Tiger coughed, and looked back over. He'll kill N....we need him
alive if we're ever going to show him trainer Pokemon aren't
slaves he thought in shock. Cyndaquil then jumped out of the
ground next to Blaze.
"Cyndaqul cynda (stop this)" he said in concern, and struggles to
breath. In spite of being a fire type he had troubles breathing in
smoke. The fire Pokemon then heard Tiger call to him to keep N from
Zoroark growled "Zoroark ark (I'm not going to run)"
Raven was by now destroying everything that dared enter her path.
Kyurem was fighting as her side, shooting Glaciates at Pokemon who
dared face the godlike dragons. Kyurem let out a loud hiss as a
Liepard bit down on their wing. Raven used her tail to knock it
off. The two kept fighting.
Maria had been taken with Lauren to the ground. Risque dashed to
her trainer and nuzzled her affectionately. Hercules let out a huff
but stared at the fiery building.
The force of the explosion had knocked Heart and Bloom over, and
they end up falling through the window Heart was standing infront
of. "Aah!" Heart yells out. She holds on tighter to the chikorita.
Raven anticipated the explosion and
had wrapped around Kyurem. She took little damage from the flames,
since it wasn't very effective. She unwrapped when the worst
passed, seeing that by now only a few grunts and N remained in the
room. We aren't slaves, N. We're partners to trainers. We fight
by their side in return for their care.
We fight along them in times of need
and for competition. We remain their friends for our lives could
depend on it. Ever wonder what the Pokemon feel? I may be new to
having a trainer, but I am not disappointed. My new trainer is one
of the nicest humans I've ever met. Whether as the Original Dragon
or as Kyurem.
And by separating us, what do you achieve?
The Giratina flew forward, tail still curled around the Griseous
Orb. You call off your men, and throw down these selfish rules..
Or face the wrath of Arceus itself. I am Giratina, and don't forget
Tiger froze, and heard Heart scream. He then coughed, and ran back
into the room. Enemies or not. I can't allow Pokémon to hurt
anyone. Pokémon, or human...they are living beings and the same as
me... he thought to himself, and ran to where Heart fell. He
then jumped out of the window, and called out his charizard. The
trainer then jumped, and landed on the shiny Pokémon's back, and
caught Heart.
N growled "I can not!" he said unsettled. "Even if I wanted to it's
Ghetsis' plans to liberate Pokémon!" he admitted in defeat. He was
concerned for the injured Cyndaquil that was trying to calm down
the Typhlosion.
Take us to Ghetsis. Or bring him to
us. Us, as in us and our trainers. We will deal with him.
I sense you have merely been a puppet
to him. This cannot be purely your fault. We shall get our trainers
and prepare for an upcoming battle. You may recover if you need,
but this is a quarrel with Ghetsis. Raven, I trust that you can
keep watch here while I collect the trainers?
Without Raven responded, Kyurem flew out and landed. They watched
Charizard catch Heart, but they were interested in gathering the
oncoming trainers. If N agrees to our
plan to summon Ghetsis - the real mastermind - then we will battle.
Be ready.
Tiger looked at his Pokémon, and replied in Pokémon gently to the
Charizard. "Thanks, Dusk" he whispered. He then glanced at Heart.
"No one deserves to be killed even if we are enemies I won't stand
by, and allow a move to kill someone...." he said darkly. "I've had
to many Rocket grunts, including my own half brother, try to kill
me with pokemon moves on multiple occasions. In the end my friends,
my pokemon saved my life, and I will not let anyone get hurt for a
meaningless reason..." he sighed. "I just hope Cyndaquil will be
alright..." he mumbled.
"I can try to get to Ghetsis, but it will be difficult. I haven't
seen him in years, and I have no clue on how to get him to meet me"
N said lowly.
