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Forum Thread

Cooking Pot Idea?

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Cooking Pot Idea?
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 351
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 18:42 (6 Years ago)
I see many threads on the Cooking Pot and I kinda like all of what I have seen though some players I notice feel it is a small part and doesn't need much attention and others agree with making the Berry Garden and it's contents more enjoyable. Personally I feel the Berry Garden could use a bit more attention. Perhaps a bit of the following?:

Different picture for the Cooking Pot: Perhaps something like a Poke'Kitchen with the pot clickable on the stove?

When selecting what to cook: Give us "how many do you want to cook" option and out of how many we can cook: Example "Cook 0/6 Lava Cookies" etc. Instead of cooking something, go back in again etc. Would just be neat to have those boxes to enter how many we wanna do, and when we do that it gives us a total on berries, soda etc we need before confirming.

I couldn't think of much else to add, though I also agree about the Cooking Experience idea, I could only think of perhaps more rewards for the work we do which could bring more interest to the Berry Garden besides just the quests for White Powders making the Garden much more fun and enjoyable on the site.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Thu, 18/01/2018 20:39 (6 Years ago)
I personally think the idea of making dishes in high quantities, it's very annoying to pick the dish you want to cook every time (Specially on mobile)
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 20/01/2018 10:12 (6 Years ago)
i like this idea
I was thinking it would be cool to have a few cooking things to make the different kinds of items in like a stove for the biscuits/lava cookies and maybe a blender for the drinks and a pot for the medicines?
and with your idea for a kitchen area it would allow for things to be broken up a bit more