Nyx bit at her lip and looked around."G..Good no one is
a..around."She muses out before using her ability to see what may
have happened in the past.She shakes her head though.Too much
has happened here for me to get a good read.She thinks to
herself while wiping at her eyes.
She stood up fast " Could it be her? It isn't possible we need to
find out!" She said grabbing Ryder "Come on! Let's go!" She said
Looking at him then sitting down "someone needs to be here...just
be on the lookout when you are with Sam and I trust him Rairu he
just..has his moments." She said thinking back to when he burned
Juniper's house down "He can't help it we need him he needs us."
Rairu stood there for a moment. "Fine...but...well nevermind. Come
on." Rairu went over to the window and opened it. "I'll go first
then I'll help you out. Plus, if Juniper is out there, she'll kill
me." Rairu smiled, dispite the sad thought he just uttered.
Rairu chuckled before crawling out of the window. Rairu looked
around, before poking his head back through the window. "All clear.
Do you want me to hold Ryder while you crawl through? Or is he
staying here...with that psychopath...?"
Nyx looked around confused.What type of place was she in?Were the
only enemies the other people on the island or were there natural
predators as well.She gulped a bit and took a deep breath."D..Don't
worry Nyx y..you'll be fine."She whispers to herself.
"It's fear is strong...that makes it more easier..." Rairu muttered
as crept through the trees. He motioned for Asuna to stop when he
spotted a figure up ahead. Rairu relaxed a little when he saw the
the human was not Juniper, but it was a girl. Rairu crept forward a
few feet more, before hiding behind a tree and staring at the new
person. 'Is she sent...to kill us? Juniper's spirit could've in
it's last moments sent one of the souls in the barrier out, to find
us and kill us...'
Nyx decided to take a look at could be in her bag.She sits down
next to a tree and opens her bag."L..Lets see here water
c..check.Food,y..yep."She started mumbling while taking stock of
her items.
"I'll tell you why..." Rairu growled as he stepped out from his
hiding place. "They expect us to kill eachother, not relax.
But...it would've been nice to have something for recreation, since
we don't really kill eachother." Rairu stared at the girl. "What's
your name?"
"I'm Asuna and this is Rairu I'm guessing you are a new player "
She looked at the girl calmly " you don't have to be afraid of us
we won't hurt you!" She smiled. "Right Rairu?"
Nyx nodded."Y..Yes Miss A..Asuna."She answers quietly."I..I was
t..told I was g..going to be d..drop off h..here and t..that my
g..goal was to s..survive."
"We won't hurt her...unless she tries killing us..." Rairu stared
at Nyx with mixed emotions. He remembered when he felt as scared as
her. Rairu remembered the kindness Asuna showed him. "Fine, come
along. You must be hungry..." Rairu turned and started off toward
the village.
"Y..Yes sir."Nyx says quickly while picking up her bag.She follows
behind Rairu and plays with a leaf she had picked up from the
ground.She smiles slightly at Asuna's happy nature.