"Kill,Hah,Just one rain dance and a muddy water and these quilavas
are done"Veronica said in a low tone,laughing to the "talk" the
quilava gave, he coudn't pronounce a single word right, let alone
try to execute someone...
Then she decided to look at her friend quilava,who seemed to come
out of the bushes
"So...They are looking for you,huh?"She said
Quilava had never worn clothin before, so he just tried to drape it
over his neck and head, letting it flop over his face. It ended up
covering his entire body. "Okay, this is fine. Thanks."
"I must admit their speech is quite amusing. But we don't want to
face Duo yet do we?" Dea said with a chuckle and fished out another
cloak "And another one for you Rhyno. Specially made for you."Dea
said with a grin.
Laurence looked at Rhyno. He had no idea what to make of him. He
turned back to Quilava. "Well, that's the point of the cloak," he
said, trying not to laugh, "And if they DO find out, well... Well
deal with that then."
"Alright, so everybody is going to be coming after us or
something?" Jolt said. "I might as well just follow you." She said
to the Pokemon in the bush. She looked up quickly, then shot her
head back down.
"I don't know what to do for now. Can we go to another dungeon?"
Quilava was getting nervous for a reason he couldn't explain. He
knew he was protected. He knew Duo wasn't nearby to kill him if he
found him. But he felt unsatisfied with his own strength.
"Well,our first and main objective is to get Quilava out of the
town. With the announcement,he is no longer safe here so we need to
get out of the town first before we plan anything else. I think it
would be best if we stock up first becuse...I have a feeling this
will be a long journey so i guess it would be better to prepare for
now. What do you guys think?" Dea asked the others after she said
her plan,
"Not really,first they might have to find us or something"Veronica
said to Jolt "Also,about having to fight Duo..."She said,and then
took something out of her bag.
It was an escape orb
"...It won't be necessary,if they find us,we can use this beauty to
run away from them"She finished
Rhyno stayed quiet for a few minutes.
"I agree, we need to get out of town as soon as possible. There HAS
to be other towns ahead somewhere, we can stock up there..."
"Well,i only suggested it,what do you think Veronica. Also good job
on preparing it,i think i can imagine their devastated face if they
know we have it." Dea said with a smirk as she looked at the orb on
Veronica hand.
"Lemme get my bag first," Laurence said, rushing home to grab his
knapsack. he filled it, along with his food-storing fur with apples
and such for the journey.
"Well then,how about this. We should walk around town again in case
we need something. We can meet here again in an hour or two.
Someone who is sure don't need anything can guard Quilava here to
make sure no one spot him. Seeing the Laurence is gone already,he
is out of the question. So,what do you guys say?" Dea asked.
"Okay, that sounds good." Quilava noticed that Dea looked like a
pretty good leader so far, from what he saw. He then began
questioning whether Duo really had much talent as a leader at
"I really don't think any more than I already have."
His bag was full of various items,belongings, and necessitiesfor
the long journey ahead.
"Me and Purple could stay here and watch on Quilava for now."
(is someone gonna get attacked by the Quilava? that'd be cool.)
Laurence went to the Kecleon shop. If Quilava wanted to help, he
might need an item to enhance his attacks. He decided to buy a
Special Band. It wasn't cheap, but it would come in handy.
"Ehh,I dont have anything else,so I think I am ready to go"Veronica
said to the rest
"And you"He said to the young Quilava,looked at him,and then
"You,my friend, have made the best decision"