Forum Thread
Pokemonlover28's Quiz
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Pokemonlover28's QuizTrivia Last's for a day i will set a new question every Mon.,wend.and friday ( usually )
This lasts for a month. A limit of 30 players only.The results will post every sunday
Winners will get pokemon holding items
My prizes update every month
Winners cannot enter but for example: *if you won in may you cannot enter in june But in july you can*
winners can take part in answering the questions but only if all players "give up"
Events happen on special days
1. July 14 2014
3rd: Staravia with 2 fire gems
2nd: Look at Boxes only and 7 steel gems <--( Dont get legendary pokemon)
1st: Tranquil ( if 2nd gets tranquil ) solrock with a gold ( key )
Registration for trivia
what number do you want(1-30):
Sign up for being a Trivia Moniter
*trivia Moniters can check if people Violates the rules*
1 .Pokemonlover28
Well have fun ( special event wont happend in a while ) next: July 14,2014
P.S. I wont start it until just 1 signs up
Forgive my spotty at best knowledge.My game experience mixes with the movies I know of and confuses me into what movies have been made and what haven't.I know Mew,Mewtwo,Jirachi, and Darkrai at the very least have had movies oh and Entei,but not mush else :P
what number do you want(1-30):22
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
correct ....the rest squertle908 you have 2 pokemon left missing
ok since squertle got most ill give him 20 ( missing 2 )
For 10 points
Who is the main character from the pokemon anime
Answer to next question:
hidden content
I believe Ash and technically Pikachu
are the main characters so: main human character=Ash and main
Pokémon character=Pikachu :3