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The Summoner's

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions The Summoner's
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 19/11/2016 17:15 (8 Years ago)
In the world of Orichicalcos, many creatures roam the planet. However, 2 stood supreme in terms of power. The humans and the orcs. The humans were smart and had continued to evolve since the beginning of time. They were able to adapt to almost any new situation that appeared to them. That is what made them so strong, their brains and their ability to evolve and adapt. The orc's were almost the entire opposite. They hadn't evolved as much as the humans and were not the smartest but they were not dumb. They more relied on their brute strength. Even the orc's are very predictable, their brute strength will almost outshine any plan that is made to defeat them.

The orc's and the humans never seemed to see eye to eye and most or maybe even all of the other species sided with the humans when they tried to cooperate to make a decision. The humans ideas were more beneficial to the other species and had a higher chance of succeeding while the orcs ideas were more targeted towards themselves and mainly focused on increasing their strength. Not a very smart move.

After several decades of never being able to create anything of their own because the other's did not agree, the orcs finally lost it. The orcs were tired of being told no and told they were wrong. They were tired of the humans already getting to do whatever they want. The elves and fairies tried to tell them it was because their decisions only helped them and not the other's. The had to agree with the humans because their ideas benefited everyone. Even the orcs. Another spark had been activated after that. The orcs declared war and attacked the humans. The humans had large forces and many allies but the forces of orcs were equal or maybe even greater than those of the humans and their allies.

The humans fought back the best they could but the brute force of the orc's demolished those of the humans and their allies. The war continued on. The humans forces may have been diminished but they could still keep fighting and protect themselves as long as they acted smart. The elves, fairies, and dwarves had finally believed the orcs had lost it and agreed to reveal the secrets of their talents to the humans to aid them in their fight against orcs. The elves taught the humans all sorts and forms of magic. The fairies taught them how to make medicine and how to use healing magic. And the dwarves taught them how to forge weapons and armor as well as tailor outfits. Now the humans had a chance at fighting against the orcs.

During the following battles, the humans were able to succeed in their first victories. The humans were finally even with the orc's in term of power. The elves finally knew they could trust the humans and the rest of their allies and revealed their ultimate weapon. Summoning magic. Magic that could summon powerful creatures from the world for Ehther to their aid as allies. The stronger the wizard, the larger number and the more powerful creatures could be summoned. This gave the humans the upper hand and now their power was stronger than those of the orcs.

But suddenly, after another decade of war, something big happened.

The orc's gained access of summoning magic and started demolishing the humans and their allies once again. Even more than the first battle which was known to be the worst battle for the humans in the history of Orichalcos. The orcs had never used magic until now. All they ever relied on was the brute force of their bodies. The orcs did not learn the magic themselves. Someone must have betrayed them and gave the information to the orcs as well as taught them. In the coming battles, orc's started using more than summoning magic. They started using other magic such as fire magic, enchantment magic, even healing magic.

The orcs had once again gained the upper hand. The Summoner's on the human side started being killed one after another by the orcs. The orcs were being smart. Someone other than an orc had to be doing this. There was no way any orc would do this. As their numbers of summoner's started going lower and lower, the humans created decided that they would choose 5 teens to be their saving grace. They would be taught everything. Even some things that many other's did not know even existed. Why teens you may ask? Because they are still growing. The more they grow, the stronger they become. They can't use children as that would be murder and adults have already capped their power and can no longer grow so what is the point in teaching them? These 5 teens would be the most powerful summoner's to date. Even surpassing the elves who had created this magic.

These 5 teens must be ready to fight them.

Can they make it in time and will they succeed?

