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Destroyer File || Signups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Destroyer File || Signups
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 05:20 (7 Years ago)
Real Name: Ivory Rose
Age: 15
Screen Name: Kori_Hoshi
Shadow Name: Kana
Real Appearance:
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Not my art!

Shadow Appearance:
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Not my art

Personality: A quiet girl to most people but those close to her like her friends on ColdLightV she is very loud. Can be sweet and kind but can also be sarcastic and snappy when mad she also loves to draw!
Role: Mage!
Water Arrow - An arrow of water is made and charged up which is then released at the target
Ice Shards - Multi Attack - sends multiple ice shards at the target(s)
Ice Shatter - Shoots an Ice shard at a target which freezes them and shatters them once fully frozen, the shattered ice shoots out and around where the monster originally stood.
Water Jet - Sends a small yet fast jet of hot water that can cut and burn the target
Fountain of Life - The user shoots water into the air that sprouts out like a fountain and grows plants around the user which then go underground and sprout up beneath the opponent(s) and attack them
Staff Arc - Swings the staff in a wide arc and deals physical damage
Weapon: Staff, Magic
Water to Ice Chains - Shoots water at the opponent and targets the limbs once attached it quickly turns to ice to hold them there
Water Barrier - A water barrier forms around the user and anyone close to them
Life Drain - A plant is grown into the ground and goes underground, once an enemy steps where the plant is some of their HP is given to the user or if the user has full health that health goes to whoever needs it
Special: Kori Chika (Icy Scattered Flowers) - Multiple flowers are shot into the air and are then crystallized or frozen and are shot in every direction (also known as omni-directional attack) and explode into little ice shards at contact
Strong Stat / Weak Stat: Speed/Defense
Other: Shades of blue color the sky

"I don't need you to respect me, I respect me. I don't need you to love me, I love me. But I want you to know you could know me, if you change your mind..." -Steven Universe.

My art shop!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 05:30 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 11:17 (7 Years ago)
Real Name: Max Smith
Age: 16
Screen Name: SavageMage
Shadow Name: Chrono
Real Appearance: here
Shadow Appearance: here
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He is nice, funny, trustworthy, always has the back of his friends and has a good sense of humor and common sense. He's also savage, sassy and sometimes sarcastic but basically nice to his friends. He is calm but also fierce and ruthless while fighting against someone. he's very emotional and sometimes naive. He's also clumsy and makes many mistakes.

Role: Mage
Water Blast: Blasts opponents with water
Aquatic Summon: summons various animals made up of water (one at a time)
Water Whip: Creates thick whips with water and hits opponent
Staff Slash (Multi-attack): Continuously hits opponent with staff
Weapon: Staff and Magic
Water Dome: Creates a temporary water dome around his allies and himself
Healing Rain: When his HP is low he summons a rain which heals him and his allies
Xenowyrm Summon: Summons a Thalassa Xenowrym which wrecks enemies (How it looks like)
Strong Stat / Weak Stat: Speed / Defense
Other: Royal blue and sky blue

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 13:06 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 15:27 (7 Years ago)
WIP! I will make my form after school and stuff

Real Name: like your characters actual name
Screen Name: characters username
Shadow Name: the name of the hero your character plays as
Real Appearance: self explanatory
Shadow Appearance:
Personality: add! flaws!
Role: are they a tank? a mage? etc
Attacks: don’t make them OP & please have a reasonable amount uwu
Weapon: max of 2
Skills i.e. “grants +10 to Attack but -5 to defense”
Special: their super attack, has a cool down and must be charged
Strong Stat / Weak Stat: one of each uwu

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 16:12 (7 Years ago)
@Angelless and Moltres - accepted