"Pokemon battles happen when trainers, and their Pokémon want to
see how well their training went. They aren't meaningless. Some
are...like those who use Pokémon for their own gain, and even
humans who are abusers to Pokémon." Tiger began lowly. "Though I
only battle to defend myself from people like you, and I also
battle to see how well my training has gone. I mean why shouldn't
trainers help Pokémon get stronger? If a Pokemon is released or is
forced to be liberated" he said his tone full of disgust. "Then how
will they be able to protect themselves...? Even wild Pokemon
battle to grow stronger. There have been Pokémon who are fully
evolved in the wild" he finished quietly, and remembered how Bloom
was in the explosion. "How's your chikorita anyway?" He asked
trying to change the subject. "That explosion was powerful, and
she's weak to fire moves" he sighed.
Heart looked down at Bloom. "Don't worry, I'm fine. But I think we
should go back to the castle.." The chikorita says.
Heart looks back at Tiger. "Bloom is fine." She says.
Tiger nodded. "I understood what Bloom said" he said kindly. Dusk
then looked over to Tiger, and nodded. The Pokemon flew to the
bottom of the castle, and landed so they could get off.
I understand that you may have been
forced into this role, but have you ever considered maybe rebelling
against Ghetsis? If you truly can understand your Pokemon, like
Lauren can, then you can help us. It's obvious you don't
truly share his opinion. Raven was coiled like a snake,
ignoring the flames around. She turned her tail tip so the bottom
faced the ceiling.
You don't need to, but if you choose not.. Please do not reveal
this to Ghetsis. I am a legendary Pokemon, but it's Arceus who
holds all the power. Raven uncoiled and slithered around N.
But I believe you can change and see the light. Even if I am
Giratina, I am not all bad. I am willing to accept you if you
change, even if no one else will.
Kyurem flew back in, cringing at the fire. I have returned, they said.
"It won't be easy to stop Ghetsis, but maybe I can help" N said
lowly. "I can go and pretend to liberate the Pokemon, and release
the captured trainers, but if I release the captured ones...then
it'll be difficult for Ghetsis, and plasma to ignore them. They
might return" he said lowly.
Tiger nodded to Heart, and returned Dusk. He then glanced at the
burning castle, the flames had spread. "I need to go save
Cyndaquil. He's not as strong as he could be, and the flames could
kill him if he breathed them in to much...." He sighed, and growled
"all thanks to his father..." He said in disapproval.
You are very kind, N. We will be in
your debt for this favour to our plan. Kyurem, you cannot take this
heat. Go, stay with the others. I won't allow you to be forced into
the rock again. Kyurem let out a low grunt but flew out to
relay the word to everyone else. I may be of assistance. If I
can get Lauren's approval, I may be able to get Kyurem and me to
pretend to be on your "liberation team". Raven began slithering
out, but stopped.
I shall get Aquarius to deal with this mess of fire. For now,
just stay safe. She flew out, flicking her tail as a way to say
goodbye to N. She levitated near Aquarius as she exited, relaying
her message to the Empoleon.
"What'll that do for us? It'll make Team Plasma's job
I know what I'm saying, Aquarius.
"Have fun getting in trouble." Aquarius used Aqua Jet at the
flames to help put them out, though it wasn't working as he hoped.
"Get Thickums or Risque."
Blaze looks at Cyndaquil. "Well... if you say so." And he
extinguished his flames.
"Volt, Serperior, stay here with this Zoroark. And, I'll remind you
that ALL the other Pokemon are with their trainers, so don't let
any illusion fool you."
"We need to get Blaze out of there, Flare." Victor said to his Mega
Charizard Y.
Cyndaquil sighed, and coughed once more. He then glanced at N "We
need to get out of here quick" the pokemon said softly. He then
sighed, and remembered the fight he had when he was young that
weakened him. If it wasn't for that jerk I'd be able to evolve,
and I wouldn't have this problem that most fire types lack he
thought to himself grimly.
Victor gets onto Flare, and they both enter the Plasma HQ once
more. They see Cyndaquil and Blaze.
"They're here!" Blaze says, takes Cyndaquil and goes over to the
Victor recalls Blaze. "Let's take you back to Tiger." He said to
Cyndaquil, and the Mega Charizard Y took flight,