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Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 05:02 (11 Years ago)
"You think so?" Lunaro gave him a small smile, before turning back to the Glameow. "Maybe there are. Hopefully, it's someone either of us know. That would probably make things a little easier."
She paused, then said, "Are you intending on joining us? And I mean fully joining us." She gave him a glance. "You have the ability to do so easily."

((Well, I suppose this is a good time to create that one character I've been thinking about.

Name: Solee
Gender: Female
Species: Articuno
Looks: Just your average Articuno.
Ice Beam
Aerial Ace
Rank: Warrior
Desired Rank: Type Master. Ice or Flying would do.
Crush: --
Mate: --
Kin: If I did have any, they're all dead.
Personality: Solee is very straight-forward and blunt. She doesn't seem to really care about others, and rarely shows any sort of emotion. She's resilient, and doesn't back down from any sort of fight. She actually thinks things through before charging head-long into fights, and is a serious strategist. Despite her quiet and loner-like nature, she does show some sympathy and compassion towards other creatures.
History: Long before she joined the Chrystanigh, she had resided on a mountain top, hidden away. One evening, she was summoned by Arceus to check on the Chrystanigh. She had seen many of them come along her mountain, and had even seen some of their abilities in battle. She was intrigued by the group, so she went along with the god's orders. Upon arriving in the camp, she surveyed the area, and even stayed for a while, enjoying the company that the others provided. She had spent a long time in solitude, and was content with being around others for once.
Soon after, with some consent from Arceus, she joined their ranks and learned how to control Rock/Ground type. During this time, she befriended a little Poochyena pup and her family, who were descendants of some of the first Chrystanigh. Solee even became the mentor of the pup as she learned how to use her Flying type abilities.
When the Tyranitar's reign of terror struck, she was ordered to kill off as many as she could.
The Articuno hesitantly accepted the deity's request. Once she had taken out a few Pokemon, she realized that she was basically betraying those who had welcomed her with open arms. She then defied the god and threw herself into hiding, staying away from the war until it ended.
When some others told her about a pup searching for recruits, her mind immediately went to the young pup she had taught how to fly. Determined, the ice god set out to find the Poochyena named Lunaro.
Other: She knows Rock / Ground type, and was learning Grass when the war happened.

Yes, she's a veteran. There will be very few Warriors that survived, and they will have to be approved. I did approve Uriel, which Freeze asked me about.

Just sticking that out there~ C: ))
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 12:38 (11 Years ago)
Uriel paused. In all honesty, he hadn't thought of joining. He'd followed Bracken and Crystal to see who it was who had survived, but now that he knew, could he just leave like this? Lunaro seemed really happy to have met another survivor, and he was too, when he got down to it. Well, I have nowhere to go and no one else to turn to, he thought. It wouldn't hurt.

"Sure," he said quietly, and then a bit louder, "Yeah, I'll join."
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 13:05 (11 Years ago)
((Recap please? From page 9))
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 14:31 (11 Years ago)
Happy that she was able to have a healing type, Gliz struggled to hold back a huge smile. But when asked why she would want it, the urge subsided. "I... I've lost a lot of people that were important to me. If I could have healed them, maybe I... maybe things would be different. I don't want to watch anyone die in front of me again because I can't do anything to help!" she explained, staring at her paws with a scowl. So many images flashed in front of her eyes, none of them pleasant. Looking back at Lunaro, she did her best to hold her head up tall and proud again, like she'd always been taught that a Glameow should. "I'll do whatever it takes to learn it. I swear."
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Thu, 05/09/2013 01:40 (11 Years ago)
Crystal looked up to the sky and saw the moon starting to come out. Wow, is it almost night. That felt quick. Well I guess it means I'm going to get one of those dreams again... Crystal yawned and stretched out her legs. "Hey guys I think I'm gonna hit the sack. It took a lot of energy to change so I might be out a while," she said and scampered up a nearby tree. She curled up and even though it was still a bit light out she felt darkness in her. She heard the voice of the darkness and it pulled her to sleep. She started shivering once she heard the voice and couldn't stop even when she was asleep.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 05/09/2013 16:13 (11 Years ago)
Damian looked at the new pokemon who had joined the Chrystanigh. He then looked at Bracken and gave a smile. Competition? Only Lunaro and Uriel would possible sources of competition unless the rest improve. Damian thought and switched to his 'normal' mode then back after about 5 seconds and repeated the process several times. The idea was to get used to it so he wouldn't feel the difference like when he first did.
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2013 19:09 (11 Years ago)
((Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry guys, I've had such a hectic week / weekend, that this was pushed to the back of my mind. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Not to mention, I put schoolwork before anything else, so that hindered my internet access. ^_^; ))

Lunaro nodded to Uriel. "Alright, I'll assess you after Blazeheart, okay?"
Her gaze slowly shifted to Gliz. "I'm not quite sure what happened to you, but I won't probe your mind to find the answers. If you ever want to talk about it, feel free to." She then gave the feline a smile. "That aside, yes, you have the ability to do what any average Psychic type could do, maybe more if you strengthened your abilities. We can start as soon as you think you're ready."

