Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 02:18 (7 Years ago)
A strange creature steps out of the shadows. Like a hybrid between
a deer and a serpent-like dragon with a little bit of bird and
feline. Her body is lean and covered with little light gray scales,
with a tail as long as it's body. Spike-like feathers of electric
blue tipped with white trail down her spine and end in a fan-like
tail-tip almost like a palm tree leaf. Her legs are lean, with
spread-out paws tipped with small but sharp gold claws. Her snout
is short, and gold antlers top her head, with a pair of deer ears
under that. Pale blue designs accent her light gray scales all over
her body. A thick black collar decorated with gold is around her
long neck. "Hello, friends." She says.
"Hello impossible creature." Asriel says.