Forum Thread
The League for Extrodinary Children
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The League for Extrodinary ChildrenRules:
- all ph rules apply
- no godmodding/mary-sues/etc
- you can have magic, however it'd be basic at the beginning (then get stronger) (points at mal)
- abilities can be anything, be creative
- if you draw a ref, it can be basic (you don't have to color) (points at sno)
- try to be semi-lit,,,
[center][b]Character Name:[/b] & nickname?
[b]Gender:[/b] + other stuff that fits
[b]Appearance:[/b] be detailed, images work too. The uniform for girls is a white button-down shirt with the League emblem & pleated black skirt, while the boys wear a white button-down with the emblem and black pants.
[b]Skill:[/b] be creative
[b]Personality:[/b] tbrpd works
[b]Weapons:[/b] if any
[b]Crush/BF/GF:[/b] don't make romance the focus
[b]Gender:[/b] + other stuff that fits
[b]Appearance:[/b] be detailed, images work too. The uniform for girls is a white button-down shirt with the League emblem & pleated black skirt, while the boys wear a white button-down with the emblem and black pants.
[b]Skill:[/b] be creative
[b]Personality:[/b] tbrpd works
[b]Weapons:[/b] if any
[b]Crush/BF/GF:[/b] don't make romance the focus
My Form:
Character Name:
Drew McKellan
Female, Bisexual
Drew is tall, maybe 5'11, with red hair in a pixie cut with a small purple streak in the front. Wears black pleated skirt and a white shirt with the league emblem on it (the uniform). Freckled.
TBRPd probably
Hand-to-band combat, items she can throw with her skill.
Crush/BF/GF: palpad me
Female, asexual
Flowy, wavy black hair to her back, tan skin and brown eyes. Wears the uniform with black tights and boots. A small mark on the back of her neck. Average height.
Quiet, nearly silent. Intelligent, not calm under pressure. Not very sociable.
pp me
i'm tired so this isn't detailed lol

Character Name: Lillan
Gender: Female/Bisexual
Appearance: Lillian is 5'5 with orange-red hair and brown eyes. She's slightly pale but at the same time quite healthy and has a mole beside her right eye. She wears the League uniform but wears shorts underneath the skirt. Along with that, she has an athletic build.
Skill: Lillian is immune to poison and toxins and can freely breathe in toxic gases and eat poison or dangerous drugs without dying. This isn't her only skill though as her second ability is that if she can spot anything with poison in it, she is able to concentrate it and turn it pure and more toxic/deadly.
Personality: Lillian is more of a tomboy and an athlete, also reckless. Extremely reckless. She doesn't think about the risks of death as much mostly because she forgets about it due to her ability. Moving onto how she acts, she's a loud and energetic girl and will pick a fight with anyone but at the same time, knows when not to fight. She has difficulty thinking of answers and plans because of her bad grades and how much she doesn't pay attention to things.
Besides that, she's a good person to be around and will defend anyone.
Weapons: Lillian fights with her fists but is also good with any weapons besides guns or anything that can be used from a far range.
Crush/BF/GF: Palpab
- Dislikes wearing feminine clothes.
- Despite acting more like a guy, she hangs out with girls more.
Gender: Female/Bisexual
Appearance: Lillian is 5'5 with orange-red hair and brown eyes. She's slightly pale but at the same time quite healthy and has a mole beside her right eye. She wears the League uniform but wears shorts underneath the skirt. Along with that, she has an athletic build.
Skill: Lillian is immune to poison and toxins and can freely breathe in toxic gases and eat poison or dangerous drugs without dying. This isn't her only skill though as her second ability is that if she can spot anything with poison in it, she is able to concentrate it and turn it pure and more toxic/deadly.
Personality: Lillian is more of a tomboy and an athlete, also reckless. Extremely reckless. She doesn't think about the risks of death as much mostly because she forgets about it due to her ability. Moving onto how she acts, she's a loud and energetic girl and will pick a fight with anyone but at the same time, knows when not to fight. She has difficulty thinking of answers and plans because of her bad grades and how much she doesn't pay attention to things.
Besides that, she's a good person to be around and will defend anyone.
Weapons: Lillian fights with her fists but is also good with any weapons besides guns or anything that can be used from a far range.
Crush/BF/GF: Palpab
- Dislikes wearing feminine clothes.
- Despite acting more like a guy, she hangs out with girls more.
Gender: Male, Homosexual
Appearance: Mason stands at 5'11" and has mocha colored skin. He has naturally black hair that has recently been dyed bleach blonde though his roots are beginning to expose. He isn't extremely muscular, but is toned [and has a nice butt]. He wears the uniform idk what it would look like for guys but he likes shorts.
