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Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Ditto
♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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This way the users who don't have the time to lab-stalk all day for such a low chance at finding a Ditto still have a slim chance to get one while keeping it rare and still being up to several factors. (Since it's really easy to miss a Pokémon being at the tree, you might not be able to catch it with the pokéballs you have, things like that.)
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
What if the Ditto eggs appear at the Gem Collector (for people who own it, maybe?) for say 1,000 Normal Gems. That way, they're still Rare, but there's still the chance to get them through other methods besides lab stalking.
EDIT: Changing number of gems to possibly 6,000.
And as for route 53, I'm neutral about this because Dittos are supposed to be hard to get. Since it can breed with almost anything, it makes it easy to hunt genderless shinies.
No support. Ditto's are rare in the games, why should they not be rare here? This game is pretty much based of the original Pokemon games.
They can be breed with any Pokemon with an egg group. Meaning you would have the ability to hunt rare genderless/one gender Pokemon, or just breed them in general. If Ditto's were made more common, these Pokemon won't be as rare as they should be.
And the suggestion about it appearing at the Route 53. It wouldn't really make sense since Ditto doesn't generally appear at/in tree's in the original games. Pokemon which like Honey, which are Grass, or bug types, appear at the tree. I don't think a normal type would be interested in honey :b It wouldn't really make sense. I know Aipom is a normal type, but it's a monkey. xD
But really, this sounds more like a complaint than a suggestion.
If you want Ditto that badly, stalk the lab.
[i]"Shinah. It means
Toothless, you're reason do I say this xP I understand the Honey Tree one, but what exactly is wrong with the Gem Collector one? From Rumbling alone, it took me months to get 300 normal gems... And I won't even be able to get one because only those with a Ditto would be able to. So?