day, despite being (almost) married to the man I love more than anything, I know for a fact that I am still attracted to women just as much as I would a man.

ㅤㅤMy mom and step-father had hilarious reactions when I came out of the closet to them. My step-father hilariously asked questions with no filter, wondering how things worked and my boundaries. Meanwhile my mother, despite being a mostly devout Christian, supports me out of love but doesn’t care to hear the details. There’s a part of me that wonders how she would have reacted to me bringing home a girlfriend, but she thankfully doesn’t have to worry. I have a gay step-brother who she loves and adores, she’s not homophobic in any way. I know not all parents are supportive or would be this open-minded, so I’m lucky to have them.

ㅤㅤAfter Akula, I didn't get the chance for many gay / bi experiences. The only other moment in my life is when I was being hit on in public by a cute girl and didn't realize it until my friend pointed it out. I have friends in the gay community, as well as one who's married to his trans husband! And one of my closest friends went lesbian for a while and seemed to really enjoy it before finding her true sexuality (which I believe she's pan-sexual now).

ㅤㅤCurrently, I’d like to get a tattoo of a paw print with the bi flag colors in it. A representation of who I am, and what I’ve been for so many years now.

I am half gay, and proud of it
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Mon, 27/08/2018 07:53 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 13:59 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 26/12/2018 03:43 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2019 20:08 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 21/09/2019 18:20 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/09/2019 21:59 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 23/10/2019 23:56 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2019 06:10 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2019 19:37 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2019 19:38 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2019 19:38 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2019 19:38 (5 Years ago)

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