"I still don't see why you avoid everyone else so much." Troye
complained and Lise sighed. "Because people are no good. Even the
ones who are supposed to care about you." She said. They were now
on the roof, and Troye was helping Lise up through a trap door.
Troye turned after helping her up and noticed someone sitting on
the roof. He motioned to Lise and her eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"
She asked,walking closer to the figure.
He jumped a little bit when he heard a voice. He quickly put his
mask on and stood up. "I could ask the same question to you" he
said. He wondered who they were.
Choa heard slight moment near were she was but she ignored it,
thinking it was just the wind or such. She made her way around the
building, looking lost and confused as to where to go. She picked a
random room to go into, finding a lot of mattresses maybe some
personal stuff or food near some but one caught her eye. It seemed
like somebody was sleeping on it. She made her way near the
mattress, quietly so she doesn't suddenly wake up whoever or
whatever is sleeping in it.
Lise goanced back at Troye and he shrugged. She pushed him in front
of her to do all the talking. He chuckled and turned back to the
figure. "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you our names. I am
Troye. That's Lise over there." He said, motioning to where Lise
was standing. She didn't smile.
Robin silently followed the intruder. She hid behind another wall,
still having her gun ready. She wondered what she wanted here, then
saw her approach Gem's bed. "Don't move another muscle." She
hissed, jumping out from behind the wall and holding up her gun,
prepared to shoot.
"Well it was nice meeting you but I like to keep my identity a
secret for reasons" he said. He pulled out his pistol "Now leave"
he said while pointing it at Troye's head.
Troye just shrugged and put his hands up. He was pretty much
useless when it came to fighting. In a flash, Lise had to daggers
in her hands and was right next to Troye. "Don't. You. Dare." She
said, her eyes flashing.
"Oops" he said while shooting a bullet down and hit Troye in the
foot. "I forgot this gun doesn't have a safety option. Silly me" he
said while stepping back and walking.
Troye cried out and struggled to remain standing. Lise quickly had
one dagger at Zen's throat, the other next to her, ready for
action. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't murder you right here
right now." She said, her voice threatening.
(One of the taller buildings near the center of the town place.)
Choa looked back to see a girl with a gun. "Sorry, didn't know this
place was populated," she put her hands up, having her shocked face
on. She didn't know what to do, honestly. This hasn't happened to
her before. She was slightly panicking but she was calming down
breath by breath while keeping eye contact with the armed girl.
Oliver unlocked the door and opened it, and started walking
down the hall. He turned, seeing a spooked Brian. "Bonjour
Brian...?" He said, his words sounding more like a question. He
blinked, giving a soft smile.
Lise glared and came back at him, inhumanly quick. Troye rummaged
through her backpack pulling out one of her guns. "Ooh." He said,
aiming for Zen's head. He wasn't very good at shooting either, but
he wasn't too bad.
He ran to one side and jumped down the stairs grinning. He came
back up with two swords. "I have been training here for years so I
will make this a fair fight" he said while tossing the pistol to
"don't have one. I'm more of a gravelled. If I am in a base, it's
not for long" Choa explained calmly. Although, she really wanted to
take a step back, she didn't. It would only alarm the girl more
which is a no-no from what she has learned.
Nikki saw what unfolded on the roof. She quickly dashed out of the
base, and held her gun close to her. She ran into the building and
hid from Zen's sight. She then bolted up the stairs when Zen left.
She stayed one stair step away from the roof. She moved so that
only her eyes were showing. She aimed her gun at Zen and prepared
for the perfect moment to strike.
Brian gulped. "U-Um, I just saw a zombie horde out the window and I
wanted to warn the others." He said, making it up on the spot. He
hoped that Oliver wouldn't see through his lie.
"Any possessions?" Robin asked, calmer this time. She seemed to
relax a little since she saw the person as no threat. She still
held strong on her gun.
He quickly dashed up and jumped to another building and stood there
facing Lise. "I will give you the first shots" he said while
walking to the sides in a pattern