Forum Thread
Still Steel lover
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Still Steel loverSo, the rules are :-

1. All PH rules apply.
2. No spamming
3. No use of bad language
4. Do not curse or insult anyone.
Now, before joining this clan you should have at least one steel type pokemon. As it is a fan club a form applies here to join. Your form here:-

[b]Your username:[/b]
[b]Favourite steel type pokemon:[/b]
[b]Why do you like steel type pokemon:[/b]
[b]Your favourite steel type pokemon's pic :[/b]
Joined members:
Some of you might be confused about the form so here's how to fill it:
Your username: Pikablu
Favourite steel type pokemon:[/b Steelix
[b]Why do you like steel type pokemon: This pokemon is good in both attack and defence.
Your favourite rock type pokemon's pic :

Use small pictures like mine for pics

This is the place for voting. Some pokemons are the favourite of many and some don't get respect. So, it's time to find out the best rock pokemon. The more the pokemon gets the favourite award.
Votes :
Steelix - 1
Mawile - 1

Reach 10 members - Undone
Reach 50 members - Undone
Cast 10 votes to a pokemon - Undone
Cast 50 votes to a pokemon - Undone
Enjoy (Y)
Ask me questions
Your username: Kat123
Favorite steel type Pokemon: Mawile
Why do you like steel type Pokemon: Most of them look tough and cute at
the same time! Most of them are VERY strong and plus they still look cute!
(Picture of Snapie/Mawile.)