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Camp Eeveelution: Reawakened

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Camp Eeveelution: Reawakened
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 16:14 (8 Years ago)
Title’s a bit much, I know. But we gotta be dramatic

✶ Welcome to Camp Eeveelution, a mayhem of a place where we have awesome-ish good times! We also apparently do not have a camp director, haha. You are welcome to join in! So strap on your seatbelt and please, don’t throw up in this journey.
Some early info about the Camp:
Warning, it’s waffly long, kinda like a history lesson.
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♫ Camp Eeveelution was originally created by Audrey, and has been going on for quite a while. There have been three parts so far, which you can find here, here, and here. The first two parts wear of the same generation, reaching both over 200 pages. The third came to a whole new generations, leading to a new, slightly reborned-oh gosh I shoulda named this Reborn instead of Reawakened, haha-camp in which included some of the campers from Part 1 and 2’s kids or kid relatives. The Camp eventually went idle, and died away completely. So I decided, with written-or typed, whichever you prefer, or palpadded- permission of Audrey (she said, and I quote “Sure.”) that I would remake the camp and hope everyone would come back pathetically. This RP takes place somewhere shifty between the two generations, which means it might include some past characters (like Elf or Pan or whatnot) and new characters (like Bumble, Sparkplug and others) Camp Eeveelution is a varied RP which is a mix of many genres, and a fairly good active rate. By the way, hey, I’m Ace, (a.k.a Acefolf and ImmatroyingGuy), I came in sometime in part one, and I really think that you should consider joining, even if you think eeveelutions are overrated I will murder you in your sleep hahahahahahaha...just kidding!. ♫

Although I said that no one’s running the camp, and you guys can smash each other till you see Spongebob riding Toothless for all I care, but seriously, there are rules. Read them or I will send out the Teletubbies. (YES I WENT THERE)
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You must be nice and roleplay fair, of course, because no one likes a meanie or being called a meanie (you know who you are) and it is more enjoyable when everyone plays fair. No, you do not say, Oh no, Ace, but the Devil don’t play fair!, because you know, you aren’t the devil. If you are then why are you even reading this, don’t you need to condemn souls or something? Also, don’t kill me.
No Godmodding. Here is an example and definition of the word. If you need more examples, go on the internet.
Please no Mary Sues or Gary Sues. I’m not too familiar with the terms too well myself, but it means making your characters absolutely perfect. You can search online for quizzes that determine whether your character is this or not, but don’t rely on that too much.
Don’t beg for negative attention, like repeatedly asking and mourning why no one his rping with you, or judging someone’s character or grammar.
The Password is any type of animal doing a random thing (e.g: Rabbits eating Cheese! or Chickens digging your grave!).
All PH rules apply, of course, so don’t go double posting, just edit your post.
If you need to speak out of character/OOC, use ().
If your character speaks something, use “”, or else it might be confusing. You don’t have to do this if you are uncomfortable with it, but it will help everyone a lot.
You may make as many characters as you like, but use them regularly when you’re rping. If it’s just a minor character that only shows up for a certain occasion you don’t HAVE to make a form unless you want to. Please don’t abuse this, or I will have to set limitations.
The characters are not allowed to be killed, unless you will have them brought back to the dead or it’s just a fake death. You can kill off minor characters and such. Other people might have still wanted to interact with your character, but if you killed them off think of what you might miss.
If you really want to be RPed with and you set up something (like starting off with your character in a drastic situation), don’t make your character angsty (it’s annoying, and it won’t work). If no one can RP or won’t, just feel free to casually jump into any interaction that is open, because you’ll get to know people better and can then get friends to RP with you.
Don’t spam. You know this.
No cursing. Absolutely not. ‘Dang’ is okay, and ‘heck’ too, but not anything else. If you are unsure, check with me. I’m always open. Just don’t spell it out. Not even censored is allowed. If you really need to, go with some old thing like goshdarn or flipping or curses! Or something else, like poo or bum. Just try not to offend anyone. Don’t hesitate to report someone, even if they are a friend. You won’t be stood out. Try to talk with them first.
I have the right to deny your form, but you are allowed to fix it…
Don’t do anything overboard like destroy or burn down the whole camp…
Fake eeveelutions or eevee hybrids are okay, as long as you don’t abuse that.
Minor characters can be non-eeveelutions, but cannot be members of the camp themselves.
As far as I am concerned, humans do not exist or have no evidence relating to this, so keep that in mind.
Romance and relationships are allowed, but keep in PG, okay? There is not ‘boy or girl’ limit, but just don’t go having a relationship with every character you see.
You may not have a relationship going on between your own main characters. Main/Side is okay, but everything only limits to having a crush and stuff.
Each person may only have two shinies, okay? Shinies are rare, remember?
Children is okay, but make it reasonable. Don’t go having a 5 year old having a kid already, k?
Follow the rules, pretty please?

