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Forum Thread


Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting Closed
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 701
Posted: Tue, 11/04/2017 22:23 (7 Years ago)
I'm currently hunting for Shiny Cleffa while at the same time collecting Clawfa eggs.
So I thought why not see if I can make a few people happy by getting them a cleffa or clawfa?
for now i'm only offering a few clawfa slots as I have 8 egg spaces, 3 of which are occupied and 2 are reserved for clawfa eggs ordered in my event shop so that really only leaves 3 available slots :( I am saving up to upgrade my egg boxes though so more slots may become available :)

a shiny cleffa slot will be 120k pd or 2 dragon gems
Clawfa will be 60k pd or 1 dragon gem

Shiny Cleffa slots:

1 - myself - obtained (male)
2 - myself
3 - Myself
4 -
5 -

Clawfa slots
1 - JackoPedroso18 (payment is a sandwebble) - egg obtained 11-04-2017 (ordered in event shop)
2 - Chr0nicQueen - paid (ordered in event shop)
3 - Allykattz - raffle price (ordered in event shop)
4 -
5 -
6 -

how to order?

just tell me which you want (cleffa or clawfa) and which payment option (pd or gems) and i'll add you to the list :)