Forum Thread
FrostClan (Warrior Cats RP|Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → FrostClan (Warrior Cats RP|Accepting)Robinbelly stretched in the camp, already feeling the cold sift through her pelt. She would have to organize the rest of the patrols before going out to train Adderpaw.
(I hope the BBC thing isn't bad, if it is, I'll just stick to putting her name. I'm just used to doing this on other warriors rps)
Reedstar slid down from the top of the boulder, paws stirring up dirt when he landed. "It could be apprentices training. If it bothers you, go look yourself. Feel free to bring an apprentice with you, if you feel the need." He flicked his tail lazily, dismissing the she-cat. He wasn't particularly worried, even if it was a fox, they could easily drive it out. With no kits in the clan, they hadn't much to worry about. Not even a fox would be dumb enough to attack full grown cats without reason, and badgers didn't live in this area.
Dunestrike hissed to herself, sheathing and unsheathing her claws in the earth. Trotting into the Warriors den, she settled by her mate's side. If she couldn't find anything to do, sleep was always an option.
As Dunestrike had predicted, Foxblaze made her way into the camp, setting her catch down in the pile moments after her friend left. She looked up, noticing Adderpaw and grinning, greeting the apprentice with a quiet purr.
Reedstar huffed quietly when she returned, getting a bit tired with the warrior's antics. "You can't seriously expect me to believe that, with the smell of FrostClan so strong there. Foxes aren't dumb, and somehow, over their stench, the things have a sense of smell better than most cat's." He'd been the leader for many moons, and most little...things like these ended up being false alarms, or cats going insane. He wouldn't put it past the she-cat, it was getting rather cold. "Go have Morningflower give you something, I think you're catching a fever." Scrambling back to the top of the rock, Reedstar began to bask again.
Foxblaze died a tiny bit on the inside. "I'm not Dunestrike, Adderpaw," She tilted her head, winking at the apprentice. "Nice to know you think so highly of me!" She teased, purring with amusement.
Dunestrike purred, burring her muzzle in Warmheart's fur, wishing she could loose herself in the sweet scent. It'd be nice to stay like this forever, and she almost hoped they could.
" Oh sorry, must've been seeing thing " YEAH GREAT EXCUSE " Sorry about that, Foxblaze! " Her mew was tiny bit softer than usual. Adder's tail dipped down a bit, aw dang it, your eye's are perfectly fine! " Do I say hello again or...? Sorry about that to both of you! "
Foxblaze laughed again, then began; "If it's okay with your mentor- would you like to go hunting with me? I was just out, but we'd be able to bring back more with two of us." She flicked her tail to the fresh kill pile. Even though it was usually cold in FrostClan's territory, hence the name, they'd never had this much snow before. The fresh-kill pile was significantly smaller than usual, but was that really a surprise?
Dunestrike ignored their surroundings, and began to purr louder, her whole body vibrating with the rumbling that came from her throat.
[I am going to go to bed, so please rp that Moonflower is extremely busy sorting herbs / went out to collect some]

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