(i've never been legitimately asked out yes i've been fake asked
out and i wanted to kill the guy but thats off topic so i might
fail horribly at this just saying)
Undyne kinda just... kicked the door open. "Hey, Alphys!"
Nicknames?:JUST MARY
Age?:15 (In human years)
Appearance: (Not my art/Also Carries the big lollipop
a lot/Credit to who made this)
Personality:Mary is a hyper sylveon.She wont keep still a lot so
dont bother to ask her to stay still.When she was down in the
underground,She learned some human speech when new ones kept coming
down.She still is learning it but does some hand language with her
ribbons when it comes to humans.She is shy so approach her nicely
and she will open up to you
Magic?:Well doesn't know much since she doesn't fight a lot.She
knows how to use bullet punch with but her ribbons but that is not
magic XD still doesn't know any
Relationships:Might add her brother but none at the moment.Her
father and mother was killed during the great war and has a brother
but doesn't see him as much.......
Other:Well i think Pokemon are monsters since Pokemon stands for
"Pocket monsters"
Also i am sucky at personalitys so dont bash meh head in
Name: Eugenie
Nicknames?: nu
Age?: uh
Gender: attack helicopter male
Arte by Death
Personality: TBRP
Magic?: Wish-making (though not perfect) and he has mechanical
gaster blasters. The reasoning for this might be explained on the
Relationships: TBRP
Human Form:
Name: Conor
Nicknames?: no
Age?: Around 14
Gender: Male
Conor is a 14-years-old human boy with
green eyes and messy, blonde hair. He wears a shirt that is themed
after downtime- the top being yellow, and slowly going down to
purple. He wears jeans and black shoes. He also has freckles. He
wears a necklace with a blue chalcedony gemstone on it. He also has
a dagger which he rarely uses.
Personality: TBRP
Soul: Mint green, means excitement
Relationships: TBRP
((@Meme, accepted. @humbloom, this isn't a Pokémon roleplay! Not
"Did she tell you that too? Or was that Frisk?" Alphys asked,
tilting her head at the sound of the laugh from the house across
the way. It was Sylvia's, but she was out at this time of day.
Why are you eavesdropping on the nerd and the fish? Evil
Pyra asked Pyra. "Because I have nothing better to do. You saw how
little money I had. You get money for killing stuff. Evil
Pyra replied, resulting in Pyra sighing.
((Sylvia stole Alphys's love Letter to Undyne and now they are
being awkward. Maybe one of you could break the tension? Also, they
aren't trapped in a mountain.))