Brief Descriptions of the 5 teens

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These descriptions will be edited as the story progresses. The 'other' section will mainly fill in the role of additional information. And new forms will be made for main characters as the story goes on. I'm not going super in detail because I want to create a better picture for you, the readers, without spoiling anything.
Draco Himeragi
5' 9"


Kayla Turner
5' 7"


Alayna Winters
5' 6"


Alex Kristen
5' 3"


James Walters
5' 5"


Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 19/11/2016 18:59 (8 Years ago)
Chapter 1: DRACO

It was a quiet night in the village of Rebiku (Reh - Bee- Kuu). Everyone was asleep while a select few were scouting the village incase any activity was going on during the night time. A boy, no older than 14, with dark colored hair and striking bright blue eyes by the name of Draco, was outside the gate of the village with a lamp in hand. He heard running outside of the gate and went to check it out. A $20 Ezel Bill (Ezel is their form of currency), was laying on the ground. Anything they found, they were able to keep. Draco leaned down and picked up the bill, "Sweet!" Draco said with a smile on his face.

He was undoubtedly happy with his find. After getting sidetracked, Draco went back on his way to figure out what that running was. It could of been his imagination but Draco had his doubts. He searched around for around the next 10 minutes before making his way back. As he headed back, he saw that the gate was closed shut. Draco ran to the gate, dropping the lamp and shaking the gate furiously with his two hands. "Locked!" he exclaimed furiously, tossing his hands in the air. "I could of sworn I left it open!" he exclaimed once again.

The gates could only be locked and opened from the inside and the lock was far from reach for anyone to reach in. Draco didn't have any other alternative roots as well because Rebiku was surrounded by large, steep mountains. Draco would either fall and die trying to get up them, or simply trip and fall to his death. And he definitely didn't want to die because of such a stupid reason.

A boy with dark red hair and golden eyes who looked about the same age of Draco approached the gate from the other side with a lamp in his hand. "Oh, look who it is!" the boy exclaimed. "Can you let me back inside, Kyle?" Draco asked. Kyle tilted his head slightly upward with his fingers under his chin, "I don't know. Can I?" he asked, looking back at Draco. "Fine. May you let me back in?" Draco asked. Kyle shook his head "Nope." he simply replied. Draco sighed. As he did so, two other figures approach from behind Kyle. A boy with messy, dark brown hair and a girl with short, purple dyed hair stood beside Kyle.

Draco immediately knew who they were. They were Kyle's so called "friends." You see, Draco and Kyle were not friends. Kyle was a complete jerk and along with his gang, made him even more deadly and nasty. Draco absolutely hated them. They always made Draco do terrible things and constantly bullied him. Draco growled at them "What you two doing here?! You're supposed to asleep!" Draco yelled. Kyle shook his head once again, "Tsk, Tsk Draco. You should always know that Matthew and Anna are around." he snickered. The boy with messy, dark brown hair gave a Draco a weird, maniacal look. The girl with short, purple hair looked with Draco with a mischievous grin.

Kyle thought for a moment, "Okay. Listen to me very closely Draco. I'll let you back in for a price." he offered. Draco sighed, "What is it? Cause' if it's to make you smarter, then that's impossible. You have brains smaller than a T-Rex and no common sense whatsoever." Draco threatened. Kyle gave a quick laugh. "Very funny my dear Draco but I am very serious." he pointed out. "I will open this gate and let you in if you give me that $20 you found on the ground." Kyle requested, dangling the key in his hand in front of Draco.

Draco, knowing that he had no other choice and that he would be in big trouble he stayed outside till the morning, reluctantly gave them it. "Thank you for your business, sir." Kyle said as he pushed the key into the lock and opened the gate. Draco grabbed the lamp he dropped and walked in, but as he did so, Kyle slammed the gate shut on him, slamming and crushing him. Draco let out a loud, high pitched scream. This woke up nearby neighbors. A man, who had a strong resemblance to Kyle, exited from one of the biggest houses in the village walked over.

"What is all the ruckus that is going on?!" he exclaimed. Kyle pointed at Draco, "Daddy! He tried to mug me so I slammed the gate shut on him she he wouldn't take it!" Kyle exclaimed, showing him the bill. Kyle's dad opened the gate and slapped Draco so hard, he fell to the ground and left a bright red mark right on his cheek. "How dare you try to steal from my son you lousy, worthless, no good for nothing peasant! You better stay away from my son or I will have both you and your father exiled from this village. I am the wealthiest man here and I have the power to do so!" he threatened. Kyle's father grabbed Kyle's hand and they went back home while Matthew and Anna snuck away.

