Forum Thread
[L] Grand Legend and Ditto Lottery
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] Grand Legend and Ditto LotteryThis lottery has Ditto, Legend Birds,Mimikyu, Griseous Pearl and many more things as prizes.

1. Ditto
2. Legendary Bird (Zapdos)
3. Griseous Pearl
4. Mimikyu
5. Any Shiny Pokemon of you choice (Excluding legends and events)
6. Note:- Every time 20% of the goal is reached I will give out a mega stone to one of the ticket holder. (Excluding the bottled messages goal)

1. No begging.
2. All Ph rules applied.
3. Tickets would be added once the pd/items are sent.
4. Lottery ends when I meet atleast one of the goals below.
5. Note:- Star Piece and Dragon gems goal are considered as same.
2. All Ph rules applied.
3. Tickets would be added once the pd/items are sent.
4. Lottery ends when I meet atleast one of the goals below.
5. Note:- Star Piece and Dragon gems goal are considered as same.
How To Get Tickets

1. 1000 pd = 1 Ticket
2. 1x Star Piece = 50 Tickets
3. 1x Dragon gem = 50 Tickets
4. 1 Nugget = 2 Tickets (Note:- You can only gift more than 50 nuggets)
5. 1 Map/Summon Item = 200 Tickets
6. 1 Box/Key = 10 Tickets
7. 1 Fairy Gem = 50 Tickets
8. 1 Bottle Message = 250 Tickets
Ticket Holders

1-400 - Gilthunder
401-450 -randomcop
450-700 - Sharpedo
701-1250 - LordLucario
1251-1630 - Expelliarmus_Heyo
1631-2130 - Xangar
2131-2450 - Danielle121r
2451-2550 - MysticMew98
2551-2552 - pokechick2388
2553-2592 - Lone-Wolf
2593-3543 - LordLucario
3544-3994 - 10eke
3995-4337 - razorblade620
4338-6888 - Super_rishi
6888- 7138 - 10eke
7139-7140 - cookiemaster64
7141-7190 - Happiny24

0/100 Maps
48/500 Dragon Gems/Star Pieces
Sent Dragon Gemx8! ^^
Username:- LordLucario
Items Sent:- 11 Dragon Gems
Total No. of Tickets:- 550 Tickets
Items Sent:- 10,000 PD, 3 boxes,
Total No. of Tickets:- 40 Tickets
Sending PD and items now, will most likely buy more tickets later
Christian | Advanced Literate Roleplayer | Writer | Bibliophile
The dog in my avatar belongs to me, she's my service dog
"Not all those who wander are lost" ~ J.R.R Tolkien
"Sometimes hardships prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies" ~ C.S Lewis
For a Limited time
1 Fairy gem = 50 Tickets instead of 5 Tickets
I kinda feel cheated now. That's not exactly fair, since people that donated earlier are now in a rather big disadvantage. Last Lottery I'll be joining, that's for sure.
(Dragon Gems are now randomly worth 5x the tickets, Fairies are much higer as well now.)
And I removed the dragon gem one.