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The Masquerade [Open & Accepting]

Forum-Index Roleplay The Masquerade [Open & Accepting]
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 857
Posted: Thu, 06/07/2017 14:44 (7 Years ago)
With her white mask, cream dress and white shoes all on, Amy hopped into a taxi outside of her home. She seemed slightly more confident about meeting people, but less confident about how she looked. Her newly washed hair left a scent of orange where's she went, and she sat in the back of the taxi quivering.

Carnen was walking to The Masquerade on foot, as it was close to her house. The whole way she was beaming. She was so pumped. She felt slightly petrified, but not enough as she thought.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 06/07/2017 17:09 (7 Years ago)
Lise had just finished getting dressed and she checked the time. She took a deep breath and smiled at her mirror before putting her violet mask on. She walked outside and sat in the passenger seat of the taxi that would take her to the dance. She managed to smile a bit at the driver and she pulled out a book to try and calm her nerves, but she could barely concentrate. This was going to be a long night.

Troye had left his home and he had chosen to walk to the dance. He had looked in the mirror a few minutes before, and he did look quite scary. He didn't mind though. He sighed. He wasn't sure what to expect. But maybe it would be fun.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 06/07/2017 18:40 (7 Years ago)
Lundyn looked at the dress in her closet after she got out of the shower she let her hair dry then left it down because her hair was naturally wavy. She fixed it up and grabbed the bag that had her dress and her shoes and everything else she needed and got on her bike to ride to the place before anybody got there and rushed to the bathroom and put on her dress and shoes and put her clothes in a hiding spot no one would find them then waited for time to pass. Eventually she had to leave but as she walked out a lot of people were there already, she put on her mask and walked avoiding eye contact with anyone as she walked in.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 07/07/2017 04:04 (7 Years ago)
Oliver had finished curling his hair, smiling as his curls bounced. He slipped on his red strapless gown, looking down to see the way it flared out. He blinked, padding to the door and peering out into the living room. "Mae?" He heard a soft "yeah?" from the living room. "Can you zip me up?" Maria stood and padded into the bathroom, motioning for Oliver to turn around with a twirl of her finger.

She wore a violet dress to the floor, with a thin stripe leading up to her thigh that had no fabric. It showed her pale leg, and a bit of her violet heels. She zipped Oliver's dress up, and helped him get on his necklace too. She smiled, and slid on her mask that was sitting on the bathroom counter. Her's was a violet mask with flowery lilac lace traveling across from the left side. Oliver grasped his own, slipping it on. A red mask with lace around the edges and a little golden chain dropping about an inch from the right side with a red rose charm on it.

Maria smiled. "Come on, let's go!" Oliver nodded, grabbing his purse. That walked to Maria's car, both hopping in. Maria started it up, the radio starting up. They drove in silence, the only noises being the radio and Oliver's light humming. He tapped his fingers along his knee, nerves bundling in his stomach. Maria gripped the wheel a bit, and kept her eyes on the road. Oliver looked at his bare shoulders, gazing at the freckles there.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 08/07/2017 01:29 (7 Years ago)
Skye and Max had just arrived at The Masquerade. Skye wearing a white suit with a blue tie, and Max was wearing a black suit and a red tie. They each were wearing their mask and were waiting for the event to begin.

Draco was dropped off a few feet away from The Masquerade and made his way towards the event.

A man in an all black suit pulled out a Bluetooth Microphone and began speaking into it "Hello and I welcome all to the annual Masquerade. Here you will be meeting your lifelong Soulmate. Please just give us a few more moments to finish setting up the ball. Thank you."
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 08/07/2017 03:37 (7 Years ago)
Jasper had arrived a bit early and was leaning against a bit of a light post as he watched the man in the black suit speak into a microphone.
huh.... so the ball hadn't even started yet....? guess everyone's early he thought, readjusting his mask since it was irritating him slightly.

Wisteria arrived a bit late and was readjusting her mask, looking around to see a whole bunch of people there.
wow... guess.. i'm late.....? she wondered, a little surprised.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 08/07/2017 03:42 (7 Years ago)
Lundyn watched the man and she wasn't sure to be relieved, worried, scared or excited. She made her way to a wall and leaned on in looking at her hands fiddle with one another.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 857
Posted: Sat, 08/07/2017 08:47 (7 Years ago)
Amy hopped out of her taxi and headed towards the entrance. She checked herself over to make sure her dress wasn't dirty at all, and ran her fingers through her hair. Her mask against her face, and her gem had been placed inside of a locket she had. She peered around, admiring everyone around her, how amazing people looked.

Carmen was already inside The Masquerade. She waited patiently for it to start, she looked calm on the outside, but right now her heart was racing extremely fast.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sat, 08/07/2017 21:49 (7 Years ago)
Lise hopped out of the taxi and payed the driver. She quickly walked inside beforenthe announcement and sighed. This should be fun. Hopefully she didn't have to dance a load. She leaned against a wall and looked up at the ceiling, trying to sort throug all the thoughhts whirling through her head.

Troye had started jogging after looking at the time, not wanting to be late. He probably looked strange, in a mask and suit jogging at this hour, but oh well. He made it inside and sighed in relief. They were only just setting up. He pulled out his phone in the meantime, playing a game.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 10/07/2017 13:51 (7 Years ago)
Maria parked in a parking lot a block from the gathering, and turned off the car. She got out, and Oliver followed. When she checked the time, she yelped. "Shoot, Olli, we gotta hurry." She said, beginning to jog. Oliver blinked and scampered to catch up, still a bit behind her. He held up his dress a bit as he jogged, swallowing.

They arrived a few minutes later, and Oliver adujsted his mask a bit. He fixed the top of his dress, and huffed. They hadn't yet started, and the two of them had heard the announcement when they were a bit away. Oliver ran a hand through his hair, curls wrapping around his thin fingers. When he let his hand drop, his curls bounced at the loss of contact.

Oliver leaned his head on Maria's shoulder, and blinked slowly. Maria glanced at him, and smiled. "Can't be sleepy, Olli." She chirped, and Oliver let out a little whine. He straightened, and blinked again. He rolled his shoulders and neck, glancing around.