The Poochyena spotted Damian shifting back and forth, and nodded in approval. "Good. That's a great way to start. Getting accustomed to the uncomfortable feeling is always a good idea. Once you think you want to begin, just let me know."

Her nose lifted to the sky, her crimson gaze staring at the moon. She let out a peaceful sigh. Her first day had been eventful, but rewarding. These Pokemon seemed trustworthy, and their reasons for joining were appropriate. She would still have to be wary about some of the larger, more powerful Pokemon, in case they decided to turn into that Tyranitar.
She would not allow that to happen.
As the Poochyena lowered her head, something large and bird-like swept over the moon. The lupine stopped, mid-yawn, her gaze suddenly transfixed on the where the figure had disappeared.

"Did...Did anyone see that?" She muttered, her eyes never leaving the moon.


The Chrystanighs were potentially alive. Solee had a hunch that the Poochyena those mountain-dwellers had spoken about was Lunaro, the Articuno's first and only apprentice. Well, whoever was left, they were considered the heir to the throne.
If the Chrystanigh were truly making a return, Solee had to find them. She was a Chrystanigh. There wasn't any reason for her to not return to them. The group had welcomed her with open arms, and she wasn't the type of Pokemon who just left somebody hanging, despite her cold exterior.

The Articuno silently flew through the woods, sweeping over the moon to those who were potentially looking up. She felt her wings growing tired; she had been flying all day, searching for the ragtag group.

But they could be anywhere. Anywhere in this big world.
The Ice type swooped down into a rather large patch of woodland, settling herself onto an unusually thick branch. Peering down through the branches and leaves, she spotted the group, where a few nighttime Pokemon scurried around. Hopefully she could hide in the foliage.
Although Solee was certain it would be hard to overlook a giant sky blue bird that shimmered a little, even in the dim lighting. Not to mention the icy cold air that seemed to follow her.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2013 20:40 (11 Years ago)
Bella saw some movement in the sky and turned her head. She saw a blue flash and suddenly felt coldness. She searched around with her mind trying to find the mind of who just flew by. She searched for a moment and found a the mind of an Articuno. She turned to the Poochyena after searching for that Pokemon for about 10 minutes. "It appears there is an Articuno in the forest. She seems to be kind of close by if you want to go over to her." she said to Lunaro in a matter of fact way.

Name: Piper
Gender: Female
Species: Mawile
Looks: Half shiny ((if this is okay, otherwise shiny)had a birth defect so she has a pink tint on her pony tail thing)
-Iron Head
-Flash Cannon
-Rock Smash
Rank: Apprentice
Desired Rank: Steel type master.
Crush: Makes people fall for her but doesn't have someone she likes. (yet?)
Mate: No
Kin: Not any more
Personality: Very independent and extremely smart. She doesn't do anything without thinking it through. Is a really good fighter and uses her surroundings to her advantage. Doesn't mind if she make enemies since she is very quick and can run is she needs too. Always tries to act calm and controlled around everyone and you have to gain all of her trust for her to show you her real emoticons. Is extremely confident and hates when people look down on her.
History: Lived alone with her mother when she was young. Her mom was part of the Chrystanigh and taught her how to use her current type (steel and fairy). Her mom never told Piper that the mom was part of the Chrystanigh. When her mom was killed she lived on her own and sometimes male pokemon would help her because they thought she was cute. She would normally bite with her ponytail if the boys if they bothered her too much.
Other: Fighting
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2013 17:10 (11 Years ago)
Damian stopped in his 'dragon' form as he felt the atmosphere get colder. He shivered then shot a flame into the air to warm himself and the surrounding area. "An Articuno?" he said underneath his breath "I doubt that thing is hostile, but I'm not going to take any chances remembering the stories about what Arceus ordered. If it knows and likes Lunaro then that's a good thing."
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 03:31 (11 Years ago)
Bracken looked up as Crystal climbed into a tree to get some sleep. Is it night already? he thought, bewildered. It seemed like just minutes ago he had searched for Thyme and fought against the Ekans with the Zorua. But then again, he could see how he could lose track of time after something as major as joining the Chrystanigh.

He glanced over, Damian's form changing catching his attention. Once again, he felt the icy sting of jealousy. The Gallade... well, Bracken hadn't seen him use the form exactly, but the way he seemed so confident in it irked him the slightest bit. All he had been able to accomplish was struggle with it and burn his throat. He knew that Damian was older than he was and had more experience, but the type was just as new to the Gallade as it was to him, right?

