(Sorry that i was off whole day , i had to help my mom with
Stock-taking to earn some money. Can i get quick recap and where
characters actually are ? :3)
Vix snarled, pushing it out of her mind. Focus was key, as it
always was. She couldn't fall asleep, she WOULDN'T fall asleep. She
lept at Cari, slashing at her face.
Cari fell over first, slamming into the ground and crouching,
shaking violently. Some of her hair covered her face, which had a
bit of blood trickling from her forehead. She shook her head.
It's either death or torture now. She held up one shaky
hand, power deprived. "H-hey, nice j-job-" She fell over again.
Cari stayed crouched on the ground, rubbing her forehead with her
sleeve "J-jees, you really have claws, huh?" She finally stood up,
making small fists. "Okay, I'm ready to loose."
Cari sniffed in slight annoyance at her wounds. She struck out with
one hand and attempted to force memories against Vix. "I'm sorry."
She muttered, though it was muffled.
Cari flinched violently and stepped forward, choking up. "Sorry,
sorry, sorry, I'm so so sorry!" She pressed her palm against Vix's
forehead. "You need a rest." She whispered. "Seriously, try and go
to sleep soon."