Draco ran back home crying but when to bed without disturbing anyone else.

The next morning....
Draco got out of his bed and seemed nearly unfazed from what happened last night. As he opened the door and walked into the kitchen, a dwarf with a large blonde beard was cooking breakfast. "Morning Orthol." Draco yawned. He grumpily sat down in the chair and waited for breakfast to be ready. "Morning me lad." Orthol smiled at him. "So. Kyle's father told me about happened last night with you and his boy, Kyle." Orthol mentioned. Draco signed and banged his head against the table "I swear to god I didn't try to mug Kyle! I found the money first and he locked me outside and so he forced me to pay him to get back in!" Draco groaned. Orthol sighed, "I believe ya lad. Ye can't do anything about it. The man is wealthy while I'm just a simple crafter. Anything we say doesn't matter." he reminded him.

Orthol put 3 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, and 3 thick slices of bacon on each of the two plates. Orthol sat down across from Draco and they both are breakfast together in peace and silence. No one said a single word. After breakfast, Orthol walked up to Draco. "Listen to me boy. I don't know how long we are going to be able to stay here after what your father said but I want to do something I should've done a long time ago." Orthol said. "What is it?" Draco asked. "I want to teach how to craft. Forging and crafting clothing in particular. You're growing up and when I'm not around, you're going to need to earn money for yerself." Orthol said, putting his hand on Draco's shoulder.

Draco nodded and smiled at Orthol, "I'm ready. Let's do this!" Draco energetically said. Orthol chuckled and smiled back. For the next two years of Draco's life, Orthol taught Draco everything he needed. From how to tell a metal is high quality to how different clothing materials react to water, snow, and intense. Draco had easily mastered forging and crafting clothing in a mere two years. No easy feet by any stretch of the imagination. Draco had mastered both skills in time for the yearly Rebiku Trading Festival, the one time in the year where people from outside the village have a chance to enter Rebiku and the one time for all the of the population to sell goods from high quality crops and powerful potions and elexirs.

Draco and Orthol were going to sell weaponry and battle ready clothing and so, they made many of these months in advance. Once the festival finally came around, Draco and Orthol had accumulated a large pile of goods to sell. The festival only lasted one day but it lasted 10 hours. After Draco helped watch their stand for Orthol while he went to do things for about 4 hours, Orthol returned with a handful of coins. Orthol handed Draco the coins "Here's $79 Ezel. Spend it wisely my son. I can watch the stand so go have fun!" Orthol chuckled. Draco smiled at Orthol "Thank you!" he exclaimed and ran off from the stall.

Draco wandered around, not knowing what to buy. "Should I get some of my favorite candy? Oh wait! I could maybe get some new clothes. Ugh! Their are so many things I wanna get but $79 Ezel isn't enough to get all of it and if I get too much of something, Orthol won't be happy with me. This is such a tough choice..." Draco thought to himself. He sighed. Draco continued to wander around and eventually stumbled upon a so called "veteran mage." He was yelling that he had a very special gem that had magic abilities. Draco approached the mage and looked at the gem "So what does it do?" Draco asked. "That's a very simple question, my friend! This gem summons a dragon and has all sorts of powers that involve plasma. You know? That fourth state of matter that no one ever knows about?" the mage explained.

Draco thought it was cool. "I'll take it! Wait, how much is it?" he asked. "Well how much do you got?" The mage asked. Draco handed him the sack of Ezel he was handed by Orthol. The mage looked inside and counted, "Okay. How about $78 Ezel?!" he exclaimed. Draco cringed at the price. "That is one hefty price but if that gem does what he says, i'll be able to stop Kyle and his gang from being a nuisance!" Draco thought to himself. Draco nodded to himself and finally said: "I'll take it!" Draco handed him the sack of coins and the mage exchanged him the gem for the sack of coins. Draco began to walk away but before he could he could get to far, the mage yelled at Draco.

