"Oh look, there's one!" :Aria said, and skipped over to it. She
climbed it and started picking berries, dropping them into the
basket which she left on the ground: (I'm gonna go to bed too. Good
Malware brought the berries back and took 1/3 to the kitchen. She
sighed and looked around, nothing else needing to be done. She shut
down, charging in a corner. Uki was in a light slumber under a oak
tree standing tall on the right edge of the camp. Mystic still had
her snout in a book about metals as usual.
Kyoto shrugged. (how do Mimikyu even) "You could play hide and
seek, but don't go too far."
Jiri bounced around in reply, saying "Okay! Thank you! I'll count
first, okay?"
Kyoto blinked, swearing she had heard something rustle in a bush.
"Is anyone there? Jiri?"
Jiri, meanwhile, had picked a nice hiding spot in a tree, where she
could watch over her playmate and ensure optimal hidability.
Zukun was walked toward the kitchen, a harsh glare in his yellow
eyes as he looked around. He knew that Drake was there and knew
that Mystics improved pecha berry would help if he didn't find
drake in time