''o-okay..'' jackson mumbled, breathing a bit heavily.
''what's going on, where's nathan? i know ryan and jackson went off
somewhere but they should be safe.... anyway, what happened?''
elizabeth asked, looking at bailey confused while listening in the
there was a pained filled screech that followed a good bit after it
and then another yowl from the creature.
''stay here with cheyenne, i'll go help nathan'' elizabeth said,
then went sprinting off as she shifted, gaining more speed with
being on four leg's.
nathan was limping while holding one of his front left leg up,
blood trickling from the side of his beak and had gaping bite
wound's on the side of his neck, rather close to the windpipe.
he breathed heavily and wheezed, a small puddle of blood already
collected beside his front right talon.
''filthy creature....! you'll suffer an agonizing death..!'' he
croaked, having a bit of trouble talking.
jackson blushed furiously and blinked, looking up at ryan a bit
nathan tried to lunge to claw at them again but ended up faltering
and falling down, unable to actually lunge successfully with only
three leg's.
''you'll leave my girlfriend alone you filthy mongrel's....!'' he
half screeched, coughing up a bit of blood. i'm gonna end up bleeding out if they don't end up killing me
first.... he thought hopelessly.
a loud roar grew close as the sound of a dragon running toward's
the grotto, a bit of light flashing as well.
jackson's face erupted a bright red and his breathe caught in his
throat, his heart pounding in his chest once again.
he closed his eye's and soon seemed to melt and returned the kiss
just the same as ryan kissed him.
nathan took the chance to reach up with his good talon and sliced
the neck of one of the dogs heads.
elizabeth came running through the entryway of the grotto and ran
over, zapping the creature with a huge lightning bolt.
jackson sighed and cupped his cheek's with both of his hands.
elizabeth went over and snagged a hold of the dog's two remaining
head's, quickly snapping her jaw's together to finish it off.
nathan groaned in pain and just laid where he was, coughing more
she glanced over at him then back towards where she came from.
''bailey! cheyenne! come on, it's safe! bring the backpack, it has
a military grade medkit stashed away in it!!'' she called back to
them, being much louder then in human form.
jackson broke away and panted heavily, then listened as he heard
elizabeth yell.
''s-something happened... do you hear? that's elizabeth yelling''
he said, looking in the direction he heard the shout.
elizabeth went over and sniffed at his wound's, checking to see how
bad they were.
nathan chuckled weakly and sighed.
''i've lost a good bit of blood..... it'll be a miracle if i
survive...'' he muttered.
she huffed and glared at him.
''don't say stuff like that, you'll be fine.. bailey and cheyenne
are on they're way, so just hold on.... beside's your wound's don't
seen too deep, so be thankful your still alive right now'' she
said, then went over and picked the creature up, laying down just a
bit away from him before making sure the mutated looking dog was
''we need to head back and check on the other's, cause wasn't
bailey with nathan...?'' jackson asked, looking back at ryan.
elizabeth cleaned her muzzle and got up, shifting to her human form
before going over to get the medkit.
nathan looked up at bailey and smiled a tiny bit, happy to see she
was alright.
''hey sweetheart....'' he mumbled weakly.
jackson got up and ran over to one of the willow tree's, grabbing
his satchel before he went back over and decided to climb up onto
''it'll be easier for me to ride then to try to run, cause i
probably won't keep up very well'' he said, then carefully grabbed
a bit of his mane so he didn't end up falling off.
''i'm going to need to be quick to get those bite wound's cleaned
and closed up, as well as his front leg.....'' elizabeth muttered,
taking the medkit and quickly went over, grabbing out what was
needed and carefully started to clean the wound's on his neck,
which caused nathan to cringe and screech quietly in pain.
jackson yelped and wrapped his arm's around him while grabbing some
of his mane, frightened by how fast ryan was going.
''at least we have meat for us who have to eat meat instead of
going on a veggie and fruit diet... even if it seem's
revolting.......'' elizabeth muttered.
nathan closed his eye's and sighed, closing his eye's and tried to
stay still.
''i'm fine...! i'm fine.....!'' jackson squeaked, holding onto him
for dear life.
elizabeth looked over and blinked.
''hey, welcome back to the group'' she said, then went back to
cleaning nathan's wound's on his neck and the one on his one front
jackson sat up and looked over, getting off of ryan before he
pulled out his flute and ran over.
''i-i could try to play a kind of soothing spell that could try and
help keep him calm but i'm afraid i'll make him fall asleep'' he