"Hey young man! You left your $2 Ezel behind!" he hollered. Draco sighed in relief and ran back to grab the two coins. "Thank you! Bless your soul mister!" Draco said and ran back to Orthol. Draco continued to help Orthol with the stand and soon enough, the festival was over and everyone had left. Both Orthol and Draco plopped onto the ground with a sigh of relief. They were tired and exhausted. "So. What did yee buy?" Orthol asked. Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out a bright blue gem "I got this little gem from a veteran mage. He said it had the ability to summon a dragon as well as something to due with plasma. Plus, it matches my eyes." Draco said. Draco and Orthol looked at each other and both bursted into laughter about how Draco got it because it matches his eyes.

"Good one me boy!" Orthol exclaimed through his laughter. "What do ya reckon we do with it?" he asked him. Draco thought about it for a moment and then BOOM! Suddenly, an idea came to his mind almost like if a train just ran into him. "I wanna make a sword and place them gem in it." Draco said. Orthol smiled at Draco, "Let's do it." he said. The two of them got up and started forging a sword. It was around 6PM in the afternoon when Draco and Orthol began forging the sword. Draco had chosen a metal that a hybrid between black steel and obsidian based tamahagane. This would not only give the sword a unique appearance but it would incredibly high quality and durable as well.

6 hours went by as Draco and Orthol worked on the sword. By the time they were finished, it was 12AM in the morning. The final step was to engrave the gem into the sword. Draco and Orthol brushed on their homemade and incredibly strong glue on the back of them and placed it on the sword. Draco and Orthol looked in aw as they gazed at what they had just created. It was getting late and so Draco and Orthol went back to bed.

Draco and Orthol woke up later than usual. Most likely because they were up all night forging that sword. Draco had woken up a few hours before Orthol. Because Orthol wasn't awake yet, Draco cooked breakfast for himself and Orthol. Draco sat in the kitchen as he ate alone. Draco had woken up at 11AM rather than 9Am. At around 1PM, Orthol woke up. "Are you okay Orthol? You slept for a really long time." Draco asked. Orthol nodded tiredly "Yes. I am fine. Just a little tired is all." Orthol replied. Draco and Orthol did the usual and at 3PM, 3 cloaked suddenly appeared in the center of Rebiku.

Guards surrounded them as they demanded to know who they were, why they were here, what their names were, etc. However, they did not reply. How ominous. The guards had waited long enough with know answers, and so they attacked the 3 figures. And within a split second, all 20 or so guards were laying on the ground and 3 creatures had appeared in the village. A large, black dragon, a large manticore, and a large werewolf that had ferocious looking eyes. Everyone either tried to attack or runaway. Those who runaway died and those who attacked died. And soon, all of the creatures were attacking the village and destroying it.

Orthol wasn't tired of seeing all the destruction. He grabbed his large battle axe from his weapon closet and told Draco to hide. Draco hid behind the couch with his sword beside him as he watched Orthol charged in to attack the 3 creatures. Before Orthol couldn't even swing, he was struck down with a simple smack of the dragons tail. Draco immediately jolted up, "NO!" Draco yelled. With anger and tears in his eyes, he grabbed his sword and charged in. Feeling pity for Draco, the werewolf landed a slash on his chest without killing him but sending him back a good distance. It left quite a large bleeding scar on his chest. It wasn't deep but it certainly hurt.

Draco didn't care that he was basically defeated. Draco stood up, staggering. Draco pointed his sword at the 3 creatures "I will get revenge for Orthol! I will win!" Draco yelled. Suddenly, waves of pure plasma, electricity, and fire started coming from the gem and the sword. A small, blue dragon appeared in front of Draco from thin air. The dragon turned his head to face dragon. Draco looked at it in it's eyes and saw the determination that it had in it's eyes. The dragon was telling Draco that he was determined to fight alongside him.

Draco nodded at the dragon. And with plasma shooting out of his sword, Draco and the dragon charged the 3 creatures. The dragon charged jumped at the manticore, grabbing a hold of the manticore's scorpion tail with it's mouth. The dragon released a large, powerful blast of blue fired. The manticore roared in the pain as the dragon ripped the manticore's tail off it's body. The dragon then released another large, powerful blast of blue flame at the manticore. The manticore started glowing glue and eventually vanished.

