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Forum Thread

Red’s Art Dump

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Red’s Art Dump
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 128
Posted: Fri, 26/01/2018 15:25 (6 Years ago)
Hello, and welcome to Red’s Art Dump! Here, I’m going to post all of my art that I’ve made over the years. Now that you know why this is here, here are the rules:


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1. You may use this art in your About Me and Signature, but Only with my permission. If you use it without permission, I will report you.
2. If you use art but do not give credit, I will report you and not give permission If you ever want to use my art again.
3. Some art I will not give you permission to use no matter what. Please respect that.
4. I am open to requests.

Pokémon Art:
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When I got the USUM National Dex book, I was a mediocre drawer. This all changed when I decided to draw some Pokémon from the artwork in the book, and they turned out pretty good. So, I dedcided to some more, and more, and more.



Mimikyu: (Do not use this)


