Kat nodded a thanks, and nudged one over to her "here...I don't
think we'll have time to hunt later. The forest could be controlled
by the humans" he said gently.
Kat nodded, and continued to pull fish out of the water. "I hope
they don't decide to search this forest, or make it rain here for a
while" he said softly, and looked at the sky.
The bone skidded toward a darker area and Lucia dove after it,
batting it back towards the water. It was nice to be able to relax,
even for a little bit.
"The ones told in stories when humans, and animals lived and
coexisted" he said softly. "Many people say it's a fairy
tale, but there are hints that show it's real, and all we need to
do is find more info..." he said kindly.
Lucia nodded. "A world where humans and animals coexist? That
sounds amazing." She said wistfully. "How do you plan on
getting information? You were recorded, they know what we all look
Kat thought for a moment, "We could go into another town? After
all they only caught our animal forms" he said kindly. He
remembered not seeing a camera before the fight started. "They
began filming when we were winning..."
"Fair enough." Lucia agreed. Her eyes widened suddenly.
"Oh! I forgot! I'm Lucia. Sorry." She sat down and flicked
her tail. "How long are we staying here for?"