"I only need to destroy this one to ensure that Arceus dies! When
he dies I will be here to take over! As for that, you always
treated me like FILTH! You had so many accomplishments and I was
overshadowed by hellish Groudon! You all deserve this!"
"For Magearna! I am working for Magearna! If I created Volcanoes
and all, Magearna did nothing! It was jealous of all and brought up
my point so all that I could do was join!"
Zheira had scooped up the Draco Plate and was hanging back
at Spear Pillar. Besides the Draco Plate, he had also managed to
pick up the Zap Plate with Zekrom, who had went to fight Heatran.
He was alone. No one was there to watch. But Zheira would never
think of ever betraying his Lord Arceus.
"Relax. I am only here to guard the
plates that we have stopped Heatran from obtaining thus
far," he growled to himself.
The Reshiram gathered the plates and flew off to Sootopolis, where
the Cave of Origin was located. He set the plates by Deoxys and
sighed. "I'm feeling extremely tired out
from all this flying. I'm going back to Unova to rest," he
stated calmly before zooming off back to Unova.
Hai. And this one. Yveltal opened up his wings, dropping the
Dread Plate on the ground with a small "clink". Most of the
plates have been found. The traitor has been caught. He bent
down in front of Heatran. There are no accomplishments completed
by me. I've simply destroyed everything. And I'll do the same
again, if you don't tell us what it's planning. His sharp,
electric blue eyes narrowing.
"I did. Magearna is in Alola. The plan was simple: After I would
have destroyed a plate in Hall of Origin, Magearna would come with
the rest, restore the Flame Plate, absorb them all and become
Arceus No.2, while the original would die."