You will have three warnings, then I will ban you from the rp *sobs* please don’t make me do that. It’s okay if you want to talk to me about the rules, I’m open to anyone! I will not get mad at you.

Camper List:
♠Due to being a bit long, it will be moved here. ♠

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Nickname (if not put N/A):
Age: (under 20)
Shiny?: Y/N

☘My Formzies☘
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Name: Elf
Nickname: N/A
Gender/Sexuality: Male, Heterosexual
Species/Type: Eevee (I think)
Age: Around 12
Description: Elf is a klutzy, moody eevee who looks pretty chubby, but insists it’s just his fur. He’s not often happy and falls on others a lot, and can be a jerk sometimes, but then always regrets it a lot. Kind of angsty, but keeps it to himself. He seems to have a past. Has a crush and rocky relationship with Pan, with three adopted kids and a twin. His mother is absolute torture. Also very cowardly and seems to be bad at lying.
Shiny?: Nope!
Password: Er-Elephants dancing the can can.
Other: He might react if you call him certain names or show him certain items. He has split-personality so he will act different around different characters, situations and places. Very easily flustered. Please don’t take what he says to heart, he’s just a little grump.

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Name: Jocelene
Nickname: Joce, Miss-I’m-Not-Girly
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Heterosexual
Species/Type: Umbreon (I think)
Age: Around 12
Appearance: [Image In Process] She is a lean Umbreon with red eyes and purple acid constantly dripping from her paws, which doesn’t hurt her. She has a tiny nick on her right ear and two tails.
Description: Jocelene is a violent, homicidal-ish tomboy who would rather hit first talk later. She is insanely protective of those close to her. Usually cold, hard to break, but when she does it’s not pretty. Kinda selfish and mean, but really does try to be good. Rapids is her future fiance, and Elf is her twin brother, though they look nothing alike or act any alike. Gets angry at the littlest things and usually winds up at situations that she can’t get out of. Snarky, too.
Shiny?: Nah
Password: Mice kicking stones across the seashore!!!
Other: Eyes will glow if angered, or triggered.

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Name: Fay, Pixie and Sylph
Nickname: The Eevee Trio, The Triplets
Gender/Sexuality: Fay and Pixie are male, Sylph is female, and they are too young to be certain about anything else.
Species/Type: Eevees
Age: Around 6
Appearance: [Image Under Construction] They're just normal eevee triplets. Fay has long slightly curly hair that makes him have a feminish look, Pixie has spiky hair that makes him look tough and Sylph just has that soft look to her.
Description: The reason the three are in one form is because they are inseparable. They go everywhere with each other, causing mischief and all that such. Fay is usually the one who talks the most, while Pixie just makes witty remarks. Sylph acts like a spoiled princess, Pixie like a future gangster and Fay the quiet type. Pixie seems like the leader of the gang. They never knew their parents, adopted by Elf at a very young age, when he found them lost in the woods. Apparently no one ever told them that they were adopted, so...yeah...they believe eevees can have kids so young and are innocent little ones.
Shiny?: Nope, nope and nope!
Password: Cats choking on nacho hats!

⎙If yah need anything Palpad me, or contact [email protected] (haha I made an email send us you can send us fanart or anything).⎙

One day I will beat you fair and square, hey!

Get your own CrushTag!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 16:43 (8 Years ago)
This... this made my day.
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Name: Pixella
Nickname (if not put N/A): Pix!
Gender/Sexuality: Female, straight
Species/Type: Shiny Sylveon
Age: (under 20) (well... first one she was like 6/7... so I think) 13
Description: Pix is a very happy and silly person, enjoying her friend's company and mucking around with spells. She recently discovered a game called Poketale, and is obsessed with it, playing non stop. She also found a TV show called Poliwhirlin, and enjoys pointing out the flaws in the magic used in it. yeah I basically just ripped off Merlin and Undertale
Shiny?: Yeah! Come on dude, she's special!
Password: Err... kittens stroking a fish!

