Robin also grabbed a bowl of water and came back. She began to
clean out Nikki's wound.
Nikki winced, but saw a new girl waiting. "Oh, you can sleep over
there." She said, pointing with her good arm to a spare mattress in
the corner of the room.
Sarah stood still, she couldn't give a proper reply. Thoughts on
what happened flashed through her mind and she was filled with
horror. She turned to Trixie with a horrified face " Why are you
doing this...? " She asks
One of Trixie's eyebrows rose. "Doing what? Helping him?" She
asked. She then took a seat near the boy. "Also, you should get to
bed. It's not good to stay up this late. You can sleep over there."
She continued, pointing to a bed near the boy.
(I would like to take control of the character of Zen Blake if you
allow me. I have already taken permission of derpadooo, who was
controling this character earlier)
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
"Oh thank you!" Choa bowed quickly and went to that mattress. Once
she sat down on it, she took out her letter from her little
brother. She had a big smile plastered on her face while she read
" I still...don't know whether I you... " Sarah said.
She was being awfully frank as that's how she was raised. " And
yes... Helping him " The words came out of her mouth with
Trixie didn't respond and just continued to sit by the boy. She
hoped he was getting better, but couldn't tell for sure. She was
sure that he was only unconscious. She saw that the blood wasn't
leaking out of the wound as much as it had done before.
Gem, once she thought everyone couldn't see her, took out the
letter that was for her. She gently opened it and she saw that it
wasn't one letter, but two letters squished into one envelope. She
was extremely happy.
Robin hurriedly bandaged up Nikki's wound. She then closed the
first aid kit and put it away in the other room.
Lise had her gun out and Troye limped close behind, with one dagger
just in case. Lise turned to him and sighed. "Are you sure you
should come? You can barely walk." She said. He nodded. "I'll be
fine. We're almost there anyway." He said, even tough they weren't.
Lise sighed. They had to be quick, and arguing wouldn't help. But
Trixie nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." She said quietly. She continued
to monitor the boy. She had no technology with her, and that was
the worst part. She couldn't even tell if the boy was ok. She
thought he was, because she was sure that he was still breathing.
Lise and Troye walked in silence. They eventually reached the
building they were meeting the other people in and they went inside
to the third floor. Troye knocked on the door and they went inside.
There were three people there. There was a girl Troye's age sitting
at a desk and another boy standing next to her and a younger girl
sitting on the floor, reading. Troye went straight over to the girl
at the desk and they whispered quietly, jabbing at a map
occasionally. Lise just sighed and kept watch by the door.
Sarah slowly slipped into her designated place. She couldn't fall
asleep due to her fear, fear for her brother. She continuously
stared up at the sky, trying her best to hold her tears back.
Choa put her letter back in her bag and lied down on the mattress.
Definitely one of the more comfortable ways to end the day for her.
She quickly fell asleep and slept quietly. She occasionally changed
position but nothing else.
Lise heard noises and she ran to the window. Zombies were coming up
the stairs, and fast. She shook her head. Having a meeting when it
was dark was a terrible idea. She locked the door and pushed a
bunch of boxes in front of it. She felt something hit her on the
back if the head. She swiped at it and saw it was a paper airplane.
Troye yelled something to her, telling her to run. And for some
reason, she did. She climbed up the ladder to the roof and made her
way back to her base. She let her fear take hold. Again.
Robin walked up to the window and sighed. Trying to be a leader has
damaged her, but only a little. She looked outside at the numerous
zombies lining the streets, and she wondered what would happen if
they broke in and killed everyone. She shook the thought from her
Mike escaped from the building somehow, still holding Zen in his
arms. It was already night, so, he stayed vigilant and got to his
base somehow. "We've got some emergency!" he yelled as he entered
the base, still holding his brother in his hands, who was bleeding.
He took Zen to Trixie, he tried to hold his tears, being at the
verge of crying.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Trixie stood and quickly took Zen into her arms. She put him onto a
bed near the boy she was working on earlier, and began to bandage
his wounds. She replaced a gauze that was already soaked through
with blood, and bandaged the wound again.
"How's his condition?" Mike asked, he was really concerned about
Zen. After searching his brother for years, he was finally in front
of his eyes, but now that he found him, Mike didn't wanted to lose
him another time. He couldn't do anything but stand aside and see
as Trixie treated Zen. Mike placed his weapons and Zen's mask on a
table near him and sat down near Zen.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Trixie shook her head. "It doesn't look very promising, he's lost a
lot of blood. But I won't give up." She said. She continued to
bandage his wounds carefully.