elizabeth put her hand on her hip and looked up at the edge, a bit
''these thing's are so tall i'm surprised they don't cave in...''
she grumbled.
''i'm gonna see how tall this actually is...'' she muttered,
bringing her wing's out in her human form.
elizabeth flew up toward's the ceiling and kept an eye on the
hedge, wanting to make sure it wasn't growing ahead of her.
once she made it up she bonked her head on a barrier and gripped
her head, cursing in dragonic language as she flew there in one
spot, looking up before she started to feel above her, her hand
stopping just before it even reached over the hedge.
she glided down in a tight spiral and landed, folding her wing's
behind and sighing.
''there's a barrier at the top of the maze just before you reach
above the edge to peek, meaning there's no cheating out way through
this maze either...'' she muttered.
jackson looked at the path's at the grotto and thought for a
moment, then decided to go left, continuing to lead ryan as they
passed the cluster of bushes that nathan and bailey were hiding and
sleeping in.
elizabeth helped her and also changed her hand's to her front
talon's, using her claws for extra help.
jackson sighed a bit shakily and looked over his shoulder at
''you just want to see me blush...'' he muttered, his face still a
bright beet red.
''he can heal it, i've seen him heal a tree'' she said.
''meanie....'' jackson huffed, then looked back ahead of them,
keeping an eye on where they were going.
''if you want cheyenne go sit down... i'd give you something to
drink but nathan ran off with the bag'' elizabeth said.
''hmm.... you know, a thought just crossed my mind on why there are
hedges instead of stone wall... what if this is a kind of garden
part of the maze? and the other half we need to go through is the
actual stone part of the maze, seem's kinda logical'' jackson said,
listening to ryan purr as he talked.
''if you say so'' she said, then continued to claw at the
''and with how big this place is i'm surprised we haven't ran into
a grotto with a small cave like thing a werewolf would make they're
home, one of those small dead end kinda cave's'' he said.