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Seeking advice on getting the most out of PokéHeroes

Forum-Index Help Answered Seeking advice on getting the most out of PokéHeroes
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 21:49 (6 Years ago)
All I've done for the past.. week or so is..
Accumulate some money from clicking and stuff.
Hatch eggs
Send Charizard into the Rumble Areas.

I'm just wondering.. should I have a daily/weekly ''To-Do List?''

I want to learn how to farm shinies, get event pokés, what items to save my money for, what to do with my nuggets & how do you evolve E.G: Haunter into Gengar, is is naturally.. do I trade, need an item.. etc.

Just.. so many questions, and I don't want to flood the forums and get a bad rep.
Any responses are appreciated. ♥
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 21:56 (6 Years ago)
Honestly? I think you're doing just fine. The more you play, the further you'll get in the game, and the more you'll unlock to do. So just doing little things like interacting for money and GGC, hatching eggs, rumbling, etc. for now will probably help you do bigger stuff like hatch shinies and such in the future.

If you want a more specific answer, though: In my opinion, for now, it's best to fill up your non-shiny pokedex, get badges, and accumulate PD and spend PD wisely. And for filling up your dex, you can worry about events, legends, and mythicals later on when you're more experienced.

That's all just what I think, though :p
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 22:07 (6 Years ago)
Thanks buddy, I appreciate it!
It's just nice to get some confirmation on what I'm doing.
As regards eggs.. can they contain literally any non-legendary pokés?
God knows I want a tyranitar. xD

PS; Epic picture/name. :P
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 22:14 (6 Years ago)
Eggs can contain legendaries, however most legendaries are obtained through special methods. Usually, you'll get rumble maps from mystery boxes for 'em, but some have other methods of obtaining. If you're pulling eggs from the lab, the only legends in there are the Bird Trio. There are some non-legendary Pokemon that are obtained through special methods, too. But the majority of them come from the lab, including Larvitar. :)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 22:22 (6 Years ago)
Okay I'm starting to see the bigger picture now, and I can pull a larvitar from oaks eggs? Sweet!
That's all the motivation I need to breed like crazy.
I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions btw, I really appreciate it :D

On that note, I wish you all the best for the new year, thanks again (Y)