Mira heard yelling. She looked around for the source of the noise.
Clearly someone's awake. Wonder who? ...Maybe Sam. He seems like
the type of person that would stay up awhile.
"Oh please, no amount of caffeine can keep you awake." Sakura said
raising one hand "And.... Sleep.~" she purred and snapped her
fingers, causing to fall asleep
Sam felt tired but a few shakes of the head helped a bit.
Everything felt fuzzy. Like looking at a broken mirror and trying
to piece something together accurately. Sam fell to the ground
frowning balling up the hands. "Clever. So the weak minded lose.
Well here is some advice, illusion casting takes a lot of mental
power. So does gambling. You will have to try harder."
"I don't think so.~" Sakura said, pushing off the crate she was on
and landing in front of her younger sister "You don't want to do
anything to stop me.~" she cooed
"You know. You are strong ma'am. You knocked the banter right of
me. Still Amara is worse, and as you know you don't want to cross
her." Sam explained trying to stand only to fall.
"No.~" Sakura said turning on her heel, and walked a few steps away
"besides, I don't want them to be ruining my bonding time with my
little sissy." She purred glancing back over her shoulder at Mira