Draco charged at the werewolf. Draco short a large wave of electricity at the werewolf, preventing it from moving, and cut straight through it's body with his sword. The two halves of the werewolf glowed blue like the manticore and vanished like it as well. The 3 cloaked figures had already vanished from the scene and so it was now just Draco and his dragon vs the large, black dragon above them.

Draco and the dragon both they couldn't defeat the dragon unless a miracle happened. Draco raised his sword high in the sky and started screaming. Electricity from the sword went up into the sky. The dragon started building up a large flame inside it's belly, to the point where you could see it through his skin and scales. Draco slammed the sword in the ground with a large amount of force while continuing the scream, sending a large, powerful thunderbolt to slam on the top of the black dragon. The dragon beside Draco then shot out a small ball of fire that landed under the black dragon. After a few seconds, the ball of fire released a large flame pillar that shot up into the sky. And with the combination of the fire pillar from the blue dragon and the thunderbolt that Draco summoned, they caused the dragon to glow blue and then vanish.

Draco and the dragon fell to the ground, sighing in relief. They both were tired from using so much mana. As they laid there, Draco remembered Orthol. Draco quickly stood up and ran over to him, kneeling down beside him. "The dragon...it's tail was poison barbed..." Orthols weakly said. Draco held his hand "No! You can't die on me!" Draco exclaimed. Tears were coming from his eyes and falling onto Orthols's chest. "Be strong....Draco. You know? You....were.....like a son to me." Orthlos said. Draco nodded, "And you were like the father I never had." Draco said. Orthols gave one last weak chuckle as he began to move his head and close his eyes with his grip on Draco's hands weakening. Before he could finally pass, Orthlos said "Basement kitchen...." and finally slipped away. But before he could, Draco said: "I love you dad..." Draco stood up with his sword in hand and looked at the blue dragon beside him.

He knelt down beside the dragon and smiled at him, wiping his own tears away. "We need to give you a name don't we? Let's call you and this sword, Aeon. How bout' that?" Draco asked. The blue dragon nodded. Draco thought about Orthol's last words "Basement kitchen..." and then it hit him. "There must have been a basement door under the kitchen somewhere!" Draco exclaimed. Draco ran to their house, or at least what remained of it, and found the kitchen area. With him and Aeon looking around everywhere, they were bound to find the entrance eventually. Draco spotted a small silver hook beside the burnt fridge and pulled on it, opening a door.

Draco and Aeon went down it. Draco hit his forehead against a light bulb and found it's light switches and pulled on it. Several light bulbs went on. In the basement were several photos of Draco and Orthlos, various equipment, etc. And in the middle of it, was a large brown backpack and travel bag. In the travel bag were extra clothes but on the top of it was Draco's custom designed cloak. He didn't remember making it though...

In the backpack were various things such as money, a compass, a map, as well as various other things. But hidden under everything else was a note. It was written by Orthlos.

The note read: "Dear Draco,

Every few years, bad things happen to this village. Whether it would be something big such as a drought or something as little as a house being destroyed. I believed that one day something terrible would happen and I wouldn't be there to help you anymore. And so, just in case, I prepared everything you shall need. I found your drawings about the cloak and I made that sheath for your sword the morning we finished your sword. As you went to sleep, I continued to work and made them. I have a good friend by Charles Sparks at the Summoner Academy. So, if you are reading this then go there. Hurry and good luck." - Orthols.

"Thank you dad." Draco simply said. He didn't say anything else and just kept it in his mind. But in his head, he was truly grateful and happy. And so, for the next 2 years, Draco and Aeon traveled across the world to get to Summoner Academy. Orichalos was huge and it would take years before Draco and Aeon could make it. They struggled through the winters, learned to fend for themselves in the wild.

As Draco and Aeon exited a cave, a large building stood in front of them. They had finally made it. They had finally reached their destination. And so after a long, hard journey. They had finally made it. They had finally arrived at Summoner Academy.