Forum Thread
Lets talk about the "Lotto"
Forum-Index → Discussion → Lets talk about the "Lotto"
Number of possible tickets: (42!)/(5!37!) = 850,668. This is well known
Cost to buy all 850,668 tickets: 42,533,400 at 50 per ticket
5/5 Combination tickets : 1
4/5 Combination tickets : 185
3/5 Combination tickets : 6,660
2/5 Combination tickets : 77,700
Total winnings:
1 x 20,000 tokens + Shiny Lugia
185 x 5000 tokens + 185 Lugia
6660 x 1000 tokens
77700 x 200 tokens
Total tokens returned: 23,145,000
Net cost for guaranteed Shiny Lugia: 19,388,400 tokens
Now, the easiest way to farm consistent and guaranteed tokens is to play the Concentration game on Hard. I can usually get it in under 18 misses = 5000 token gain on average each time (that's without using a chart of any kind). This means you can farm 5k tokens per 90 seconds.
Tokens needed to pay for guaranteed Shiny Lugia: 42.5 million
Tokens per 90 seconds farmed : 5000
Total time to farm enough tokens to BUY Shiny Lugia : 12,750 minutes or 531 hours spent in the Game Center ugh. On a side note that's 8500 times you'd need to play Concentration.
So ... it'll take a while however remember that if you go for Shiny Lugia first, you'll then have about 20 million tokens already available towards Shiny Manaphy (or just buy one of the shiny dogs).
That's it. I was bored so enjoy.