Skill: His original power is Premonition, having visions of of the future & past relating to who or what he is touching, which has later advanced into giving him the additional powers of Astral Projection, projecting his consciousness into a corporeal body on the physical plane, and Empathy, the ability to understand and feel other people's emotions. If he concentrates with his Premonition power, he is able to sense/anticipate events that will happen in the near future. With his Empathy power, he is able to temporarily copy another person's power or negate its effects if they're emotionally using it [example: teleporting away because they were frightened or not being thrown by an angry telekinesis user or something]. In his Astral Form, he is not able to use his other active powers though can quickly project his consciousness in another nearby location [within 10 feet of his previous location] almost like "teleporting", this power alone heavily wears him out. He is somewhat skilled in Martial Arts [like a blue belt or something]
Personality: tbrpd
Weapons: his empathy gonna getchu bro
Crush/BF/GF: palpad me
Other: all of his powers are related to his premonition power but im too tired to explain it rn
Gender: Female, tbd
Appearance: Paisley stands at 5'2" and has olive skin, light brown eyes and waist-length, dark brown hair. She has overgrown bangs that are typically tied into two knot-like buns on both sides of the top of her head and the rest of her hair down or pulled back with pearl hairclip while the rest of her hair remains in a ponytail. She wears the uniform though pulls the skirt up a bit and accessorizes it with a golden chain necklace and/or brooches. She tends to wear extremely high heeled boots when permitted to compliment her height and combat.
Skill: She has the power of Levitation, allowing her to defy gravity. Before she discovered her power, she became a first degree black belt holder-thing in Jeet Kun Do. Through Levitation, she is able to become more agile such as performing flips and, when combined with her combat skills, it slightly enhances her strength. [example: levitating & kicking someone gives a stronger "force" than a grounded kick]. She also has knowledge of basic Witchcraft: Spell Casting & Potion Brewing. She is also manipulative when it comes to adults, using this to get things she wants or out of sticky situations.
Personality: She likes to take charge/be the boss. the rest tbrpd.
Weapons: her combat skills. um. she can also cast very destructive spells and make powerful potions idk.
Crush/BF/GF: pp me

Cole Unn
Cole is kind of pale and somewhat smaller for his age, but its pretty hard to notice. He has light nose freckles and hazel-green eyes. He has dirty blonde hair that is short and sometimes messy. He wears the uniform for the league, though he is wearing casual clothes when he isn't.
Hydrokinesys, aka the power to control water. He can levitate water and shape it into another thing as a example, however he needs to be somewhat focused when doing that. He also can't make something like Voltron out of a small river- the lenght of the thing that he is shaping the water into has to be the same lenght that the water source is.
idk lol
-Too dependent on his skill
-Essentially harmless in a completly dry place
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has hazel eyes and short brown wavy hair. She wears the uniform (But HATES the skirt!) Wears glasses but when she trains and battles she wears contacts so she can see clearly without worrying. She also has her sword and the holster with her at all times.
Skill: Pyrokinesis, she can't control fire summoned by others but other than that she can pretty much control all things fire
Personality: She is pretty introverted can get panic attacks and can come off as rude sometimes if she feels inferior but is most insecure More tbrpd
Weapons: A sword that is specialized by her so she can light it on fire.
Crush/BF/GF: nope.
Margaret, usually called Meg
She has dark brown curly hair, a kind smile, greenish blue eyes, and usually wears the standard uniform
None, cause she doesn't like fighting
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blue eyes, shaggy long blonde hair. 5'6" a slight muscular build.
Skill: Electricity
Personality: Kind, caring, but sometimes distant.
Weapons: Gauntlets, short sword, mainly unarmed in normal situations.
Crush/BF/GF: None atm.
Other: History later (?)
Perri Mary Walstret // Pear
Female ((MtF)) / Pansexual
Growing Wings - She can grow wings from her shoulderblades and can retract them. She can only have them out for about an hour, and it makes her back hurt like heck. She can barely walk afterwards. Also, since she has to be kinda light to fly, she has thin bones that break extremely easily.
Perri is quite... Interesting. She's not quiet or shy, and is often called awkward by others. She is usually calm, though she gets excited easily. She's like a puppy. TBRPed
Her powers?? She also uses a wooden staff here and there
Open / Palpad
Mat can send telekinetic messages into people's minds, to warn them and such.
He doesn't really enjoy social interaction, because it wastes his time when he could be doing other things. He also tries to succeed and be become better than others. His favourite pass-time is relaxing and meditating.
a good old rapier.
nothing here
sorry but nope