@kuruma how many times do I have to say no? You cause drama and break all the rules
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 22:17 (7 Years ago)
Real Name: Chelsea Taylor
Age: 16
Screen Name: *RichLadyInTraining*
Shadow Name: Chelsea
Real Appearance: Not my art
Shadow Appearance: Also not my art
Personality: She is formal and polite, while being intelligent from years of studying. She is also stubborn and will see to it her goals are complete. She is very prideful meaning her morale is often high. She is a bit spoiled from her rich life. And while being stubborn and prideful are helpful for her they also are her weakness as her pride and stubbornness can get her into trouble.
Role: A speedy attacker
Attacks: Slash - A simple slash from both swords
Jab - A simple jab from both swords
Parry - She blocks the upcoming attack with her sword. This is great for stopping physical attacks but magic or distance attacks can easily get through this.
Ten Slashes - She rushes at the target cutting them ten times in two seconds. She is left exhausted for a minute or two after this.
Weapon: Two twin blades
Skills Light Armor - Her speed is raised while her defense is lowered
Multi Task - While using two weapons she gets +5 attack. If she is using one gets -10 attack.
Special: One Hundred Slashes - She cuts the target one hundred times in six seconds. She is tired for five minutes unable to run or attack. There is also a twenty percent chance one of her swords will break.
Strong Stat / Weak Stat: Increased Attack/Decreased Defense
Other: Due to her rich life style she can only play games about two hours a day.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2018 22:22 (7 Years ago)
Accepted uwu
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Tue, 23/01/2018 06:11 (7 Years ago)

Real Name: Noel Mas
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Age: 15

Screen Name: Sinner_Saint

Shadow Name: ~Sinner~

Real Appearance: WIP

Shadow Appearance: WIP

Personality: Noel is an introvert who enjoys fights and antagonizing people. He has a twisted sense of humor and he is really hot headed. He can sometimes be so aggressive that when he is in fights he blacks out, then later wakes up and realized he won a fight. He is Kris' twin.

Role: Assassin (Hunter)

•Basic Attacks:
-Light Attack
-Hard Attack, causes stagger
•Basic Archery:
-Normal Shot
•Reinforced: The sickles are so sharp/powerful that they cut through rock and metal
•Chains: The chains of the sickles levitate through the air and wrap around trees and pillars, the chains then can create barriers or traps around the area to block opponents

•Two Chained Sickles(Melee)

•Snake Tongue: His deceptiveness is increased, he can convince and succeed in lying very easily
•Illusion: He can change his appearance using shadows, though he needs to charge this ability by meditation in the shadows or a dark room
•Parkour: He can jump long distances, run fast, jump high
•Sniper: His eyes can view distances far away when using his bow, when charged up he can see through walls but only as heat signatures

•Shadow: He becomes an entity of shadows, can travel unseen or solidify into a dark entity that has an immense amount of power, he can also hide in darkness/shadows

Strong Stat / Weak Stat: +10 Stealth +10 Agility -10 Phys.Attack

Other: —Green

Real Name: Kris Mas
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Age: 15

Screen Name: Saint_Sinner

Shadow Name: ~Saint~

Real Appearance: WIP

Shadow Appearance: WIP

Personality: Kris is a cheery kind kid. He is the twin brother of Noel. He is comedic and an extrovert. He can be too trusting sometimes that he can get betrayed. He enjoys battling people.

Role: Mage

-Cryomancy, Phytomancy, Pyromancy, Air Magic, Earth Magic, etc
•Voodo: Can attach curses and wards to people

•Staff (amplifies magic)

•Mana Regen: When he is around plants and animals, his magic energy replenishes
•Blood: When he consumes someone's blood, he can use other people's skills

•Guardian: Uses life all around him as well as the environment to create Golems that have the ability of what they are made of (Earth Golem=Rock Abilities)

Strong Stat / Weak Stat: +10 Magic, -5 Attack, +8 Intelligence

Other: —Green

Avatar by Me

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Tue, 23/01/2018 19:19 (7 Years ago)
Real Name: Elroy Crimsyn
Age: 17
Screen Name: ShadowBlade123
Shadow Name: Knight
Real Appearance: WIP
Shadow Appearance: WIP (Ill get these two done later if possible :3)
Personality: Self reliant, likes to act as a sort of lone wolf though he longs for a friend irl. He can be caring at times and sometimes works well in a team though usually acts alone.
Role: Offensive Sweeper
Dual Slash- Slashes once with one sword, following up with his other.
X-Guard- Creates an X with his blade, blocking an attack, then follows up with an attack.
Thrust: Thrusts with both swords towards the opponent.
Regular Attack: This is when he just normally slashes with his sword.
Weapon: Dual Longswords, One called Radiant Spectrum and the other Grim Moon
Blade Storm: Fires a few magically created blades towards the opponent.
Elemental Slash: He focuses on his swords and an element to surround them, creating a temporary elemental blade
Chains: Wraps opponent or hurts them with chains he hides in his outfit.
Ecliptic Meteor:
His two blades, Radiant Spectrum and Grim Moon, merge together to create an incredible weapon representing space itself. With this blade he traps the opponent in a ring of cosmic energy, slashing and hacking away at them until he raises the blade towards the sky, causing a final meteor shower to rain down upon the opponent. The blades afterwards come apart and back to normal until he can use it again.
Strong Stat / Weak Stat:
Other: Cerulean
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Tue, 23/01/2018 23:56 (7 Years ago)
@animeblade accepted uwu