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Name: Holly
Nickname (if not put N/A): Some people call her Spikes because of her ears
Gender/Sexuality: Female, straight
Species/Type: Leafeon
Age: 12

Description: Holly is a very spunky person, livening everyone up and making people happy too! She like she playing with her friends, and, even though she hasn't been to camp before, she is excited to be there with her sister and make new friends!
Shiny?: NOPE!
Password: OOH a UNICORN spooning a Phoenix!!!
Other: She is Pix's younger sister.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 17:48 (8 Years ago)
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Name: Amina (Somali And Muslim Female Name Meaning "Trustful, Honest" )
Nickname (if not put N/A): "Empress" (Kids in her school are calling her like that. If you want to bacome her friend quickly call her like that for some time but then stop or she will get tired of it)
Gender/Sexuality: Female , Straight
Species/Type: Empreon (I made that up becouse i wasnt able to find original. She is Bug/Steel)
Age: 14
Appearance: Here
Description: She has her own elegant and noble temperament. She is always acting like Empress (Ha, got it?) and she remains calm no matter what. She is honest person , sometimes little too honest , and she will always tells others what she thinks and she doesnt care if it hurts somebody but she will always protect her friends and fight for what she think is right and she is quite a smooth talker. Maybe she looks like one of these "cool kids" but in fect she is pretty much nerd . Her hobbies are watching cartoons (My Little Ponyta and Steelix Universe are her favorites) and browsing the net.
Shiny?: No
Password: Bees eating a shoe
Other: She is bug Eevee... Do you think she is maybe Related to someone ? HMM ? HMMMM ?!!! She may develop a "God syndrome" during the roleplay , be careful so it dont happens

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Of course!
Name: Bumble
Nickname (if not put N/A): None (Please create one)
Gender/Sexuality: Female , She is too young to even know what sexuality means..
Species/Type: Eevee (Normal)
Age: 8,5
Appearance: She is more fluffy than she should be and its little bit lighter. (It means that she will evolve soon but its not going to happen in this roleplay) She also wears a yellow Head Bow.
Description: Bumble is very emotional and she is easily hurt even by smallest mean words. She would be scared of everything but luckily she was gifted with curiousity that can often beat her fear. She is always smiling and she is optimist (Yes , you readed that right)
Shiny?: No
Password: Giratina having a tea party with Neon Pegasus
Other: This takes place bafore Bumble ended in orphange
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 18:01 (8 Years ago)
Name: Etor
Nickname (if not put N/A): People call him Eto, sometimes.
Gender/Sexuality: Male, and he has not found out his Sexuality yet, haha.
Species/Type: He is a Jolteon!
Age: 10.
Appearance: He is rather big Jolteon for his age, making many people believe he is older than he is. He also wears a little thunderbolt as a necklace.
Description: He may seem oh so tough, but his heart is little and sensitive. It cannot handle many down falls, and that's why he never tried to date another person. He is not easy to gain trust with, and he can easily run away like a scaredy cat. He has always been by himself, but he actually prefers to be around other people. Not socialize, just to be hearing voices around him. That makes him feel very comfortable.
Shiny?: nope
Password: Ducks winning over dogs any day!
Other: He will cry if you take his necklace.

2nd, because I wanted to roleplay with myself when I'm alone :^)
Oscar has left the camp, thereby his form has been removed.

Name: Faith
Nickname (if not put N/A): N/A
Gender/Sexuality: Female, and Straight.
Species/Type: She is a Braviary/Flareon fusion, that would make Flying/Fire.
Age: She is 17 years old.
Appearance: kinda like this
Description: She is a fierce and strong Pokemon, who always wishes to protect others. Sometimes, she forgets her own goals in life because of this. She will do anything to help, but will always blame herself if the plan fails.
Shiny?: no
Password: cats excited for this rp
Other: no
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 18:17 (8 Years ago)
(Added a form for character we all know :3)
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 18:25 (8 Years ago)
(all accepted! Let me know if you wanna start or what for more people!)
One day I will beat you fair and square, hey!

Get your own CrushTag!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 19:20 (8 Years ago)
OH WAIT!!! I made a new sona and I need to put her up, and I'm gonna get green
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 19:24 (8 Years ago)
(You guys wanna start?)
One day I will beat you fair and square, hey!

