Run ember. Go. Don't come back. And... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have
sent you to do my work.
*she shoots a fire blast at nami as the water pokemon does a hydro
*the houndoom smiles sinisterly*
We never could get along...
*nami growls*
Yet we used to be friends. Now your a constant thorn in my
*she gives a sudden hydro pump, knocking vex off guard, and the
houndoom is slammed into a wall*
*the houndoom struggles to stand, and gives a dark pulse. Nami
dodges and let's out a twister, so powerful even ember can see it
from the forest. The houndoom lays still, her howl cut off by the
vicious move*
*nami dodges and growls*
I have no quarrel with you. LEAVE!
*she reached down to grab vex's collar when the houndooms eyes snap
open and she bites the dragons hand*
*nami, suprised, stumbles, falling backwards. Vex leaps off her,
grabs ember by the scruff, swings the vulpix into her back, without
breaking stride, and makes a break for the gates. Nami yells*
Bree heard lots of commotion from other kingdoms. She smiled, then
headed out quickly to where the fight was, jumping there with giant
leaps. "What is going on?!" Bree yelled by the fight.
*vex doesn't break stride until they reach the fire kingdom, where
she slows at the gates, panting. She lets ember off her back and
beckons with her tail for her to follow*
*she trots into the training field and turns to ember*
Look, I'm sorry. I normally don't say that. But I sent you to do
something I should have done. That's not brave.
*she pulls out a hyper lotion and slides it towards ember*
Take that, and we'll do our first lesson. First real lesson.
*she pauses*
Actually. Rest. We'll begin tomorrow.
*she turns, but something strange happens. They skull key on her
collar glowed and she seemed to fade into the background*