Forum Thread
Explore Kalos!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Explore Kalos!"My name is Leo. Leo Gray. Its nice to meet you all, and your Pokemon."
His cheeks we slightly pink from embarrassment, more guilt then embarrassment, for not introducing himself earlier.
"I may as well introduce myself too, for those who dont know me. I'm Kura Konda, but just Kura is fine. It's nice to meet you all~"
"But yes, this is our first journey," Riko spoke. As Leo went by to pet every Pokemon, Heather instead shook his hand with a vine. Duke let Leo pet him gratefully.
"Come back, Autumn!" Riko yelled.
Kura grabbed the male by the arm and dragged him off in the direction that Autumn had gone in. Turtwig and Chikorita followed behind as fast as they could, though, with short legs, Kura made sure to slow down for them every now and then.
Username: BellaFox
Character Name: Bella Fox
Appearance: Orange long hair, blue eyes, short, skinny, bright blue dress that extends to the ground, white shoes with blue ribbons
Personality: Joyful, confident, loud, afraid of being alone, caring, loves meeting new people, cares a lot about her pokemon
Starter: Female Squirtle named Torra
Goal : Wants to become an Elite four member for fairy types
Home Region : Kalos
I already got my starter, my pokedex, and my mega ring, so from now on i will only post roleplay messages )