Satomi smiled before she looked at her Pokemon and smiled softly.
"Lets go get some rest then guys," she said before she went to the
room with Blaze Heart and Star and got into bed. Blaze Heart got on
the bed with her as Star took a perch on the cabinet. Soon the
three of them were asleep.
When the sunlight shine through the bedroom window it hit Satomi's
eyes. She began to stir awake and opened them before she sat up on
the bed. She saw that Blaze Heart was curled up beside her. She
smiled and gently petted his back which caused him to say, "Char."
He then began to wake up. She then looked at Star and saw that he
was already awake and watching the two of them. "Well guys time to
get up," she said softly. They all got up and got ready for the day
and soon they were out of the room ready.
Satomi smiled softly and walked outside with Joe ready to continue
her journey with him. She left Blaze Heart out but she called Star
back to his ball for now.