Azy went home to get changed "i can finally use my pokedex! lets
check chespin..." he said excitedly "woah! my chespin is part
electric!? coooooool!"
"bye Rotom i'm on a pokemon journey" Azy said to the Rotom that
lived in his house. "you want to come with me...? well i guess i
cou-" before he could finish Rotom absorbed itself into his
pokedex. "well i guess that settles it then! LETS GO!" he yelled
Kioiki went towards route 1 which was covered by forest in some
areas and was famous for grass type Pokémons ."wanna name some
friends here ? "
She asked her Sin and he nods. " Then prepare to be stronger ! "
she said excitedly as she continued deep in .
Azy walked through the tall grass with Chespin on his shoulder and
Rotom hovering close. the grass started to rustle. "guys be
prepared!" Azy said excitedly. suddenly a wild peekaboo leaped out
of the grass. after weakening it Azy threw the ball and caught the
pumkaboo. "YEAH good job guys!"
"Thanks,chespin is also a pretty good choice." Dea said to the boy
before walking to the pokeballs and took charmander pokeball. She
throw the pokeball and charmander come out. "Nice to meet you
charmander. I am your new trainer Dea."Dea said as she bent down to
charmander height and charmander let out a happy cry. After
that,Dea noticed a floating rotom pokedex nearby and said "It's
also nice to meet you rotom. Both of you,let's be good friends."
Dea said to charmander and the rotom pokedex. "Thank you for the
pokedex and charmander professor,i will be going now." Dea said
before exiting the lab and walked home to prepare for her journey.
Emma was walking along Route 1 with Treecko. She was in the tall
grass, looking for Pokemon. Eventually the grass started to shake.
A wild Weedle jumped out of the grass, and Emma and her Treecko
began to fight it.
Azy gasped as he saw a syther who was incredibly rare in the
forest. luckily Azy's Chespin was half electric so he could easily
weaken the syther and after a long battle the syther was caught.
Azy's team was now chespin, pumpkaboo and syther not to mention a
rotom dex.
(accidentally put charmander instead of treecko in my last post,
oops! fixed it!)
"Rose, use Absorb!" Emma said, excitedly fighting the weedle. As
Absorb is a grass-type move, however, it didn't have much affect on
the weedle. The bug-type pokemon used Poison Sting, which was
super-effective against Rose.
(also, sycther and pumpkaboo? doesn't really seem like first-route
pokemon to me)
Nimbus was flying overhead as Rose attacked the weedle several
times using Pound in between it's poison stings. Eventually, Emma
quickly threw a Pokeball-her Treecko was getting weak-and managed
to catch the weedle.
"Okay, that's one more Pokemon to train!" Emma shouted, as she
brought back her Treecko, adequately suprising it.
Her Rdex began reading the Pokedex entry for Weedle:
"Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokemon. Weedle has an extremely acute sense
of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of
leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red
proboscis (nose)."
(Lol this is hard because I don't know the pokemon on sun and
Cole walked out with his litten. He named it Blaze. He started
sec=arching through the tall grass and and a suduwoodo appeared. He
battled it and weakned it. He finally caught it after a few tries
"Whew" he said while walking out of the grass.
(Ok just so everyone knows I looked up what pokemon you can find on
route one so yeah)