Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Bircosents

{Just some general information about the species.}

Bircosents are.. well, that's a Bircosent right there! If you can't tell from the appearance or name, it appears to be a mixture of a bird and an octopus. Some say its face resembles that of Cthulu's, a fictional cosmic entity created by writer H. P. Lovecraft. I just see a whole bunch of adorable, but whatever floats your boat (hehe, sea jokes), I guess.
As portrayed in the drawing, the Bircosent has three types of... 'coverage', I suppose you could call it, on its body. The parts marked with more vivid colors are bioluminescent, meaning they glow of their own accord. Those parts include the eyes, which have dark rims around them, the legs, which resemble a bird's, and the markings, which seem to vary from Bircosent to Bircosent. Their pupils are a slightly darker shade of the eye color. While we're on the topic of the eyes, may I just make it known that heterochromia is quite uncommon amongst them, and seems to run in only specific bloodlines. The parts marked in a minty color are the feathery parts--the chest, wings, upper legs, and tail. The darkest parts of them are the flesh. The face, fins, and body. Feathers come in layers above the flesh. Bioluminescent parts could technically also be called flesh, but for the sake of distinction, I've set them apart.
Bircosents come in almost every color. However, there are some exceptions. The colors black and brown are extremely rare on bioluminescent parts of the body. Extremely light colors, such as white, and most pastels, are rare on flesh. Colors that most people would associate with birds such as parrots (bright/neon ones) are uncommon on the feathers.

Social Unit: Individual, Family, or Group-a flock of five to thirty five.
Habitat: Warm oceanic areas, salt rivers, some swamps, some forests.
Sleep Behavior: Diurnal/Crepuscular, Nocturnal in certain cases.
Weight: Ten to twenty pounds.
Length: Somewhere around 3 feet long from mouth to tail.
Migration: N/A, Nonmigrant.
Natural predators: Sharks, bears, certain types of snake, crocodilians, and alligators.
Natural prey/food: fish, small snakes, river plants, squirrels, crocodile/alligator hatchlings, and some land plants.
Breeding habits: Mate for life.
Survival rate for hatchlings: Nine of ten hatchlings are likely to survive.
Average clutch size: Ten.
Average life expectancy: Twenty years, can survive up to forty in the right conditions.
Find them as cute as I do? Great! Now all you have to do is check if there's one available in the adopt center, and fill out the form!

How you think they'd act:
Why do you want this Bircosent?:
How you think they'd act:
Why do you want this Bircosent?:
Name: Neiro
Gender: male (bright colours)
Weight: less than they usually are?
How you think they'd act: euah let's see - I believe the bright colours make it difficult to hunt/hide so he has to be really social to survive. He's smaller than most so in case of danger he could disappear more easily.
Why do you want this Bircosent?: jfoajg just look at the hatchling ;; it looks extra adorable + huge fan of the cthulu mythos in general
also the droplett marking on his face
Name: 悪夢 /Akumu/ noun-Nightmare
Gender: Indefinite/Unidentified
Reason- due to fast reflexes and violent nature, no evidence was found to see what gender or acting pattern this creature had
Weight: 22lbs /heavier than the majority/
How you think they'd act: Quiet, lurking silently in search for their prey, not very sociable, due to its heavy XL body, it relays more to its harsh attacking than its speed, since if it runs for vast periods of time, it's energy drops down violently, causing them to eventually collapse. It lives in a swamp like area, and instead of escaping danger, it attacks/due to the lack of energy power/ causing wounds and eventually scars
Why do you want this Bircosent?: - I wrote more for this child than I ever have before- I LOVE the colors and markings, is that the proxy symbol??? I just love it, and I need to keep this glowing Satan nightlight
Gender: Female
Weight: 18.8 lbs
How you think they'd act: Mischievous, playing pranks on others with a lot of her free time. Due to this she would probably procrastine about anything she needed to get done and rely too much on those around her to provide for her. She does genuinely love those who care for her though.
Why do you want this Bircosent?: Because I don't have many characters yet and I love things with wings, just look at my username ;w; I love the sky. These little guys are adorable <3
Also, I don't pay anything for her? :o
And yay thank you!! Going on TH now~