Determined not to be left in the dust, Bracken walked away from the Torchic until he had a bit of space to himself. Okay, I should probably try a few moves or something, he thought. He scratched his head as he try to think of one. Umm, hmm... His gaze drifted over to Lunaro, but he forced himself to look away. Yeah, she would know some good places to start out, but if Damian didn't need any instruction to practice, then neither did he. Plus, she seemed really busy with the other recruits.

The Treecko took a deep breath and swiped at the air, trying to focus Dragon energy into the attack. Over and over he repeated the move, adding in a swipe of his tail every once in a while, but it felt no different than when he'd attacked in his normal Grass type. With every repetition he grew more tired, but eventually he noticed a small mass of purple energy swirling around his claws. He was getting it!

Glad that he was getting somewhere, Bracken decided to try breathing fire again. Just as he had before, he felt hot energy growing inside his chest and he breathed it out quickly. A small plume of flame shot out and he watched in satisfied fascination as it spread a tiny bit into the air.

And then, just like that, it was gone, the small amount of heat it had produced replaced by a cold chill. What in the world? Bracken looked around rapidly, trying to find what had caused the change. For a moment, he thought he saw a silhouette in the sky, catching the light of the moon, but he wasn't really sure until Lunaro said something.

"I think I saw it," Bracken responded, trying to see if he could pinpoint its shape in the sky. What with the darkness of night and obscuring branches above him, however, he had no luck.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 11:24 (11 Years ago)
Lunaro let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Thought I was going crazy for a second. Didnt know if I was the only who saw that or..." Bella had spoken, and Lunaro's ears shot straight up.
"An Articuno...?" She echoed softly, ears pinned against her head.

"If that is who I think it is, that may be another Chrystanigh. Specifically, a very powerful one. If it truly is the Articuno I'm thinking of, I won't be surprised. Out of any Chrystanigh, she would definitely survive the war."

The Poochyena hesitated to go find the source. She couldn't just leave the others she needed to assess as teach, but she couldn't just send the rest out. Not to mention, Crystal was asleep. If they all left, the Zorua would be extremely vulnerable.


Solee nestled onto the branch she sat upon, letting out a long sigh. Maybe shifting into a Grass type would help?
As if on cue, her icy feathers shifted into a forest green colour. Feeling a little safer, Solee decided that she should probably practice her abilities. Her Rock typing was still in tip-top shape, as usual, but it had been a while since she had practiced with her Grass typing.

Focusing on a barren part of a branch above her, the Articuno swept a wing upward, barely brushing the branch. A small leaf protruded from the spot, full of new life. Satisfied with that, the Articuno closed her crimson eyes and searched the area using her senses.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 16:05 (11 Years ago)
Damian looked at Crystal who was fast asleep. "As much as I don't want to do it, I'm going to have to carry her, it's the safest way." He gave Bracken a brief glance in case the Treecko would object to that. Damian wouldn't care if he did or even if Bracken tried to carry Crystal he would do it anyway.
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 16:39 (11 Years ago)
Bracken blinked as Damian looked over to him as if expecting him to object. For a moment, he was a bit lost. Where were they going again?

"You guys are gonna try to find that Articuno, right?" Uriel spoke up, and then the Treecko understood. If the Articuno was a former Chrystanigh, then it would make sense that Lunaro would want to meet up with them. "I can keep an eye on Crystal if you'd like," the Keldeo continued. "She did seem really tired and I'm not sure she'd appreciate being woken up."

"Er, I can stay too," Bracken offered. Uriel gave him an amused glance and he couldn't help but clench his teeth in frustration. What? What's so funny? Geez, I'm just trying to help! He looked away and gave the ground an angry stare.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 18:43 (11 Years ago)
Damian saw the Treecko get frustrated and gave a chuckle. "Actually, I'd be best at at bodyguard. Apart from Lunaro, I cover the most number of types with my moves." he said in a matter of fact tone. Damian personally didn't care if the Keldeo took offense to the comment or even challenged him. "Not that it matters, the Articuno will come to us." he said then shot a wide-ish column of flame into the air. This would attract the Articuno and drive away anyone stupid enough to get near them.
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 21:14 (11 Years ago)
Uriel raised an eyebrow at Damian's comment. "When was this a matter of who's stronger?" he asked. "You said yourself that you didn't really want to carry Crystal, so I volunteered to stay. And it's not like both of us couldn't stay; by your logic, that would even be best. But yeah, I guess it doesn't matter now. No need to make a big deal over something that isn't a problem anymore."

The Keldeo watched the flames dance in the air and said in a part joking, but mostly serious tone, "Just be careful with your dragon fire. We are in a forest after all."
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 21:51 (11 Years ago)
(Gen VI incoming! :U I kinda wanted to make a legendary, but then I was all like, "No, Death, legendaries are overrated. You can do without.")