Get your own CrushTag!
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 01:47 (8 Years ago)
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Name: Oliver
Nickname: Olioli / Oli
Gender/Sexuality: Male / "Flaming" Homosexual
Species/Type: Slyveon
Age: 13

Description: He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs and snuggles.
Shiny?: Nah
Password: puppies licking pillows...?
-love h i m ple a s e

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Name: Harper
Nickname (if not put N/A): Harpy
Gender/Sexuality: Female / Pansexual
Species/Type: Avianeon ((Fake Eeveelution))
Age: 14

Description: she tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humour and subtle irony. Harper has a typical nerd nature in that she is very passive, and she follows commands more easily than the others, complying with commands not because of their logical sense but because she was told to. She's a dorks and a sweetie.
Shiny?: No
Password: Pink fluffy ponies dancing on rainbows unoriginal
-Protective of Oli
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 01:51 (8 Years ago)
this seems cool so
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Name: Ameri
Nickname (if not put N/A): Likes to go by Ame.
Gender/Sexuality: male, bisexual
Species/Type: eevee!
Age: 16
Appearance: basically your regular ol' eevee! likes to eat red foods, so you might see his paws painted with red at times
Description: he's very outgoing and will be willing to engage in conversation with people he doesn't know. mostly an oblivious and innocent young eevee, isn't the biggest fan of drama. sensitive, at most, but res is more than likely to step in when his feelings get hurt. he has a very long fuse, but he cannot be manipulated as easily as he looks to be. very quick and agile.
Shiny?: yes!
Password: a dog sitting on a couch.
Other: he soft.........

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Name: Resist
Nickname (if not put N/A): Res
Gender/Sexuality: male, homosexual
Species/Type: eevee
Age: 17
Appearance: regular eevee, except he wears a rainbow scarf with a galaxy-colored patch at the end of it. has a bit more chub than ame.
Description: very friendly! however, a lot more curious than his innocent friend, which has gotten him into a lot of situations where he cannot say the same. follows ame around because of his intense fear of being left behind or not accepted. likes to watch the stars at night, it always reminds him of the night when he got his scarf.
Shiny?: nope!
Password: a cat opening a can of dog food
Other: i type grammatically correct in roleplays, do not worry about my lack of capitalization.

interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 332
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 02:23 (8 Years ago)
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Name: Blaze
Nickname (if not put N/A): N/A
Gender/Sexuality: Male, Bi
Species/Type: Flareon
Age: 17

he's still hot
Description: Hyperactive, Funny, Jokester.
Shiny?: No
Password: my dogs being annoying
Other: Sister is Jewl

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Name: Jewl
Nickname (if not put N/A): N/A
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Straight
Species/Type: Espeon
Age: 17

Description: Sassy, Sometimes rude, makes fun of Blaze
Shiny?: Y/N
Password: my dogs are still annoying me
Other: Brother is Blaze

(art not mine)

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 02:33 (8 Years ago)

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Panavianasorhlum. People have shortened it all kinds of ways--Panaviana, Panavia, Panavi, Pan... *giggles* A certain someone even calls me Pancakes!
Nickname (if not put N/A):
Like I said above.
Female, and I consider myself bisexual, but since I'm in a relationship with a guy...
Around 12-14
coming soon
coming soon DUNDUNDUNndunnnn
Shiny?: Y/N
immatroyingguy is a dang heck goshdarn flipping poobum


might add a mysterious sibling of pan's later on

also mochi may appear

or whatever she was called I don't remember-

i eat kids
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 03:28 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Risum
Nickname (if not put N/A): Riri
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Bisexual
Species/Type: Leafeon
Age: (under 20): 16
Appearance: A leafeon with autumn-colored leaves instead of green.
Description: A bit silent but still considered quite social. He spaces out often and gets easily distracted by things he finds a mystery or extrordinary. He smiles a lot at things he likes and crushes but who knows.
Shiny?: Does differently colored count? (im not meaning shiny tho)
Password: A giraffe assisting a bird in building their nest while eating leaves.
-Stays up a lot at night to look at the sky for the moon and stars
-Skilled at making plans

