Forum Thread
Battle battle battle
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Battle battle battleWhile it would be nice to have moves and stuff, PH is an adoptable site. Riako has said it several times, that the battling system is just fine for a clicking site. Besides, there's a Battle update currently ongoing, maybe something from there will interest you.
Use the search function before making a suggestion
Solus in hostes ruit
et patriam servavit.
Audi famam illius.
Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.
Audi famam illius.
Audi famam illius.
Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.
Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.
iuxta me.
Ille iuxta me.
Socii sunt mihi,
qui olim viri fortes
rivalesque erant.
Saeve certando pugnandoque
splendor crescit.