Forum Thread
Saving Kanto [semi-lit]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Saving Kanto [semi-lit]PJ looked over and noticed Amara. "Hey! There's an empty seat over here if you wanna join us."

"It's a draw.... woah! What a match for the ages!" The announcer said, surprised, as the crowed cheered and yelled. Jess walked up to Sakurai, offering her hand out for a handshake.
"Our next match will be PJ vs. Aditsan!"

"Just remember: No hard feelings when you lose." PJ taunted, leading the battle with her Slurpuff.
"I thought it was 'if you lose', Prudence." Aditsan corrected, sending out his Bewear.
Kyfron shrugged as well. "I like doing research and finding out about my opponent before I take them on. It's just a preference..."

"Well, I assume you're waiting on me to get started so Slurpuff, use Energy Ball!" PJ commanded.
"Slur-Slur-Slur--- Puff!" the Fairy-type cried as it charged and launched an Energy Ball from its mouth and landing a direct hit.
"Bewear, Double Edge!" Aditsan commanded.
"Beeeeeeeeeeeee!" it cried, making me laugh as I screamed it and typed, attacking it full force, dealing a lot of damage to both itself and its opponent.

"Slurpuff, don't let it rest! Use Play Rough!" PJ commanded.
The super-effective attack's damage was halved due to Bewear's Fluffy Ability, much to PJ's surprise.
"What's the matter? Thought that would do the trick?" Aditsan shouted before commanding the Strong Arm Pokemon to use Double Edge again, this time causing both Pokemon to faint.
"That didn't go as planned..." Aditsan mumbled, returning his Bewear and sending out his Lycanroc to battle next.
PJ, attempting to make this easy, sent out her Milotic to battle.

"Dodge it, then use Crunch!" Aditsan called, Lycanroc shooting upwards in the blink of an eye and quickly charging at his cousin's Milotic with Crunch, landing a direct hit.
"Waterfall, Milotic!"
As Lycanroc prepared to charge at its opponent, Milotic's eyes glowed blue as it surrounded itself with water and charged into Lycanroc, causing it to flinch.
"You really messed up now, Prudence. Lycanroc use Thunder Fang!" Aditsan commanded. This time, Lycanroc had a noticeably faster speed than previously, it being increased by its Steadfast ability. The attack landed and paralyzed the Milotic.
"Accelrock, again!"
[i gave up at the end]

Aditsan won the battle against PJ after her Mega Blaziken defeated all of his Pokemon but was finished off by his Delphox.
PJ forced a smiled, attempting to be happy that Aditsan won though deep down she was more upset that she allowed herself to lose.
"Hopefully whoever goes against you next knows you're not playing games." PJ praised.
"Thank you, PJ..."