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Name: Cherry
Nickname (if not put N/A): N/A
Gender/Sexuality: Female/Homosexual
Species/Type: Flareon
Age: (under 20): 16
Appearance: A normal Flareon with a red bandana
Description: A jokester and a trickster. She loves to tease others but stops when she knows that they have reached their limit. She likes to be in contact with her friends and touch them a lot. Cherry also lives a messy life and usually does work at last minute.
Shiny?: Y/N: No
Password: Bees collecting pollen using their butts.
-She can't handle seeing anyone cry and she feels quite emotional when someone does.
-She loves anything spicy.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 04:44 (8 Years ago)
(This actually seems literate...and not some "lol eevees at a camp will thy survive"

Also, this RP needs mods)

Name: Shin
Gender/Sexuality: Male, straight
Species/Type: Eevee
Age: 14
Appearance: A normal Eevee, but with a orange-ish fur.
Description: TBRP
Shiny?: Nope
Password: Cats in a piano.

Name: Lyra
Gender/Sexuality: Female, bisexual
Species/Type: Eevee
Age: 15
Appearance: A normal Eevee, but with white fur.
Description: TBRP
Shiny?: No.
Password: Dogs in a violin.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 21:09 (8 Years ago)
Accepted. We're rounding up all the gang!
Also, did you just call me a poobum?)
(We can start now)

The fluffy pie colored eevee hefted his backpack into the camp entrance.
"And we're back again!" He said.
Jocelene smacked him on the back. "Yeah, Elf, and you should watch the Trio. I think they're setting something on fire again."
Elf perked up, dropped the bag and ran inside.
Joce snorted as she saw him running comically across the camp yelling at the triplets, who were holding matches.
"And we're back." The Umbreon said.
One day I will beat you fair and square, hey!

Get your own CrushTag!
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 21:35 (8 Years ago)
(I will also throw one minor and important character there.. dont worry , she is going to leave soon)

Beautiful fluffy canine pokemon with rainbow dragonfly wings and two horns on her head reached the Camp Enterance , Amina by her side and Bumble sitting on her head between the horns . Aminas and Bumbles mother sighed "Are you ready, girls ?" She asked
Bumble jumped on ground "Of course Mommy! I want to join soo many adventures!" Bumble said and her mother nuzzled her
"Mom.. Please stop , its embarrasing" Amina said and she started walking straight to the camp "Go with your sister , Bumble. And have a good time.." She said and Bumble hugged her for last times bafore following Amina on her small legs. Mother sighed "They grow up soo quickly.."
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 22:00 (8 Years ago)
Elf huffed as he carried the triplets back to the Camp Entrance, scolding them impatiently. They didn’t seem to be listening very intently, looking around at their surroundings. Pixie seemed bothered by being carried and thrashed around restlessly, complaining.
Seeing two newcomers on the back of a larger Pokemon, he put the eevees down next to Jocelene and walked up to them.
“Hey!” He greeted. “I’m Elf! Are you two new here? I haven’t seen ya around.”
One day I will beat you fair and square, hey!

Get your own CrushTag!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 22:19 (8 Years ago)
((*CRASHES IN* so I heard we could start))

Pan had arrived a few moments late. This didn't bother her, though. In fact, it cheered her--it reminded her a bit of the original camp, when she had arrived a day late. And then, she had met..

She shook the thought out of her head. Let the dead lie, and their graves go untouched. For now, the living, and the present would be her focus, and they would be for as long as possible, she hoped.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 22:33 (8 Years ago)
Mother smiled when she seen that her childrens already found a new friend... She should go home already , she dont want to embarass them... And she isnt feeling very well

Bumble waved at Elf and smiled , showing her small but sharp teeth "Howdy! I am Bumble and this is my sis -" She wanted to continue but Amina cutted her off "I am Amina, Oldest Doughter of Reika from Blue Hive and yes . We never been here bafore. We dont assosiate with other eeveelutions much." Amina said , her eyes were scanning Elf. "In fact i am suprised people even made camp only for us, its really stupid idea.." She said , keeping her low and calm voice. Bumble gave her a glare but Amina wasnt reacting at all
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 22:37 (8 Years ago)
Ame entered the camp entrance while Res followed, closely behind. They both looked around in awe at the many species in the camp. Ame was right about to go up to somebody to ask what they were supposed to do when Res blocked him. "Don't be so quick!" He stated. "You don't know how they could be, let me survey the area first."

interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)