Forum Thread
Kalos's Fear (Roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Kalos's Fear (Roleplay)Mel blinked groggily. "Uh. That's cause we are, pal." She muttered crossly, not happy that she'd been woken up.
"You liar, y'know how many waved I'm getting right now?!" The Lucario whined again, standing up to slam the door open. He bolted outside with an angry bark, leaving Mel yelling, scrambling to grab her sweatshirt and boots.
She pulled her sweatshirt on and pulled her boots on, sprinting outside after her partner with a confused yell. "RIU WHAT THE HELL."
"I swear! Something's going on!"
"You said that when Mia blew up the microwave when I was seven!"
"Cyndaquil will survive...hopefully" Houndoom said darkly, which caused Tiger to flinch sharply.
"If your team hurts one fur on his pelt you will regret it" Tiger snapped angrily. He had a few tears in his eyes now from a mixture of worry and anger.
Akio ran down the halls. He looked around, and skidded to a halt just outside Mel's room. "Help" he said quickly hoping Mel or Riu would hear.
Riu skidded to a halt and whipped around quickly, sprinting back towards the room, leaving Mel groaning a complaint about running.
"What happened!" He called quickly, spotting Akio. "I told you!" He added triumphantly, glancing back at Mel.
"Sorry man, but that's the least of my concerns."
Mel nodded and shot after him, nearly tripping over her own feet as she did so. "I get it!" She called with a small growl, kicking down Tiger's door. "HEYO." She shouted.
"Time's ticking Tiger. Every moment you wait and Cyndaquil might be dead" the Houndoom snarled darkly.
"Shut up, or I'll make you faint! Akio might be weak against you, but his bone club is very painful for fire types" Tiger snapped crossly. "And if you hurt Cyndaquil then you'll regret it!"
Victor, Blaze and Purple followed Mel inside. “Houndoom, attack and stop standing still!”
Houndoom ignored Victor’s commands.
“PURPLE, Dragon Pulse!” Victor changed his commands. Fortunately Purple obliges and used dragon pulse.
Why isn’t Houndoom listening?
"You" the Houndoom snarled and glared at Victor's Houndoom. "How's life as a traitor?" he snarled before being knocked to the side by the two moves.
“Houndoom, Dark Pulse!” Victor commanded, but he still didn’t attack. “Houndoom ATTACK! Tiger’s Cyndaquil is on the line!”
Meanwhile Blaze used Eruption on the Houndoom pack, hoping to Arceus that they all didn’t have Flash Fire.
"Traitor?" Riu remarked in confusion, though he didn't want to press it. He simply launched an Aura Sphere at the Houndoom pack.
"Wouldn't you like to-" Houndoom asked, but was cut off when Akio used a bone rush to pin the pokemon to the wall.
"Where are my friends!" Akio snapped angrily, and snarled at the Houndoom angrily.
Houndoom froze, and looked at the many Pokemon, and trainers. His backup fainted from Blaze's eruption. "Rocket's base..." Houndoom snarled lowly.
"Before I j-joined you... I-I was a member of this p-pack. We lived like f-family but I left without informing them." Houndoom stammered. He was still wincing from the thought of the leader Houndoom calling him a traitor.