Erich let out a hiss, and patted out the fire on his head. "You
jrerk." He muttered, flipping him off. He watched Grin run off and
Oliver giggled when Matthew lit Erich's hair up, happy. He watched
Grin run and turned into a cheetah, sprinting after him. He caught
up with ease, and hissed. "We have to go back! They'll put out the
fire!" He meowed, tail whipping.
The lady sighed, and crossed her arms and buried her head in her
hands. She huffed, and nodded to Matthew. "You're in, Pyro."
he looked over at the guard and grinned more, blowing a bit of fire
that stopped in front of her and formed a heart, then he went over
and leaned up against the wall.
''f you too'' he told erich, flipping him off in return while never
really saying the curse word aside from the first letter.
Grin whimpered, however he understood and started to walk back
cautiously, his tail between his legs.
He had trouble understanding the humans unusual speech and why they
kept him in here without any food, however he could understand
oliver's meowing and figured he might as well do what he wanted.
Susan was sitting in her cell, which was probably one of
the few there with traditional locks. There's no way to hack those.
She was staring out the door when someone told her to follow her.
She did, because what else was there to do?
She then arrived in a room with a few other people. She
Heya! I used to be SpiritThief, and I really like
Paul Shapera's works. Question for me?
The lady glared. "Shut up." She growled, and snapped her fingers.
The guards leaped over, and watched her closely. "Why don't you
show us what you can do?" She murmured, raising a hesitant
Erich rolled his eyes. "Doofus." He said dryly, voice quiet. He
scratched his face, blowing lightly on his fingers.
Oliver turned human, walking back with Grin. "Hey, hey. It'll be
okay, hun, okay?" She said softly, trying to comfort the wolf boy.
He ran a hand over the fur on his head, petting him softly. He
noticed the guards had a taser, and he shook his head. "Hey, he was
just scared, okay? Chill." The guard glared, and nodded.
''i was never trying to hurt you ma'am.. i was simply showing my
thank's and showing more of what i can do'' matthew explained,
giving a small bow toward's the lady the guard's were now
he looked over and waved to oliver.
Grin followed Oliver then pressed his head into oliver's side,
making a wolf's equivalent to a purr.
He really liked that this person wasn't yelling or screaming at
him, but he was still a bit scared of Matthew.
Oliver smiled at Grin, and pet him slowly with his free hand,
watching the others. He shifted into his knees before sitting
again. His bum against the ground, tops of his feet by his sides.
This was his favorite way to sit, if he had one. He just say like
this a lot.
he smiled down at grin and oliver, while staying between him and
''hey it's alright buddy, i'd never hurt an animal, whether they
were one or could turn into one'' he said reassuringly.
Oliver nodded and smiled. He leaned forward a bit. He looked at
Erich around Matthew's legs, and flinched. Erich smirked at him,
watching him like a hawk. He winked, and licked his lips. Oliver
didn't like that, and bit his lip before looking away.
he glared at erich and set the bun on his head on fire again,
smirking as he did so.
''how about you bug off before i set your clothe's on fire and give
you a black eye, as well as burn that ball up on your head right
off you creep, leave poor oliver alone'' matthew said, the smirk
instantly disappearing just as quickly as it appeared.
Erich smirked. "They won't let you. I'm safe, thanks to the guards.
I'm not doing anything wrong, Pyro." He said with a growl.
Patting out his hair, he rolled his eyes as the guards watched
Matthew closely. Oliver shuddered. He was sure that the others had
no clue about their past, just thinking that Erich was being a