Name: Paradox
Gender: Female
Species: Absol (Mega)
Looks: She's a Mega Absol that's dyed her fur a darker color due to being unhappy with her normal fur color.

(Picture credit goes to the artist.)
- Perish Song
- Psycho Cut
- Swords Dance
- Mega Horn
Rank: Warrior
Desired Rank: Well of course I want second-in-command, but if not I'd settle for a type master or warrior. Anything's fine with me, but the bigger the better. (Competition between Paradox and Endo, lol.)
Crush: Still thinking about it. I used to know this cute Umbreon, but...it didn't work out...
Mate: None.
Kin: I never knew my father, but my mother was kind to me. Of course I left her when I was old enough, although I still hear word of her every once in a while.
Personality: Well, I can be a bit dark sometimes. Only what you'd expect from a dark type. Sometimes I over exaggerate things without meaning to. And I bounce between happy and sad so easily. When I'm sad, I just don't want people to bother me. I mean, I want people to recognize that I'm sad, you know? But I just like my space. Comforting me just doesn't do me good, if you know what I mean. And don't get me wrong, I love to be around people, but I just need lots of alone time, you know?
History: I used to be a Chrystanigh, but the whole thing got tore down before I could even get very far into my training. It was kind of disappointing.
Other: Is it okay if she's a returning Chrystanigh? (If not she can be new.)

Endo approached the Poochyena, pondering his decision briefly before nodding inwardly. This was the chance of his lifetime. He approached the Poochyena, and cleared his throat.

"I'd like you to see if I can become a Chrystanigh," he said, firmly. He paused. "How exactly do you do that? I mean, is there some way to tell?" He was a bit confused as to how the process worked, he had been spacing out when the Poochyena had assessed the other Pokemon.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 22:45 (11 Years ago)
Bella giggled a little seeing them fighting over such a trivial thing. "I can go alone and bring her here if you wish. She doesn't seem hostile and just seems to be looking for something. And if it comes to fighting I am much stronger than I look so there is nothing to worry about. Also, you guys should practice your powers and Endo should start. I can start later," she said with a happy voice and made a bell sound. She flew around a little, looked to Crystal and back to the others.

Piper woke up from her nap and climbed down from her tree. She strechted out and looked in the sky. Dang, it's night already. I shouldn't have taken a nap that late. She started waking along the forest floor and an ekans sprang out at her. She quickly transformed into her steel type form and steel armor covered only her arm. She lifted up her arm when he tried to bite and he bit down on the steel. There was a cracking sound and the ekans fell to the ground as her armor finished covering her. "You shouldn't have picked a fight with a master like me," she said smugly and laughed. She left her armor on and climbed up into a tree and hoped from the branches.

She had hoped through the branches and she suddenly felt movement. She looked around but didn't see much. It was too dark and all she saw was the tree leaves. she kept going and bumped into what she though was leaves. She backed up hardly phased since she was in her steel form and amused it was a normal grass type that looked like the leaves. "Sorry, I can't see too well....." she trailed off when she saw what looked like an articuno who became a grass type. She tilted her head and looked up at her. Kind of like when mom used to transform, I've never seen anyone else do it though. Well maybe since she is legendary she has learned how.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Fri, 13/09/2013 17:26 (11 Years ago)
Damian reverted to his normal form then sat down under a tree and yawned. "Whatever, we can search for the Articuno tommorrow. Anyone else would have to be crazy enough to even attack us because we're such a varied group." he had nearly laughed at the Latias' comment because she had not seen him practice.
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 16/09/2013 21:40 (11 Years ago)
Paradox dipped one claw into a small pond repeatedly, watching the circles that spread across the water. She sighed, and laid her head down in the grass. Life was so boring. It was just get up in the evening, find something to eat, wait around for sunrise, and then sleep through until the next evening. Dull.. She yearned for excitement and adventure, the kind that only comes forth when you meet something truly amazing.

She remembered her time back as a Chrystanigh, remembering how she could use powers farther than a normal Absol's. It had been so long since she had used her power. Although she knew she could probably still preform them, she was quite rusty. After the fall, it wasn't safe to use them anymore. Even so, certainly life on the run would be more interesting than this dusty life I lead now...

Thinking that no one around, she started humming to herself. It was a sad song, full of loss, hurt, and confusion. It brought back memories of when she had been with her boyfriend. Their relationship had ended quickly. After that incident...Paradox didn't like to think about it, but the memories came to her anyways. She stopped humming as tears threatened to fall. She pushed them back. No. Paradox. You are not crying. You are tough. Hardened like a rock. Nothing can hurt you anymore.

(Long post is long. Decided I would jump in with Paradox finally. Anyone seen Beebs lately?)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Sat, 21/09/2013 08:45 (11 Years ago)
(Bump and she was on seven hours ago when I checked just now.)
<=== PF Name: Pyron