@noel not accepted - characters are OP and same reasons as kuruma :V
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 04:29 (7 Years ago)
Real Name:
Lance Lucas Marcenick
Screen Name:
Shadow Name:
Lance (he honestly does Not Care about people knowing his real name)
Real Appearance:
1 2 3 4 5 Face claim is Otoya Itoki from Uta no Prince-Sama
Shadow Appearance:
He's pretty much the same, but he also has these wings and some armor.
Lance is, all things accounted for, a giant lovable mess of a human being. He's super excitable, absolutely thrilled with exploring new places and learning new things, and loves making new friends. There will pretty much never be a time when he won't open up to a new person with something akin to flirting, but once he's shut down at least once he probably won't anymore. Unless you becoming his friend. Then you're stuck with him platonically flirting with you at every chance he gets so that he can try out his 'great new pick up lines'. If you're not already at this stage with him, than flirting in response to him is something that is pretty much unheard of. He can't handle it, and there's a 50-50 chance that after he freezes up from the initial shock, he'll either shakily try to flirt more or something, or he'll bolt. He's not used to it at all and it would just freak him out. He loves learning random facts and then trying to bring them up in his flirtations, such as random butterfly facts. Because yes, he's a butterfly nerd. This child is also a huge meme lover, so be prepared for him using memes as well.
Backstep - Quickly back up without turning around
Combo Attack - A series of about 5-10 strikes with his sword
Shield Barrage - Moves forward, battering enemies with his shield. Can repeat the attack for a chance to stun them
Spring Attack - He leaps at his enemies and attacks from above
Charging Lunge - Charges a short distance to impale his target
A sword with a red hilt, and a plain looking yet sturdy shield
Rallying Cry: He more or less summons the enemies in the area to him. This also increases his own attack and the attack of his allies around him, but lowers his sp defense and sp attack
The Force: Lance infuses all of his magical ability into his sword, causing the blade to be more like a light saber than anything. This can only last for a few seconds, but it causes about 5x more damage than usual and can possibly leave enemies with a burn. Though, using this drains most of his stamina and all of his magic, and he tends to get a bit dizzy after and may pass out.
Strong Stat / Weak Stat:
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 04:32 (7 Years ago)
accepted !!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 01:55 (7 Years ago)
Real Name: Clara Steiner
Age: 16
Screen Name: $tein
Shadow Name: Diamond
Real Appearance: Not my art
Shadow Appearance: Also not my art
Personality: Able to motivate herself easily. Loves to gamble and enjoys being in the company of people. She is also intelligent and kind. She is often depressed, easy to be scared, and her gambling tendencies cause her problems.
Role: Performer
Attacks: Card Throw - Throws a card like a knife
Scarves - Pulls out a long colored scarf that she can use to tie around foes. Can be torn rather easily if not tied properly.
Dice Roll - Rolls a dice. If uneven she is effected by slowness for ten seconds. If even she gets a speed boost for ten seconds.
Punch - A simple punch.
Weapon: Deck of cards and scarf
Skills Acrobatic - She is agile and has great balance at the cost of defense
Clowning - Raises allies' morale a bit.
Stunts - Takes less damage from stuff like jumping out windows or walking on thin wires.
Special: Summons four large golems in the shape of a heart, club, spade, and diamond. They are strong but don't obey her.
Strong Stat / Weak Stat: Strength Agility/ Weakness Attack
Other: Is a total noob and hasn't played the game long.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 01:59 (7 Years ago)
accepted !!